Objective Views on Religion and Science

I really think that our world/species needs to think about things a little more in the area of Religion.

Statements like that ^^^^ grate on my nerves! So you think we should think about religion more.... perhaps apply it more in our daily lives... :spew:

I don't believe in religion or in any of the nonsense that goes along with it so quite frankly when someone tells me I need to consider religion more I want to tell them to go fuck themselves.

How about you go about your life and believe what you want and leave the rest of us to do the same. In other words.... stop trying to SHOVE your beliefs off on the rest of us. Sounds good to me.

So you think we should think about religion more.... perhaps apply it more in our daily lives..

Well, I'm a little surprised. I didn't say anything about applying it more into our lives at all...if you would read my posts you would see that I'm quite cynical of religion. Believe me, I would never "shove" my beliefs on anybody else. If I were to do such a thing, I would be adamantly "shoving" objectivity on everyone I met. I think it's terrible how confused today's children are about science and religion. Science is quite easy to understand, since everything is viewed objectively and reasons are given as to why something happens or happened. Religion, however, says "This happened at this time." When you question why, though, the reply almost always is "Because it did and that's the way it is."

Florida Girl, sorry for the confusion. I guess I could have stated my views a little more clearly. I just want to stress that I started this thread to discuss a VERY controversial topic, and not to preach my own beliefs because when people try to throw their ideas on me it reminds me how backwards our society is. :wall:

Oh well. When in doubt...THE BONG COMES OUT! bongsmilie
ahhhhhh....what were we talking about again? :lol:
The first statement I wanted to quote is a little...off...I think. Evolution basically says that man was made from a series of natural chain events leading to a civilized world. A religion such as Christianity, however, states that God made all creatures and the Earth itself. I'm confused as to how there would be no conflict between the two when they are basically like photo negatives of each other...

This second statement is kind of misleading. Science, without coming right out and saying it, essentially IS an attempt to disprove religion. That may not be the root motivating factor for science, but in all reality the theory of evolution laughs in the face of creationists.

I don't see any conflict with God and Evolution! God certainly did not 'create' us as we are now, Science proves differently. This does not mean that science has proven God wrong or false. If you do believe in God, then you must realize that God is ALMIGHTY. If this is true, I don't see why God couldn't be responsible for the immensely complex history and future of our plant, galaxy, universe, and so forth. I bet that however million years it took for our life to come about it only seemed like 6 days to Him. lol.

okay now I'll throw this out and see what you think..

Also, if you do believe in God, then you know that He gave humans the ability make their own choices which we fondly call our intelligence. As we evolved into our higher intelligence, we increasingly became attached to worldly thoughts and ideas like "ME ME ME ME!" and strayed from our intended goal and focus in life which is to love and try to better the world UNSELFISHLY. This helps explain why our world is such a wreck right now.
Also, if you do believe in God, then you know that He gave humans the ability make their own choices which we fondly call our intelligence. As we evolved into our higher intelligence, we increasingly became attached to worldly thoughts and ideas like "ME ME ME ME!" and strayed from our intended goal and focus in life which is to love and try to better the world UNSELFISHLY. This helps explain why our world is such a wreck right now.

Well belief in an omniscient god actually eliminates free will and leaves the illusion of free will. If god knows and has always known what we will do in every situation how do we have free will? We cannot go against what god knows to be true. Therefore, all of our lives have already been played out.
Evolution does not even belong on the same page as religion.
One is a theorem (i.e. the strongest of scientific terms other than proof), and one is made up as it goes along to fit new evidence brought about by scientific discoveries.
Science is slowly giving mankind the ability to critically assess his world in a FACTUAL manner. As this progression of true knowledge increases, religion is fading slowly away. This is the trend which causes friction among the followers of long held superstitions.

Reality can be awfully intimidating. But I'll take true illumination and pay the price of not having the comfort of a supernatural teddy bear.

Onward and upward.

Evolution does not even belong on the same page as religion.
One is a theorem (i.e. the strongest of scientific terms other than proof), and one is made up as it goes along to fit new evidence brought about by scientific discoveries.
Science is slowly giving mankind the ability to critically assess his world in a FACTUAL manner. As this progression of true knowledge increases, religion is fading slowly away. This is the trend which causes friction among the followers of long held superstitions.

Reality can be awfully intimidating. But I'll take true illumination and pay the price of not having the comfort of a supernatural teddy bear.

Onward and upward.


Evolution is a theory not a theorem; theorems are mathematical as are proofs. Theories are indeed the single most important thing within science.
The first statement I wanted to quote is a little...off...I think. Evolution basically says that man was made from a series of natural chain events leading to a civilized world. A religion such as Christianity, however, states that God made all creatures and the Earth itself. I'm confused as to how there would be no conflict between the two when they are basically like photo negatives of each other...

A lot of Christians have little trouble reconciling religious faith with a respect for science. It's only the fundamentalists, who insist every word in the bible is literally true, who find themselves disagreeing with science.

This second statement is kind of misleading. Science, without coming right out and saying it, essentially IS an attempt to disprove religion. That may not be the root motivating factor for science, but in all reality the theory of evolution laughs in the face of creationists.

This is just nonsense. Science is an attempt to understand the world. Science has nothing at all to say about religion. If only religion would return the favor...
listen up!

there a joke that goes like this...

god has granted a man three question, so the man asked, my lord what is a million years to you? god responds, but a second my son. so the man contiues to ask the second, god another question, my lord what is a million dollars to you? god responds, but a penny my son. now the man ask his last question, he says " my lord if a million dollars is but a penny then may i have a penny?" and god responds " in one second ".

with that being said...7 days of creation wasnt really seven days! if god made everything then im sure he did it on his schedual not ours, get my drift!

eff religion...
its the new racism!