Obamacrats still retarded

You don't have the foggiest idea of what you're talking about. The vast amount of jobs in the United States are earned by hard work and a sharp mind.
I can possibly see after reading your posts why you may be uncomfortable with that truth. None the less......out. :blsmoke:

Kudos for that post! :lol:

CrackerJax said:
The vast amount of jobs in the United States are earned by hard work and a sharp mind.

I bet you beleive that life is fair too. Ha, and that baseball players don't do steroids. And politicians tell the truth.

TheBrutalTruth said:
What you're saying is....

You must be a big fan of rush (not the band). You have the whole 'I'm going to twist all your words to paint you exactly as I want' thing down. Never mind what the person is actually trying to say, you know better than they do. You have a knack for reading people posts, extracting what you want to hear, and disregarding the ideas. I guess there are the kind of people who have conversations and then those who just want to talk (conversations involve listening). And no, tearing apart every sentence of what someone wrote, critically analyzing it for inconsistency is not listening. That's more like being a lawyer, or being in a fight. The only point is to advance your argument, no point in exchanging and comparing thoughts.

What insecurities from childhood am I still carrying that made me write this? I know you'll have an answer for that.

I speak of sharing thought, but I know I'm not adding anything of substance. Sorry (not too sorry though). I never claimed not to be a hypocrite.
Guess what has never been tried, Thats right libertarianism. It is a failure just waiting to happen. When you privatize everything and basically create anarchy, you have a failed state. that is why your Ideas will never work. I wish all you libertarian nutbags could just get a couple of states, Preferably in the north, Minnesota and North Dakota come to mind, and just go off and be your selfish asshole selfs. Grow your pot and count your money all day long. We could cut off communications with the outside world and the rest of us "Commies" as you like to refer to poor people, could get along fine without you. I'm thinking of a nickname for you also TBT, so far I've been civil, but I guess you prefer down home bare knuckel brawling, I'm well aquainted with that.

Can't state that it will fail if its never been tried. We know from empirical evidence that Socialism and Social Democracies fail.

We don't know from empirical evidence that a country built on the principles of liberty and self-responsibility would fail.

Actually, there's plenty of evidence that such a country would be successful, it was called the United States from 1800 - 1913.
I bet you beleive that life is fair too. Ha, and that baseball players don't do steroids. And politicians tell the truth.

You must be a big fan of rush (not the band). You have the whole 'I'm going to twist all your words to paint you exactly as I want' thing down. Never mind what the person is actually trying to say, you know better than they do. You have a knack for reading people posts, extracting what you want to hear, and disregarding the ideas. I guess there are the kind of people who have conversations and then those who just want to talk (conversations involve listening). And no, tearing apart every sentence of what someone wrote, critically analyzing it for inconsistency is not listening. That's more like being a lawyer, or being in a fight. The only point is to advance your argument, no point in exchanging and comparing thoughts.

What insecurities from childhood am I still carrying that made me write this? I know you'll have an answer for that.

I speak of sharing thought, but I know I'm not adding anything of substance. Sorry (not too sorry though). I never claimed not to be a hypocrite.

You know, instead of proving that you are an anally retentive jack ass with a very small dick, a logical response would have been to actually explain what you were trying to say.

Of course, Democrats have never been able to come out and admit to what they actually want to do, because the entire country would laugh at them, and then throw them out of office.
TBT, you are asking too much of Med Man. You would have him read books and such when it is much easier to just say things off the top of his head without even thinking about it.

You are so demanding.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Finally read this, and I have to say, that I suppose you are right...

Though even with a bare minimal of reading it would seem to me that any one with any common sense would understand that it is not going to help you get ahead if the government is taking your money to try "helping" you.

The simple way of putting it is that, "The hand that you hold is the hand wrapped around your throat strangling the shit out of you."

Though any one here that is reliant upon the government hardly as any room to talk about the proper role of government with out having a giant disclaimer, "Warning this opinion is biased due to the fact that this person is either a welfare recipient, a government employee, or has their existence subsidized by the government."

It would make it a lot easier to decide whether or not to even bother arguing with some one. Instead you could just point at the disclaimer and ignore them.
Med man and his ilk take the definition of the human body as an electrical unit too seriously.... You don't always have to take the path of least resistance. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Med man and his ilk take the definition of the human body as an electrical unit too seriously.... You don't always have to take the path of least resistance. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

I have never understood the attractiveness of the path of least resistance. What is the point of living, if when you die, (assuming that there is some force or entity that created us), you have to go up to that entity, and give an accounting that resembles the following, "I never really tried that hard in life. I didn't reach for my dreams, or struggle to try attaining goals that most people are afraid to strive for. I was content to let other people pay my way, and in fact demanded that they do so."

I can't imagine what it would be like having to admit that.
Yes, sometimes I will make the dog analogy to friends (only :lol:)

It's all about potential within the species isn't it?

Let's use med man as an example shall we? :mrgreen:

As a human being, Med Man has failed to reach his full potential by a wide margin.
However, my dog Molly is pretty darn smart on many levels as far as dogs go, so my dog has reached her full potential.

Ergo, my dog is actually worth more to society than med man.

Woof woof.

out. :blsmoke:
Yes, sometimes I will make the dog analogy to friends (only :lol:)

It's all about potential within the species isn't it?

Let's use med man as an example shall we? :mrgreen:

As a human being, Med Man has failed to reach his full potential by a wide margin.
However, my dog Molly is pretty darn smart on many levels as far as dogs go, so my dog has reached her full potential.

Ergo, my dog is actually worth more to society than med man.

Woof woof.

out. :blsmoke:

Now, that's funny. Of course, seeing as how Democrats do not understand humor (giving that up along with rational thought when they adopt their beliefs) I am sure that they will not find it amusing, funny, or actually understand the point behind it.
As opposed to higher taxes, spending thru larger govt?

I'll take the lower taxes and smaller govt thing, but thanks.

:wall: Yep that will solve ALL our problems come on guys. What kills me is all of you are super intelligent but you buy into the libertarian thing 100%. I personally agree with most of it but it gets WAY too extreme. Do you really believe that lower taxes will solve some of the very human problems in our society?
Tax cuts can be tracked historically to work. FDR economics has been tracked and found not to work.

One of my favorite quotes is from Margaret Thatcher....who like Ronald Reagan gave Britain a blueprint for success, but they pissed all over it like we did to Reagans (<---the master)

She said:

"The trouble with Socialism is eventually they run out of other people's money".

Priceless... and so very very true.

out. :blsmoke:
Under Coolidge, marginal tax rates were cut from the top rate of 73% to 24%. The economy rewarded this policy by expanding 59% from 1921 to 1929. Revenues received by the federal treasury increased from $719 million in 1921 to more than $1.1 billion 1929. That's a 61% increase (there was zero inflation in this period). Growth averaged more than six percent annually. We are currently growing at 2.5%.

Under Kennedy, marginal tax rates were cut from a top rate of 91% to 70%. In real dollar terms, the economy grew by 42%, an average of 5 percent a year from 1961 to 1965. Tax revenue to the U.S. Treasury increased by 62%. Adjusted for inflation, they rose by one-third.

Under Reagan, marginal tax rates were cut from a top of 70% to 28%. Revenues (from all taxes) to the U.S. Treasury nearly doubled. According to the Budget of the U.S. Government, FY 1997, Office of Management and Budget. Revenues increased from roughly $500 billion in 1980 to $1.1 trillion in 1990.
