Obama promises to be more sincere?


Well-Known Member
What this really says is: "You've grown weary of my old schtick? Here's a new one."

But I think the magic has worn off - forever.


IMO, this is the money quote:

"That I do think is a mistake of mine," Obama said.

See, he is being apologetic for being sooo smart, people just don't realize that he truly knows best.

Delusional megalomaniac.
He has no clue!


New Member
Obama is now a lame duck. He, and those surrounding him, are such Progressive radicals that they are stone-blind to the mindset of the American people. They see themselves as revolutionaries, but it is We The People who are the revolutionaries. The country was born of revolution, a revolution that set us free from an overreaching central government. The message from Massachusetts yesterday was: Hey Obama, your administration, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd and Frank ... keep your stinkin' Marxism and fascism constrained to the universities from where you came!

Go Tea Party!


Well-Known Member
Obama is now a lame duck.
You may very well be correct.
It seems unlikely that Obama will hire a Dick Morris type who will assist him in triangulating and moving more to the center. He is too much of an ideologue.

For the good of the country all we can do is hope that he changes.

Regardless, he can do a lot of harm(still) in the remaining three years!

Illegal Smile

The refreshing thing about Bill Clinton was his willingness to compromise on any principle.


Well-Known Member
This looks like a good message for them.


PS: there is something really screwy about Pelosi's eyes here, looks like above the eyelids there is empty space, hmmmmm


New Member
NoDrama ...

WOW!!! What a hard hitting video. Thank you very much for posting it, it was GREAT! Hopefully, the conservatives will use it as a campaign ad.


Well-Known Member
There are many creative people in the liberty movement who can make killer videos.
Ron Pauls "money bombs" we advertised on youtube.
By just regular jackoffs with great talent.

The Dems do seem to be in a pickle now, huh?
If they moderate and drop Healthcare they have lost a full year argueing pointlessly.
If they Ram it through.....Oh Lord.... IMO people will be livid.
Lets watch. :)


Active Member
i used to be scared at this bullpuck.
Now im just pissed.
They won't take my gun. That's fur sure. I'll be on the front lines if our political corruptions results in revolution.