Obama the Messiah


Well-Known Member
Why are you voting for obama? Why arent you voting for him?

I mainly wanted to know why people are voting for him.


Well-Known Member
There is more to life than enjoying somebody what about; if they would be a good president? or not?


Well-Known Member
obama in control of US Nukes is kinda a scary thought. he has no military experience and for him to be in office while we are at war might fuck up America even more


Well-Known Member
Not to mention he wants to get rid of our nukes and guns......... ya durr lets get rid of our nukes and we will "hope for change" in our fellow terrorists hearts. We will just have to hope really hard guys.


Active Member
Obama is very scary, I know theres a lot a hype about this guy and he's a good speaker, but I have to believe that America is smart to vote him in. What does anyone know about him? I've been over seas and things are getting better for the people over there. The people want us there to help them. They want to be free too. If we pull out like he wants, there going right back to how they were. Then all the people that supported us and helped over there will be killed. The bad guys are losing, and hiding from us. If we pull out now they will just be a little bit more pissed off at us and we will be attacked on our ground. Im not huge on McCain but he will keep us a lot safer than obama. Remember this guys, since we have been over there fighting them on their turf we have not had any attacks here in the states. It will be sad if he gets in and pulls us out and someone close to you gets attacked and killed. We (military) signed up knowing what we were getting into. I have buddies that keep going back because the money is good. I liked my tour. Its not all bad over there. Anyways, sorry for the mummmmmble. Im telling you that if he gets in, were in trouble. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Republicans got us into this horrible mess, so I can't see hoping they'll be able to fix anything. They're far better at breaking things than putting them back together. It's cyclical: we let the Republicans wreck stuff for a few years then we elect a Democrat to fix things. We're just about done with the wrecking phase of this cycle, so it's time for the repair phase to begin.

Kinda tired of the Republicans giving all these mad tax breaks to the super rich. I mean guys like Warren Buffet, who's worth, what, forty billion dollars? Why the hell were people like him getting ginormous tax breaks while the common man's been struggling so badly? I'm not the only one to wonder why our middle class has gotten its nuts busted while the super rich were becoming the superer rich. Warren Buffet himself even wondered, calling those tax breaks a form of welfare for the rich.

So now, if things are tight, it's because the Republican party gave the middle class's quality of life to dudes who already *had* forty billion dollars of their own. I guess maybe they could afford to get platinum swimming pools instead of mere 24k gold ones, while the rest of us normal folks are groaning at the price of gas, and milk.

Time for the repair crew to come in. Go Obama!


Well-Known Member
Incidentally, the democratically elected leader of Iraq says he and his people want us out by mid-2010, which is exactly what Obama is suggesting. And Al Qaeda is no longer sending people to Iraq. They're not pulling anyone back, but when they're sending more people out, they're all going to Afghanistan, which is where the real fight is. Iraq was about getting rid of Saddam. Okay, done deal. Afghanistan is about bringing the fight to the terrorists. And again, that's exactly what Obama's been saying all along.

Oil's super high, and the Iraqi's want us out now. They have an army and a big oil income; they'll be fine. Our troops are needed in Afghanistan, where there are more deaths, but only 1/5 the number of troops. Which means that it's basically five times as bad in Afghanistan. So why are the bulk of our forces engaged in a fight whose goal, eradicating Saddam, was accomplished long ago?


Active Member
Thats crazy, Obama is going to raise taxes. And what is Obama going to fix? He wont off shore drill to lower the price of gas. He will raise taxes on EVERYONE. He will pull us out leaving us very venerable to attacks on our soil. Tell me what he will fix? Tell me what he is going to make better for this country. I'm not being a jerk, I just really want to know. Thanks

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Republicans got us into this horrible mess, so I can't see hoping they'll be able to fix anything. They're far better at breaking things than putting them back together. It's cyclical: we let the Republicans wreck stuff for a few years then we elect a Democrat to fix things. We're just about done with the wrecking phase of this cycle, so it's time for the repair phase to begin.

Kinda tired of the Republicans giving all these mad tax breaks to the super rich. I mean guys like Warren Buffet, who's worth, what, forty billion dollars? Why the hell were people like him getting ginormous tax breaks while the common man's been struggling so badly? I'm not the only one to wonder why our middle class has gotten its nuts busted while the super rich were becoming the superer rich. Warren Buffet himself even wondered, calling those tax breaks a form of welfare for the rich.

So now, if things are tight, it's because the Republican party gave the middle class's quality of life to dudes who already *had* forty billion dollars of their own. I guess maybe they could afford to get platinum swimming pools instead of mere 24k gold ones, while the rest of us normal folks are groaning at the price of gas, and milk.

Time for the repair crew to come in. Go Obama!


Well-Known Member
I hope he does raise taxes for everyone. We've got huge debts, they're our debts, who else is going to pay them but us? But his plan is to raise taxes on those making $200k/year or more. Dunno about you, but that isn't going to affect me.

I also hope he doesn't allow (more) offshore drilling. Why wreck our beaches, when the oil companies *already* have access to, quite literally, millions of acres of land that they haven't even *looked* at yet? They have land they're not using now, so that's a clear indication that they don't need more. But in any case, feeding an addiction to oil with more oil is like curing a crack addict by giving him more crack; doesn't work. The best cure for high gas prices? High gas prices. The higher they go, the better alternatives look and the more money that goes into funding alternatives.

Can't judge how well Obama will defend our home turf; he hasn't gotten a chance. But I do believe that it was a Republican in office reading stories to kids when we had our last major attack on US soil, so I wouldn't think too highly of the Republicans when it comes to defense. They sure didn't stop that one.

