Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

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New Member
Obama on Executive Orders 25th November 2013;

We have to win on the merits of the argument with the American people, as laborious as it seems sometimes. …What we have to do is keep on going, keep on pushing, and eventually we move in a better direction

Still slyly pushing "forward" with "forward"...


Well-Known Member
Once again Obama uses power he doesn't have to change the law. Yesterday our Imperial President issued an order to delay small business sign ups for Obamacare one year via executive fiat. Should the president be allowed to break the law and postpone the wrecking ball until 2 weeks after the mid term elections?

The delay of the small business exchanges comes as little surprise, as the administration had said earlier this week it would offer alternative ways for small businesses to enroll.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/11/online-shop-enrollment-delayed-by-one-year-100438.html#ixzz2lwcd5aoB


Active Member
i'm pretty sure when the president has to beg congress just to pay the bills, we are a long way from tyranny.

it's so sad that your anointed savior, mitt romney and paul ryan, weren't as appealing to the american people as obama and biden were.

but then again, we can't stop you from liking losers that america hates with a passion, you guys do that all to yourself.

good luck in your quest to destroy christie, aka your last and best chance to get rid of obamacare.
If you really think this country would not be doing much better on the jobs front and debt if Romney was in office, your just more proof that our education system has failed our country. Potus has not even ran a lemonade stand. His business management really shined through lately. You guys put someone who only wants to spread the wealth. The problem is no good business big or small wants to invest much with something like this in office. When democrats were right of republicans in large, one of there leaders said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Unfortunately alot of voters do not like to identify with that as evidenced by who was put in office.


Well-Known Member
If you really think this country would not be doing much better on the jobs front and debt if Romney was in office, your just more proof that our education system has failed our country. Potus has not even ran a lemonade stand. His business management really shined through lately. You guys put someone who only wants to spread the wealth. The problem is no good business big or small wants to invest much with something like this in office. When democrats were right of republicans in large, one of there leaders said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Unfortunately alot of voters do not like to identify with that as evidenced by who was put in office.
[h=1]S&P 500 above 1,800. Dow hits record again.[/h]By CNNMoney Staff @CNNMoneyInvest November 22, 2013: 4:13 PM ET


Active Member
I think you need to wake up and pull head out of your azz. Poverty has grown under Obama and still is. Here is more hope and change effects from a left leaning new group...More than six in 10 workers in a recent Washington Post-Miller Center poll worry that they will lose their jobs to the economy, surpassing concerns in more than a dozen surveys dating to the 1970s. Nearly one in three, 32 percent, say they worry “a lot” about losing their jobs, also a record high, according to the joint survey, which explores Americans’ changing definition of success and their confidence in the country’s future. The Miller Center is a nonpartisan affiliate of the University of Virginia specializing in public policy, presidential scholarship and political history.Job insecurities have always been higher among low-income Americans, but they typically rose and fell across all levels of the income ladder. Today, workers at the bottom have drifted away, occupying their own island of insecurity.
Fifty-four percent of workers making $35,000 or less now worry “a lot” about losing their jobs, compared with 37 percent of lower-income workers in 1992 and an identical number in 1975, according to surveys by Time magazine, CNN and Yankelovich. Intense worry is far lower, 29 percent, among workers with incomes between $35,000 and $75,000, and it drops to 17 percent among those with incomes above that level.
Lower-paid workers also worry far more about making ends meet. Fully 85 percent of them fear that their families’ income will not be enough to meet expenses, up 25 points from a 1971 survey asking an identical question. Thirty-two percent say they worry all the time about meeting expenses, a number that has almost tripled since the 1970s.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to wake up and pull head out of your azz. Poverty has grown under Obama and still is. Here is more hope and change effects from a left leaning new group...More than six in 10 workers in a recent Washington Post-Miller Center poll worry that they will lose their jobs to the economy, surpassing concerns in more than a dozen surveys dating to the 1970s. Nearly one in three, 32 percent, say they worry “a lot” about losing their jobs, also a record high, according to the joint survey, which explores Americans’ changing definition of success and their confidence in the country’s future. The Miller Center is a nonpartisan affiliate of the University of Virginia specializing in public policy, presidential scholarship and political history.Job insecurities have always been higher among low-income Americans, but they typically rose and fell across all levels of the income ladder. Today, workers at the bottom have drifted away, occupying their own island of insecurity.
Fifty-four percent of workers making $35,000 or less now worry “a lot” about losing their jobs, compared with 37 percent of lower-income workers in 1992 and an identical number in 1975, according to surveys by Time magazine, CNN and Yankelovich. Intense worry is far lower, 29 percent, among workers with incomes between $35,000 and $75,000, and it drops to 17 percent among those with incomes above that level.
Lower-paid workers also worry far more about making ends meet. Fully 85 percent of them fear that their families’ income will not be enough to meet expenses, up 25 points from a 1971 survey asking an identical question. Thirty-two percent say they worry all the time about meeting expenses, a number that has almost tripled since the 1970s.
Ever heard of a recession
BTW you are using 2010s right wing talking points
Those arent used anymore since Unemployment and Food Stamp usage has been decreasing


Well-Known Member
Small businesses will still have the option to purchase SHOP health insurance plans through a broker or agent, who will assist the employer with filing a paper application. The federal government expects to process those filings for eligibility within three to five days, according to a document circulated to health law stakeholders.
"We’ve concluded that we can best serve small employers by continuing this offline process while we concentrate on both creating a smoothly functioning online experience in the SHOP Marketplace, and adding key new features, including an employee choice option and premium aggregation services, by November 2014," that Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services document said.
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