Obamacrats still retarded

Just FYI Brutal, the taxes paid in socialized medicine countries, that go towards medical expenses, are far less to the individual then all the costs of health care in the USA when itemized on an individual basis. It is far more cost effective to have a not for profit medical system centrally operated such as VA medical. Your typical VA medical may not be what Obama and the 535 recieve, but being a recipient, let me say it is far better than 47 million recieve (NONE) and a lot cheaper than about 250 million recieve.

I doubt it. If some one that is not chronically sick, or a stupid hypochondriac is forced to pay into it then it is not cheaper for them. It is more expensive. The great thing about our user pays system is that it doesn't not force non-users of the medical system to use it.

Now, I can understand, how for an old geezer like you, which is probably starting to experience all the problems of aging, and experiences the expenses of medicine first hand the idea of having the young subsidize your healthcare just like we are stuck subsidizing your retirement has great appeal.

But let me tell you now. It's a FUCKING STUPID IDEA that costs more than user pays healthcare.
Knocking down trade barriers even further will only threaten domestic jobs even further and cause overseas corporations to further take advantage of the third world and its people. Slavery still exists today and sadly it is supported by US foreign policy. Dropping capital gains will only benefit the richest, most middle class americans would be unaffected. We are being robbed blind with these bank bail outs it makes me sick.

Increasing trade barriers is the surest way of NOT selling your product overseas....how does that help the economy? You must think we can produce and consume everything domestically???? Wrong.

Slavery does truly still exist today...in truth there are more slaves today than there was at the time of the US Civil War. They reside in Africa and Asia. One need only look to the old world colonialism for the source of todays slavery.

Dropping capital gains taxes on corp's will increase investment and create jobs, jobs, and more jobs. It will also bring back the foreign capital investors who have been FLEEING from our borders in droves. If you cannot stand to see folks becoming wealthy than you should live in Europe (excuding southern Ireland) or Russia where economic stagnation is quite common.

You can't beat up the business sector and expect them to either stay in the country or to perform if they do decide to stick it out in a hostile environment.

many big corp's have already moved their headquarters out of the US to escape onerous tax rates.

One last point i didn't mention to be added to crackerJax stimulus plan #42:

Get rid of the double taxation on corp's making profits in overseas markets....our competition does not do it, and neither should we....it's not helping one bit.

out. :blsmoke:
I doubt it. If some one that is not chronically sick, or a stupid hypochondriac is forced to pay into it then it is not cheaper for them. It is more expensive. The great thing about our user pays system is that it doesn't not force non-users of the medical system to use it.

Now, I can understand, how for an old geezer like you, which is probably starting to experience all the problems of aging, and experiences the expenses of medicine first hand the idea of having the young subsidize your healthcare just like we are stuck subsidizing your retirement has great appeal.

But let me tell you now. It's a FUCKING STUPID IDEA that costs more than user pays healthcare.

It's true brutal social medicine costs LESS not more.
In 2006, per-capita spending for health care in the U.S. was US$6,714; in Canada, US$3,678.

We are the richest most advanced industrial nation on the planet yet we can't even give our people healthcare . . .

This idea of "top down" spending that benefits only the rich just does not work. Calling Med an old geezer just puts it into perspective as a people we treat our elderly like shit. Not cool just because you believe that treating people like shit puts a few extra dollars in your pocket . . . .

And Jax on capital gains answer this: If capital gains tax were lowered would YOU directly benefit?
Don't twist it either by giving predictions of what "might" happen. Unless you make a lot of money your answer will be no.

Come on Libertarians defend your crappy ideasbongsmilie
It's true brutal social medicine costs LESS not more.
In 2006, per-capita spending for health care in the U.S. was US$6,714; in Canada, US$3,678.

We are the richest most advanced industrial nation on the planet yet we can't even give our people healthcare . . .

This idea of "top down" spending that benefits only the rich just does not work. Calling Med an old geezer just puts it into perspective as a people we treat our elderly like shit. Not cool just because you believe that treating people like shit puts a few extra dollars in your pocket . . . .

And Jax on capital gains answer this: If capital gains tax were lowered would YOU directly benefit?
Don't twist it either by giving predictions of what "might" happen. Unless you make a lot of money your answer will be no.

Come on Libertarians defend your crappy ideasbongsmilie

The only thing that that proves is that Canada doesn't compensate its doctors as well.

