Obama to net $400K for Wall Street speech

The 1st line is an understatement.

And everybody is entitled to their oppinion, but it does get irratiting at times to hear, 'if we run these particular candidates things will change'.

Yeah maybe, but try actually getting them elected. "It's a tough crowd", like Rodney Dangerfield used to say.

You have to sway some of the other side to win.
You may now need more than a 3 million vote lead to cinch a presidential election.

Democrats get more overall house votes in elections, but that's stiffled by gerrymandering.

It's going to be an uphill battle, you have to decide what you really want vs. what you can accept and live with.

It would be nice to have 'fact and science based' candidates. If they're that, I'll listen to them.
If they take a campaign contribution from someone I like, (like a labor union) I don't see that as a bad thing under current rules.
I would also point out as a labor union member dating back to summer work in 1972, just because a union donates cash to a campaign, that doesn't guarantee the union is going to get everything they want. They absolutely do not.

But it's nice to get pro labor judicial appts., etc. That's just playing by the rules, trying to help the middle class who make higher wages as union employees and make for a higher tax base.

There are good political donors also. Until finance reform comes along, whenever the fuck that happens.
Unions are fast disappearing from the American landscape, part of a race to the bottom in wages.

The big boys don't play by the rules but they still get bailed out.

The bill will come due soon, in the form of an economic crash that will force people to start paying attention to reality instead of what their favorite TV channel is telling them.
Simple, the popularity of the aca since it's passing has increased annually. Once people saw it in action, and realized it wasn't the disaster it was made out to be, it became more popular, incremental baby steps.
As I said before Thanks to the dumpster and GOP they've made Obamacare more popular than Obama ever did! Obama better send the dumpster, Paul Ryan a Thank You Note.
Former President Obama has agreed to speak at a Wall Street conference for $400,000, according to a new report.

Obama will appear at Cantor Fitzgerald LP’s healthcare conference in September, Fox Business Network first reported Monday.

Fox Business said it confirmed Obama’s appearance with senior members at Cantor, a financial services firm.

Obama will serve as the keynote speaker for one day at the company's event, sources there told Fox Business.
The network's sources said Obama has signed a contract for the speech with the mid-size investment bank in New York.

Cantor is waiting to coordinate with Obama before making a formal announcement, it continued.

Obama can reportedly back out of the arrangement if scheduling conflicts or other concerns arise, it added.

The former president’s reported speaking fee is nearly twice the price commanded by Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee.

Obama reappeared on the public stage Monday, making his first public remarks since leaving the White House at the future site of his presidential library.

The former president did not mention President Trump or offer political commentary during his appearance at the University of Chicago.

“There’s a reason why I am always optimistic, even when things look like they are sometimes not going the way I want,” he said at a roundtable about youth participation in civic life. “And that’s because of young people like this.”

Obama’s remarks came just days before his successor reaches his 100th day in office.

Link to article

so you now blast Obama before you know what his speech is about. He just might be getting 400k to tell wall street how horrible they are and how they can do better.
If you were offered 400k to give a speech to the Repukeblican party you would say NO ?
The man is out of office and they (ex prez) hit the speech circuit once they leave office it's no biggie, shit for 400K I'd do Swan Lake in a pink tu-tu on National tv.

the bernouts are diminishing the first black president and still befuddled at how they lost 5 million black votes in the democratic primary.
the bernouts are diminishing the first black president and still befuddled at how they lost 5 million black votes in the democratic primary.
I may be a Sanders supporter but I am most certainly doing no such thing, so beware of whom you're covering with your blanket statements, Sir.

Barack Obama is one of the finer Presidents our nation has been graced with in its short history and while I wish he could have done more, I also understand something of the realities of governance and of the opposition he faced. He handled it like the consummate professional he is and dare I say it, better than you or I might have had we found ourselves in his shoes.

You'll notice I was not among those who criticised him for taking $400k for the engagement and in fact I think he sold himself a bit short. He's worth a million a pop and he should be getting every dime of it. He has every right to earn a good living after his service to the country.

I don't feel the same way about the self aggrandizing cretin the American people saw fit to replace him. Herr Chumpster Fuhrer needs to be arrested for treason and perp walked straight to prison, along with all those who were involved in the crimes that influenced our election. The will of We the People must never be tampered with, under pain of severe punishment and removal from power.

My support of Bernie Sanders and the left of center- a place the Democratic Party certainly does not reside ideologically as of this writing- has everything to do with my desire to see a country that works better for the common Man and woman and shows some compassion for the poor and the disadvantaged of our nation.

Fair enough? It doesn't make you a better person to dump on everyone who doesn't slavishly agree with every detail of your positions. We liberals are each trying to make our country better in our own way and a little mutual respect will make that process easier, perhaps even possible. Perfection being the enemy of the good, and all that.

Save it for those deserving of your scorn. There is no shortage of them around here, sadly.
I may be a Sanders supporter but I am most certainly doing no such thing, so beware of whom you're covering with your blanket statements, Sir.

Barack Obama is one of the finer Presidents our nation has been graced with in its short history and while I wish he could have done more, I also understand something of the realities of governance and of the opposition he faced. He handled it like the consummate professional he is and dare I say it, better than you or I might have had we found ourselves in his shoes.

