

Well-Known Member
I Support Obama in everything that he is done. I think he has accomplished more than any president since Abraham Lincoln. He's a brilliant mind.And a tolerant human being. Nothing he does is wrong.For sure the most interesting man alive.
It truly doesn't matter which party or candidate you vote for, the differences are only cosmetic. They will argue about non-issues like gay marriage and abortion but will still fight the same wars, spy on their citizens and strip away your rights. All you're left with is nonce theatrics like this.
It truly doesn't matter which party or candidate you vote for, the differences are only cosmetic. They will argue about non-issues like gay marriage and abortion but will still fight the same wars, spy on their citizens and strip away your rights. All you're left with is nonce theatrics like this.
Oh i dont vote but. if i did it would have been for obama all the way. and your right gay marrige and abortions are not an issue therer shouldent be. any laws preventing ppl from doing things with there own body
I Support Obama in everything that he is done. I think he has accomplished more than any president since Abraham Lincoln. He's a brilliant mind.And a tolerant human being. Nothing he does is wrong.For sure the most interesting man alive.
citations required
I don't. Rehearse stuff if I did I wouldn't have started this whole thread to begin with. Just say whatever stupid shit come to my mind. Pretty funny though

Most of the people laughing are not laughing with you...

It is hilairious!!
You are like a drunk fat guy at a party with a lampshade on his head stumbling around...

Yes, we are laughing. You are hilarious... No, really... Please continue... Do you do tricks?
You are like a drunk fat guy at a party with a lampshade on his head stumbling around...

Yes, we are laughing. You are hilarious... No, really... Please continue... Do you do tricks?
I must be doing pretty good you keep replying. I do all kinds of tricks. What do you want to see