I wonder where the hell we can find a Canadian Doctor to express their opinion on that.

Though any one that loves the idea of socialized medicine

:: points North ::
there you go, go.

There's no need to force your ideas on the rest of us. There's plenty of other people in other countries that share your ideas.
The only thing that that proves is that Canada doesn't compensate its doctors as well.

I wonder where the hell we can find a Canadian Doctor to express their opinion on that.

Though any one that loves the idea of socialized medicine

:: points North ::
there you go, go.

There's no need to force your ideas on the rest of us. There's plenty of other people in other countries that share your ideas.

Compensate their doctors well!!?? How much money does a doctor need to make? :roll: I guess paying our nurses close to $100k due to shortage and surgeons routinely making 500k plus is not enough? What does social medicine have to do with pushing anything on ANYONE? Ask anyone if they want cheap available medical care . . . . I doubt many except maybe crazy people such as yourself will answer NO. You have lost this argument and always will, thus the only remaining response is for me to move to Canada. :roll: Actually I'm going south I prefer the weather;-)

PS- My father is in military medicine and he makes well over a quarter million dollars a year . . . plus bi-annual bonuses. He is not in it for the money either and honestly if you are doctor in medicine for the money you should not be a doctor.
I am sorry, but is there really that many ignorant people out there?!?!?! Oh yes Republicans have worked out soooo well for this country right?! Open your eyes people! Republicans are a joke! It is truly time to force out the so called religious right wing. So many Republicans claim to be such great christians... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a joke, and what is even more of a joke is the pea brained people who hang onto every words these liars spew out. They lie more than anyone... I myself am Christian, but I beleve strongly in seperation of church and state, and I do not buy into what these neanderthals think. The Right wing is what is wrong with this country. The right is wrong..........
Keep it Green!

Simply go to Canada and go into a senior home and ask the folks there what they think of the health program of Canada. It's that simple to see the canard....

out. :blsmoke:
Simply go to Canada and go into a senior home and ask the folks there what they think of the health program of Canada. It's that simple to see the canard....

out. :blsmoke:

Just got off the phone with my friend who lives in Canada. I asked about his grandmother who requires assisted living. He says she has no complaints except for the usual old person stuff . . . . Check out your local VA hospital. You will find a place with great community involvement, lots of volunteers and people that really love their jobs. You will also find that they are often overcrowded and EXTREMELY underfunded. Even with these limitations they provide excellent care to many elderly veterans. Now walk into a private senior home, a low budget one, like the VA. You will find an uncaring staff with a high turnover rate, many of the residents will look very unhappy.

I have volunteered at the VA and seen how it works. Someone here pointed out the conditions of many private senior homes. I took it on myself to visit one and all it took was for me to walk in and look around. Nobody even asked if I needed help.

It's really sad Jax; I hope you don't base your facts on media reports. You can go see for yourself and I encourage you to do so. We owe it to our children and the elderly to wake up and start giving people universal healthcare access.
The reason why the VA are underfunded is because they are not efficient in cost/value ratio a la Govt. management. If you gave that "poor" private nursing home the budget of the nearest VA hospital, you would see a dramatic difference...... dramatic indeed. NO? Or do you think the Govt. IS the model of efficiency... :lol:

remember that old show tune?!! How does it go? Private vs. Publik? Oh yah...

"anything you can do i can do better" (small tap dance finish, huge applause, girls pregnant three hours after) woot woot!!

out. :blsmoke:
The reason why the VA are underfunded is because they are not efficient in cost/value ratio a la Govt. management. If you gave that "poor" private nursing home the budget of the nearest VA hospital, you would see a dramatic difference...... dramatic indeed. NO? Or do you think the Govt. IS the model of efficiency... :lol:

remember that old show tune?!! How does it go? Private vs. Publik? Oh yah...

"anything you can do i can do better" (small tap dance finish, huge applause, girls pregnant three hours after) woot woot!!

out. :blsmoke:

Not true socialized medicine is more efficient. You have no real life experience with any of this. GREED has NO place in medicine and if you can not see that then you are blind.
Why does the private sector automatically bring in the word greed?:lol: Reflex?

