Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

Not rule of law but If thats what your looking for...then stop asking men to become financially responsible for any descision you make...cant have it both ways

LOL, you talk as if having an orgasm gives you rights.

Dude, carrying a child to term is a life changing and medically risky event. You think contributing sperm should give you right to say what happens next? You think contributing an x chromosome gives you ownership of that woman's body? Well think again. If she does carry the child to term, with or without your consent, get ready to pay up. It is not your choice what she does with her body. Your choice in the event was to not wrap it. That's the choice men make.

Besides, this is all theoretical for you. Admit that it's way too late for you to do that naturally and if you do manage to dribble a little with the help of Viahagara, those spermies are old and mutated anyway. She'd want to abort any monster you helped make.
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Thirty-eight (38) states currently recognize the termination of a "unborn child" (the term usually used) or fetus as a homicide victim
Thirty-eight (38) states currently recognize the termination of a "unborn child" (the term usually used) or fetus as a homicide victim
How many women have been found guilty of this crime from an abortion procedure? None, is the answer.

The point is, a makebate like you isn't even trying to say anything, you are just throwing insult and chaff to distract.

Her body, her choice. The choice a man has is whether or not to wrap it.
At present, at least 34 women, many of whom were initially charged with the crime of abortion, were eventually convicted for the “aggravated homicide” of their newborns and sentenced to 4–40 years in prison
At present, at least 34 women, many of whom were initially charged with the crime of abortion, were eventually convicted for the “aggravated homicide” of their newborns and sentenced to 4–40 years in prison
citation please
Well..there is that pesky half of the chromosomes thingy
when the term "deadbeat dad" is a historic foot note, then men can start telling women how to raise their children.
when young men don't get young women pregnant and then abandon them, then they can start to have an opinion...who do you think is getting abortions? happily married women who want to start a family? it's young women who are alone, who are frightened, who have no desire to have a child, and no ability to raise one properly. most of them have been either abandoned by the father of the child, or pressured by them to have the abortion to begin with....
just more stupid hypocritical shit from people who have very little stake in the game
Thanks for this.

Wow. Heavy stuff in there. I didn't look at Google beyond the US. The crap that the insidious little shit, @med4u , quoted is in fact an indictment against anti-abortion laws. The laws were used against women who miscarried.

I found it hard to believe the didactic little shit actually used what happened in El Salvador to justify his posts but there it is, word for word:

Pregnancy and the 40-Year Prison Sentence
How “Abortion Is Murder” Became Institutionalized in the Salvadoran Judicial System
Using the case of El Salvador, this article demonstrates how the anti-abortion catchphrase “abortion is murder” can become embedded in the legal practice of state judicial systems. In the 1990s, a powerful anti-abortion movement in El Salvador resulted in a new legal context that outlawed abortion in all circumstances, discouraged mobilization for abortion rights, and encouraged the prosecution of reproduction-related “crimes.” Within this context, Salvadoran women initially charged with the crime of abortion were convicted of “aggravated homicide” and sentenced to up to 40 years in prison. Court documents suggest that many of these women had not undergone abortions, but had suffered naturally occurring stillbirths late in their pregnancies. Through analysis of newspaper articles and court cases, this article documents how El Salvador came to prosecute obstetrical emergencies as “murder,” and concludes that activism on behalf of abortion rights is central to protecting poor pregnant women from prosecution for reproduction-related “crimes.”

The inquisition isn't far enough in our past and those sick theocratic monks will do anything to justify their position so they can continue raping little boys. Med4u, are you a pedophile? I'm pretty sure you are a pedophile. You want to rape babies. That's why you are so dead set on women being forced to bear children against their will.
Nice to see the senate will be voting on the new green deal.
I love it. Go for it Republicans. Set yourself against facts and the trends of history. Put your name down as being against re-forming the US economy around zero emissions renewable technology and put yourself down as for tax cuts to the wealthy.

There has been some grumbling about tax returns, seems as if that "tax cut" for the lower 99% was just a reduction in withholding. Working Moms and Dads everywhere aren't happy. Their kids who will live with the effects of global warming aren't happy about GOP assaults on the environment. The circle is closing.

You GO Mitch. Call that vote. Let's get this recorded in the Congressional Record.
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