Obama tolerance tweet becomes most liked

Who's afraid of a fat, neo nazi, punk kid that uses his vehicle to murder innocent folks, my Holiness?

Some of them fit that description, but some of them are pretty bad lookin mofos that I'm sure are capable of kicking some ass.

Be sure to have someone videotape this throat stomping of yours please....
Some of them fit that description, but some of them are pretty bad lookin mofos that I'm sure are capable of kicking some ass.

Be sure to have someone videotape this throat stomping of yours please....

Christ on a pony, I went trolling for Trump tards and pick up two Bernie tards instead :wall:
This! Such wise words from an exceptional human being.

This is my belief as well, and this is where some of the liberal/democrat posters on this forum fall short. Responding to hate with more hate, whether it be fat shaming a woman, or ridiculing someone for not having money only encourages more hate, and causes the target of the ridicule to dig their heels in and tune out the message.

Responding to hate with reason, and facts, and understanding will allow thoughtful discourse and may just open someone's mind up to different points of view. If your objective is to help curb racism/sexism/homophobia then heeding Obamas wise words is the way forward. If you respond to hate with more hate, then you're part of the problem, and the moral high ground is lost.

I'm not perfect in this regard either, so I include myself in the category of people that need to work on this too.
so tolerate hate then? What should I do when a couple of hundred jack booted Nazis parade with the flag under which 6 million Jews were murdered or 200 Klansmen march in their tan and white unis along with patches and regalia that celebrate a murderous Jim Crow past? You want I should hold a sign saying "love is the only way"? Maybe with a pink heart on it?

Ask the people in Germany about tolerating hate speech and demonstrations by people preaching death to targeted minorities.

“Our German law centers on the strong belief that you should hinder this kind of speech in a society committed to principles of democratic coexistence and peace,” Matthias Jahn, a law professor at Goethe University in Frankfurt, told the Washington Post this week.

So, we aren't Germany and our history regarding free speech is different. Our government isn't in the business of limiting speech except in a few cases. This is left up to the populace. Antifa stepped into the breech last weekend. Their self control was astonishing. Nobody was hospitalized and no property damage until a nazi with a car lost his mind in rage over being stopped from projecting fear in the City of Charlottesville.

To hell with your rants against social justice. Social injustices are being used to divide the lower 90%. With division, the economic elite can do what they want and you'll never have your economic equality until we can unite to take power away from elites. If we can come together as equals then economic equality may finally be addressed. You might not like it though.
there is a difference?


It may be President Trump's communication tool of choice - but it's a tweet by former President Barack Obama that has become the most liked in Twitter's history.

The tweet, the first in a series of three, quoted Nelson Mandela and was accompanied by a picture of Mr Obama smiling with a group of children from different racial backgrounds.

It has been liked almost three million times since it was posted on 13 August following the attack in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The milestone was reached at approximately 01:07 GMT, Twitter told the BBC.

It overtook a tweet posted by Ariana Grande expressing condolences after the Manchester terror attack in May.

Over three tweets, Mr Obama quoted a passage from Mr Mandela’s autobiography, The Long Walk To Freedom.

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion,” the quote reads.

"People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

The picture shows Mr Obama in 2011 visiting a day care centre in Bethesda, Maryland.

It was taken by the then-White House photographer, Pete Souza.


So what, 3mill out of 7billion is fuck all, mandala was a terrorist anyway, so its no surprise Barry supported him.
Did he forget he was half white for a second, wonder if he still has his brother the terrorists over for brunch
What a con job he was, Goldman sucks little poodle, here boy, good boy, sit, rollover, play dead, betray the American people
How many trillion was distributed around the world on he's watch, about 15 at the last count, party time for the big end of town.
Good job Bazza, ya traitor