Socialized medicine can only exist if there is a strong private sector. One of the very reasons why medical care is so expensive is because of Govt. manipulation of the system. If the free market were to be actually implemented in the medical industry, prices would become very competitive and drop drop drop. Many bidders (private) always produce a lower cost while maintaining quality. Fewer bidders (govt) produces higher costs from the outset and quality is not optimized. One need only look to Europe and Canada and see that their cost effectiveness is slack and in an economic down turn such as this... the breaking point is right around the corner. Robbing Peter to pay Paul does not equate into being cost effective. Let's see where Canada is in three years...

As I have pointed out on another post, ELECTIVE procedures/per dollar cost prices has gone down considerably over the years, while SELECTIVE procedures/per dollar cost has gone through the roof.
So what is the big difference? ELECTIVE is not covered by any govt oversight, mandate or regulations... i.e. the free market is truly in play.

The govt. will NEVER let the free markets take over for mainstream medicine because the CANARD would be exposed for all to see. Cepting you I guess... :lol: :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
I am sorry, but is there really that many ignorant people out there?!?!?! Oh yes Republicans have worked out soooo well for this country right?! Open your eyes people! Republicans are a joke! It is truly time to force out the so called religious right wing. REPUBLICANS SUCK!

I will agree the republican party has been high jacked because jesus told'em to do so.:lol:
This is not the republican party of old.
Me being a conservative I agree with you somewhat. Not fair to judge a party by such a small time span.
..but the same can be said about the democrats. democrats start wars, while republicans end them. democrates put cannabis law onto the books, while republicans fought for farmers rights. The democrates fought against civil rights and was outright led by klan members, while it took a republican president to end slavary. These days the only difference is gay rights, jesus and tax cuts.......

Oh, so NOW the republicans want to be conservatives?:finger: How the fuck did we get here in the first place? Why didn't jesus mention anything? It's so bad the republicans have put us into a forced position of thinking the democrats will save the day. These sub-human, empty headed fucks clearly are only making things worse.
I might add in record setting time.
Makes bush seam like he was a cheap date so far.
I will agree the republican party has been high jacked because jesus told'em to do so.:lol:
This is not the republican party of old.
Me being a conservative I agree with you somewhat. Not fair to judge a party by such a small time span.
..but the same can be said about the democrats. democrats start wars, while republicans end them. democrates put cannabis law onto the books, while republicans fought for farmers rights. The democrates fought against civil rights and was outright led by klan members, while it took a republican president to end slavary. These days the only difference is gay rights, jesus and tax cuts.......

Oh, so NOW the republicans want to be conservatives?:finger: How the fuck did we get here in the first place? Why didn't jesus mention anything? It's so bad the republicans have put us into a forced position of thinking the democrats will save the day. These sub-human, empty headed fucks clearly are only making things worse.
I might add in record setting time.
Makes bush seam like he was a cheap date so far.

I agree with your assessment Joe. I'm not a Republican but i do know the economics of their party have the POTENTIAL to be best for everyone....they just keep shooting themselves in the foot on some of their other "quirky ideas" (i'll be kind). The republicans lost their way when they lost Gingrich IMHO.
Get back on the Reagan economic rail...... and I'll jump on board that train...that's the ticket to prosperity...not what is going on now. We are headed in the wrong direction and at some point momentum can work for or against you.

out. :blsmoke:
I agree with your assessment Joe. I'm not a Republican but i do know the economics of their party have the POTENTIAL to be best for everyone....they just keep shooting themselves in the foot on some of their other "quirky ideas" (i'll be kind). The republicans lost their way when they lost Gingrich IMHO.
Get back on the Reagan economic rail...... and I'll jump on board that train...that's the ticket to prosperity...not what is going on now. We are headed in the wrong direction and at some point momentum can work for or against you.

out. :blsmoke:

It's all bureaucratic inertia, personally I think there's a fundamental flaw in our election system.

In corporate America there is a concept called Conflict of Interest. It is where your interests conflict with what is in the best interests of your employer. The government has a similar concept, but has not completely implemented it.

If the concept of Conflict of Interest was truly implemented it would result in the following.

A. Politicians would not be able to vote, because it is a conflict of interest for them to be allowed to. Unless they are either A) 100% Honest, or B) 100% Bat Shiat Crazy they would never vote for any one other than themselves.

B. Bureaucrats would not be able to vote, because they have a biased view, being subject to being paid by the government. Thus, accordingly, it is in their best interests to not see that government shrink.

C. Recipients of Government Aid would not be allowed to vote for the same reason.