Obama refuses to apologize


Exactly, people who say Obama is soft on terrorism havent been paying attention.

I have always pointed out Obama is Bush2.0. He continued just about everything Bush started and in some cases doubled-down on things Bush was doing. Our government is the same as it was before Obama. There is too much profit in war for them to change, people are blinded by the (D) and the (R). They get paid from the same people.
Drone strikes?
They don't generate much money
If you are invested in a company that makes what the drone is striking with, I am sure it does.
So Obama is doing this to make one company rich?

A Reaper drone costs $28 million; one Hellfire missile (Lockheed Martin/Raytheon) costs about $70,000; one Paveway bomb (Lockheed Martin/Raytheon) about $20,000. The total cost of one weapons load for a Reaper – four Hellfire/ two Paveway – is at least $320,000, a third of a million dollars
@fdd2blk , you said that soldiers volunteer so it's OK to kill them (I paraphrase). In WW2, the draft was in effect and it wasn't a voluntary duty to serve, it was a legal obligation for the men that served. In any case wars aren't won by killing off your own men. Civilians were targeted in WW2 with regular bombs for military purposes, I fail to see the difference if it was a nuclear one. Not saying it was justified but the Japanese sure didn't hesitate to kill civilians, sometimes they did it for non-military purposes. Read up on the Rape of Nanjing if you are feeling the need for a good outrage.

@althor , the US bombed the shit out of a lot more countries during WW2 than Obama has. In any case, your point is dumb because the number of countries isn't important. In an undeclared war, drone strikes on civilians ought to be a crime, even if the civilians weren't the target. Maybe it is a war crime.

I do agree that its time to wind down the military industrial complex.
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@fdd2blk , you said that soldiers volunteer so it's OK to kill them (I paraphrase). In WW2, the draft was in effect and it wasn't a voluntary duty to serve, it was a legal obligation for the men that served. In any case wars aren't won by killing off your own men. Civilians were targeted in WW2 with regular bombs for military purposes, I fail to see the difference if it was a nuclear one. Not saying it was justified but the Japanese sure didn't hesitate to kill civilians, sometimes they did it for non-military purposes. Read up on the Rape of Nanjing if you are feeling the need for a good outrage.

@althor , the US bombed the shit out of a lot more countries during WW2 than Obama has. In any case, your point is dumb because the number of countries isn't important. In an undeclared war, drone strikes on civilians ought to be a crime, even if the civilians weren't the target. Maybe it is a war crime.

I do agree that its time to wind down the military industrial complex.

I wasn't aware of the draft, though as I typed I that I thought maybe it was happening. I should have done my research.
Obama got us out of Iraq and is winding down Afghanistan. But you want to complain.

Obama has sent more troops into Afghanistan. That war ain't ending anytime soon.

And now that we've completely leveled Iraq we are totally free to leave.

Killing Bin Laden, cool.
Drone killing Taliban and Al Queda, cool.
Not getting the fuck out of places we don't belong, not cool.

Exactly, people who say Obama is soft on terrorism havent been paying attention.

I have always pointed out Obama is Bush2.0. He continued just about everything Bush started and in some cases doubled-down on things Bush was doing. Our government is the same as it was before Obama. There is too much profit in war for them to change, people are blinded by the (D) and the (R). They get paid from the same people.

Obama is not Bush 2. Not even remotely close. He did not continue with Bush's plan. He made a new one, which involved killing Bin Laden. What you are leaving out is the fact that the Bush administration left such a shit-show for the next administration, that it took years to clean up.

However I do agree. There is too much profit in war, and in politics in general. Get the money out of politics and we'd actually have an advanced civilized society.
Obama has sent more troops into Afghanistan. That war ain't ending anytime soon.

And now that we've completely leveled Iraq we are totally free to leave.

Killing Bin Laden, cool.
Drone killing Taliban and Al Queda, cool.
Not getting the fuck out of places we don't belong, not cool.

You are dangerously close to making sense now.
War and greed are deeply ingrained in our psychological make-up. I don't think the youngest person reading this will ever see true world peace in their life time
Soldiers volunteer. They know that death is a risk. The women and children are innocent. They have nothing to do with any of it.

If you kick someones ass is it okay if they come shoot your dog?
this is kind of like people getting caught selling bud.. they know what the consequences are.. they know what they signed up for.. but i guess some people cant take the heat
War and greed are deeply ingrained in our psychological make-up. I don't think the youngest person reading this will ever see true world peace in their life time
@fdd2blk , you said that soldiers volunteer so it's OK to kill them (I paraphrase). In WW2, the draft was in effect and it wasn't a voluntary duty to serve, it was a legal obligation for the men that served. In any case wars aren't won by killing off your own men. Civilians were targeted in WW2 with regular bombs for military purposes, I fail to see the difference if it was a nuclear one. Not saying it was justified but the Japanese sure didn't hesitate to kill civilians, sometimes they did it for non-military purposes. Read up on the Rape of Nanjing if you are feeling the need for a good outrage.

@althor , the US bombed the shit out of a lot more countries during WW2 than Obama has. In any case, your point is dumb because the number of countries isn't important. In an undeclared war, drone strikes on civilians ought to be a crime, even if the civilians weren't the target. Maybe it is a war crime.

I do agree that its time to wind down the military industrial complex.

Japanese people were unnecessarily murdered by the USA's use of atomic weapons.

I do appreciate your statement about the military industrial complex.
Japanese people were unnecessarily murdered by the USA's use of atomic weapons.

I do appreciate your statement about the military industrial complex.
The use of nuclear weapons was necessary to bring about a speedy end to the war, but it is tragic that civilians die in war even if they may never pick up a gun most of the time.