You'll notice I was not among those who criticised him for taking $400k for the engagement and in fact I think he sold himself a bit short. He's worth a million a pop and he should be getting every dime of it. He has every right to earn a good living after his service to the country.

I don't feel the same way about the self aggrandizing cretin the American people saw fit to replace him. Herr Chumpster Fuhrer needs to be arrested for treason and perp walked straight to prison, along with all those who were involved in the crimes that influenced our election. The will of We the People must never be tampered with, under pain of severe punishment and removal from power.

My support of Bernie Sanders and the left of center- a place the Democratic Party certainly does not reside ideologically as of this writing- has everything to do with my desire to see a country that works better for the common Man and woman and shows some compassion for the poor and the disadvantaged of our nation.

Fair enough? It doesn't make you a better person to dump on everyone who doesn't slavishly agree with every detail of your positions. We liberals are each trying to make our country better in our own way and a little mutual respect will make that process easier, perhaps even possible. Perfection being the enemy of the good, and all that.

Save it for those deserving of your scorn. There is no shortage of them around here, sadly.
I concur Obama should be getting much more after all he gave this nation affordable healthcare it's not perfect but he was able to do what Presidents for 100 years, tried to do and much, much more. He already is the 12th best President this country has ever seen and he's only been out office 3 months and less than 1 month when this survey was made by Historians and we all know people appreciate you more the longer you're out of office look at W for example.

I concur Obama should be getting much more after all he gave this nation affordable healthcare it's not perfect but he was able to do what Presidents for 100 years, tried to do and much, much more. He already is the 12th best President this country has ever seen and he's only been out office 3 months and less than 1 month when this survey was made by Historians and we all know people appreciate you more the longer you're out of office look at W for example.

Neither Teddy Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan belong in the top ten. That alone would put Mr Obama into the Top Ten.

I can only imagine where the Chumpster Fuhrer will land in those rankings. I'm thinking they'll need to dig a new basement.
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Neither Teddy Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan being in the top ten. That alone would put Mr Obama into the Top Ten.

I can only imagine where the Chumpster Fuhrer will land in those rankings. I'm thinking they'll need to dig a new basement.
Teddy #4 and RR #9 I'm kinda surprised that RR is in the top 10 list after all he was a traitor and should've been in prison for the Iran-Contra scandal, I guess the passage of time and the present scandals make what happened seem like minor details.
Teddy #4 and RR #9 I'm kinda surprised that RR is in the top 10 list after all he was a traitor and should've been in prison for the Iran-Contra scandal, I guess the passage of time and the present scandals make what happened seem like minor details.
We need another FDR and we need him badly. I don't care if they're an ethnic minority, female, have a funny name and/or have a disability.


That's what counts most to me.
if you dont like TR you must not have an appreciation for our national parks...if certain people had their way Yosemite would just be at the bottom of another lake. After making states responsible for obamacare after three years there is no way Obuma is top ten for anything.
if you dont like TR you must not have an appreciation for our national parks...if certain people had their way Yosemite would just be at the bottom of another lake. After making states responsible for obamacare after three years there is no way Obuma is top ten for anything.
The national Park system is a great achievement, I'm not saying Teddy didn't do anything with his presidency.

Mr Obama had to work with the political climate of his time and having thought about it I'm not sure he could have gotten a different bill passed.

What would you have had him do instead?
if you dont like TR you must not have an appreciation for our national parks...if certain people had their way Yosemite would just be at the bottom of another lake. After making states responsible for obamacare after three years there is no way Obuma is top ten for anything.
if you dont like TR you must not have an appreciation for our national parks...if certain people had their way Yosemite would just be at the bottom of another lake. After making states responsible for obamacare after three years there is no way Obuma is top ten for anything.
you kidding right? The only reason Obama didn't make the top 10 list is because he had a hostile congress who fought him every step of the way and still managed to rank #12, Ronnie however should've never been #9, but I suspect he got such high marks for the Berlin Wall coming down as well as the USSR but the rest of his presidency was a disaster.
"[A] crucial vulnerability of center-left politics around the world is that their sincere conviction — a faith in the positive-sum nature of cosmopolitan values and appropriately regulated forms of global capitalism, tempered by a welfare state — is easily mistaken for corruption…This approach has a lot of political and substantive merits. But it is invariably subject to the objection: really?

Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

Leaders who sincerely care about the fate of the progressive center as a nationally and globally viable political movement need to push back against this perception by behaving with a higher degree of personal integrity than their rivals — not by accepting the logic that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander."
"[A] crucial vulnerability of center-left politics around the world is that their sincere conviction — a faith in the positive-sum nature of cosmopolitan values and appropriately regulated forms of global capitalism, tempered by a welfare state — is easily mistaken for corruption…This approach has a lot of political and substantive merits. But it is invariably subject to the objection: really?

Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

Leaders who sincerely care about the fate of the progressive center as a nationally and globally viable political movement need to push back against this perception by behaving with a higher degree of personal integrity than their rivals — not by accepting the logic that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander."

you should not copy and paste without attributing it to your source:


ya know, the same guy who ranted against "dumb jewish politicians" and wondered why miami couldn't expand into the everglades.
you should not copy and paste without attributing it to your source:


ya know, the same guy who ranted against "dumb jewish politicians" and wondered why miami couldn't expand into the everglades.
Sanders supporters are just winning so much they must be tired of winning by now.