Obama's Great Depression

get a dictionary.

look up "fact", and then "opinion".

then slam your head into that dictionary. repeatedly.
Ok, did step 1, and step 2. Ooo goodie, i think I'm starting to get it!
Here, teacher, can you tell me if this is right?
When someone says they moved. Is than an opinion or a fact? I think its a fact, but what do i know. YOUR the teacher here.
"your wife has a tight ass."

fact, or opinion?

how is the tightness of an ass measured? when the doc fingers your butt, what is he fingering for?
Oh, really. You agreed with the point i was trying to make. Thanks for mocking me then ;)

You don't understand Johnny. When the "facts" (lol) or in this case "data" supports the liberal mindset then it needs no verification, they magically become fact. When the facts and data support their opponent's argument, then they need to be published in a peer reviewed journal and approved by a liberal rag like the NY Times or a liberal douchebag university.

Funny, how Buck is arguing for a common sense argument based on obvious reality, when not more than a month or so ago, he was arguing against me when I was saying the exact same thing.

Funny thing about charts and graphs, they're only as accurate as the bullshit data that is put in them... kinda like global warming models. Meme, you insist on parading them in your posts as if it gives you some edge in the argument. For every expert and chart you can post, I can give you two that show the exact opposite, by even more credible sources... if I had the inclination, which I don't because they would be mocked the same way yours are. And just because a few liberal pantsniffers agree with you on here, still doesn't give you any credibility. We know you had your head filled with progressive bullshit in college, you ain't gaining any ground spouting that feces in here.

You ain't in class anymore when you're in here, no extra credit for charts and graphs, make a common sense argument that holds up to the smell test and maybe you'll eventually win an argument. Keep pushing the position that we can spend our way out of a shitty economy and you're going nowhere.
............... ? lol

I'm just joining in on the fun of blaming Obama for stuff that happened before he became president. It's pretty fun. Revising history is awesome. All you have to do is state things as fact and then they become true. Just ask brick top.