observations of hic - red flags and a few positive attributes

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Gramps always said not to argue with fools as it confuses the observers as to who is the fool. I don't what he would say about seeking out an argument with a fool but I doubt it would be complimentary. I've learned useful things from you and hic both but you're seriously coming off like a straight up dick when you keep baiting him with topics and new threads about him. Maybe its time to move on bro, we're taking a big step back to the r1tony and bob harris times if we're just going to fuck with each other.


Active Member
Gramps always said not to argue with fools as it confuses the observers as to who is the fool. I don't what he would say about seeking out an argument with a fool but I doubt it would be complimentary. I've learned useful things from you and hic both but you're seriously coming off like a straight up dick when you keep baiting him with topics and new threads about him. Maybe its time to move on bro, we're taking a big step back to the r1tony and bob harris times if we're just going to fuck with each other.
I couldn't agree more, this thread is a waste of energy.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I typed up a whole long thing about how I think you're not a fool and all that and then read it and....deleted it. It's an easy trap to fall in going round for round. Bobby got me many times and so did r1tony but shit man, lesson learned its sunny outside and fucking really sunny inside if you know what I'm saying so I'm going to enjoy some that shit in mid november before we're all iced over. We can have a free for all battle royal of words in january when the shitty weather hits and the TV is full of rerunning crap. Love to all the Michigan patients and growers and caregivers and even the assholes.


Well-Known Member
Abe, why not just put Hic on your ignore list and get over this grade school type drama. I've only ignored a few people, one was Buddyganga, there are few bigger assholes than he was, and once he was gone off my screen I was happy.

We can't get along with everyone, and all it takes is a click of your mouse to be done with it.

Moving on now..........