In any case, I'm not rich, so voting for the party that protects the rich at the expense of the middle class is not going to be the party that gets my vote. (Unless, of course, I should become rich at some point, then I would consider voting Republican, just to keep my fat bank accounts happy.)


Active Member
Well first of all, Obama has switched his statements about when he wants to pull us out IF he gets in. And im sure he'll change it again. Taliban fighters are in Iraq as well as Afghanistan, you can argue with that but the facts are they are there. I would love to see the Iraq Military hold its own. But until then, we need to stay. We need someone that will protect this country, and its not Obama. I gtg work on my grow room. I need to know how to post, I have some questions of my own about lights! take care everyone and remember "just say no.... to Obama" ;-)


Active Member
i dont pay taxes so i dont give a shit if he raises taxes on everybody. i actually think he should pull the troops out and raise taxes to start helping our country a little bit more instead of us always helping all these other countries.


Active Member
lol your a funny guy. But your wrong about gas prices and drilling. Im all about other sources for power and electric cars etc.... but we need help now and drilling will be offshore bla bla bla you've all heard it before. I'm all for it. I have a small business and gas is killing me as it is for a lot if small companys. Anyways lets just hope that the people see that Obama is just not ready (if ever) to be president. Its been fun but gtg back to work


Well-Known Member
There was just a news story in the last week about Al Qaeda and reinforcements to Iraq, and the conclusion was, yes, they have fighters in Iraq, but *new* fighters are all going to Afghanistan. So as we kill off the ones in Iraq, they're not being replaced. Which means we don't need to keep all those troops in Iraq anymore, and should instead be sending them to where Al Qaeda is reinforcing, and that is their home turf, where they perceive that they have *us* on the run now (because we gave them five years of breathing room to rebuild while we wasted time/cash/lives in Iraq).

But really, the Iraqi president says it's time to go. Didn't we go to all this trouble to help them establish a democracy so they can call their own shots? Well, they are, and we had better listen or we *will* become the occupying force that some folks say we are.

Obama said he wants us out in 16 months. If elected, he takes office in January, so 16 months from then would be May 2010. The Iraqis want us out by mid-2010. Same thing. Obama was right all along. McCain didn't want us to leave when things were dicey. Now that the Iraqis are starting to step up, he doesn't want us to leave because things are going too well. Translation: he doesn't want us to leave, period, ever, regardless of how it's bleeding us dry of treasure.

Inciddentally, I'm a former soldier myself, from a prior generation. I earned my combat patch, and I support the military. I do not support *abusing* the military, which is what has been happening since Bush took office. Spending thousands of our soldiers' lives and trillions of our citizens' dollars because he had a hardon to get Saddam was an abuse of our military. He basically used our military to win an extraordinarily expensive grudge match, that's all Iraq was about. A terrible waste.


Well-Known Member
lol your a funny guy. But your wrong about gas prices and drilling. Im all about other sources for power and electric cars etc.... but we need help now and drilling will be offshore bla bla bla you've all heard it before. I'm all for it. I have a small business and gas is killing me as it is for a lot if small companys. Anyways lets just hope that the people see that Obama is just not ready (if ever) to be president. Its been fun but gtg back to work
so who is ready to be president?


Well-Known Member
we will get fucked up in Afghanistan. If the Russians couldn't take it what makes you think we can.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if they do some drilling. Sounds good to me. They should just go and do it on the millions of acres of unexplored land they already have. If they check all that land out and come back and tell us there's no oil there, then we could reassess opening our beaches for their rigs. But they haven't even checked the land they already have, so obviously they don't need more.

Maybe you're being purposely obtuse. Let me try and simplify, just in case you have problems understanding simple logic. You want to grow some veggies on some land. The government says, okay, here's 20 acres. You start growing on 10 acres, and then the price of food skyrockets. So, do we ask you to grow more food on the land you've already been given, but which you have not even noticed, or do we give you another 10 acres? If you need to use more acres, um, what about those 10 acres right there, that you've never even touched? The oil companies don't need more land, they need to do more pumping of the oil on the land they've already got.

Bear in mind, the oil companies *know* they have unexplored land at their disposal, likely with oil on it. They haven't asked us for our beaches, because they realize they have gobs of area left to explore before they'd ever need it. The Republican Party is who is pushing our beaches toward the oil companies, unnecessarily, without even being asked. By the time the oil companies could possibly explore the land they already have at their disposal (much less pump all the oil from it), we'd best be off oil and onto something else.
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Active Member
ok ok, last one. Im sure I'm out numbered on here with all the liberal talk but last one and Im out. Wordz you have no idea what your talking about with the Russians. That was a different war, different time. Cannot be compared. I am a soldier that was deployed to Afghanistan 2005-2006. There no "fucking" us up. The people love us and want to be free. And if you knew anything, our real problem is not Afghanistan, its Pakistan. Thats where all the "bad guys" come from and go back and hide. Bongulator, you really believe that removing Saddam was a mistake? Really? I dont have time to write how bad of a person he was and Im sure you know. Im not all about Bush either, but I do support him. If the country would have backed the war and supported the Pres and the troops this war would be over. With all the whining and crying you liberal do gives these guys hope on beating us. If we could use the force that the US Military is capable of using this war would be over. But with all the bitching and rules and giving the "bad guys" hope, we are going to be there for awhile. Believe me that there's a lot that you all don't even know about. Bongulator all that "oil drilling" on the shores is BS. You know thats not what there talking about. I really cant get into this. Maybe later. Its been fun, but its about high:30 and I must go. peace and love