Oc, Perks,owww


Well-Known Member
yea thats a roxie 30 theres ALOT of people around here addicted to those i know people that would suck dick for one of those


Well-Known Member
Thats all they do down here in south Florida. It surprises the hell out of me how many people think you cant smoke roxy 30s. They obviously never been down here. Thats ALL they talk about. It actually works real well too, just put a roxy (like the one pictured above) on some tinfoil and it will melt and slide down the aluminum and you will have to chase the dragon, if youre real good at it and get all the smoke you will be FUCKED UP.

I have no idea why that is all they do down here, its basically an epidemic, yet it doesnt seem to be bad at all anywhere else in the country.


Well-Known Member
Thats all they do down here in south Florida. It surprises the hell out of me how many people think you cant smoke roxy 30s. They obviously never been down here. Thats ALL they talk about. It actually works real well too, just put a roxy (like the one pictured above) on some tinfoil and it will melt and slide down the aluminum and you will have to chase the dragon, if youre real good at it and get all the smoke you will be FUCKED UP.

I have no idea why that is all they do down here, its basically an epidemic, yet it doesnt seem to be bad at all anywhere else in the country.
Isn't it obvious? It's Florida, god's waiting room. Old people are frail and they get perscribed a lot of pain meds making acess to these drugs as simple as breaking into an old persons house when their out at the store. The easier the drugs is to come by the cheaper the dealer can sell it the cheaper it is the higher the demand for it will be, especially dealing with opiates.


Isn't it obvious? It's Florida, god's waiting room. Old people are frail and they get perscribed a lot of pain meds making acess to these drugs as simple as breaking into an old persons house when their out at the store. The easier the drugs is to come by the cheaper the dealer can sell it the cheaper it is the higher the demand for it will be, especially dealing with opiates.
they have no prescription monitoring program in florida, its a doctor shoppers dream. pay cash at at a pain clinic with no illness and you can walk out with hundreds of pills


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I have seen a few of my FL family members pass away because of their lack of monitoring unfortunately..