Well-Known Member
If you would have read the rest of the post, you would know.What exactly am I missing?
If you would have read the rest of the post, you would know.What exactly am I missing?
What exactly am I missing?
It all fell apart when you tried to explain it and you are right back where I thought you were. Especially when you start talking about "things need to change" and "one percent of the people oppress the rest"
Goverments oppress people. Greedy, power hungry, dishonest, decietful and dimwitted people become politicians who control the people and they themselves are controlled by a smaller group.
Like I said, let me know when they figure out where the real power lies in America. Then they can take the next step. Instead of bringing America down to the poverty the rest of the world lives in, build a strong America, make American citizenship something to be proud of.
The parasites and predators in power now have decided to bring the American middle class to its knees so they can usher in the new world order. Thats the change you will get.
Equal misery for all except the political class at the top.
Read Atlas Shrugged.
The ows movement is against corporate greed and shady politicians. The two go hand in hand. One of the main problems is how corporations in this country enjoy the same rights and privelages as the individual, leaving the average American powerless in the fight for justice. The middleclass is struggling more now than in a long time because of policies bought by corporations and legislated upon by politicians.
I'd suggest everyone take a look at, it shows right there in black and white how these huge companies, businesses, industries, etc. pay for votes via campaign contributions, then the politicians turn around and pass laws and cast votes against the American peoples best interest.
Huge flaw in the system.. Seems like an elephant in the room when mentioned, like people don't want to believe it..
The hope for this changing is all but gone, there are too many people and not enough brain cells.
Why are you mad, bro? I am not the enemy. I just believe the politicians should be changed
You are the OP and you started the thread talking about America. You mention it a few times in your first paragraph. Now you claim I am confused because I am talking about America. It is you who are confused.
Politicians around the world, not just in America have sold everyone down the road. People are being dislocated in SA, Africa, India all over the world to meet Agenda 21 standerds. Its happening in America too. North Californians are fighting mad. I am well aware that is a world wide thing. Have you ever seen the Georgia Guidestone? It tells us what they have iin store for mankind. They wish to wipe out all but about 500 million people.
I just feel the occupy crowd should focus their energy at washington and the president they elected instead of fatcats. You seem to be focused on people who leave an inheritence to their kids as the Bible instructs them too. Even if you took all the money from the one percent it would not make a dent in the ginourmous debt washington has run up
Why are you mad, bro? I am not the enemy. I just believe the politicians should be changed
You are the OP and you started the thread talking about America. You mention it a few times in your first paragraph. Now you claim I am confused because I am talking about America. It is you who are confused.
Politicians around the world, not just in America have sold everyone down the road. People are being dislocated in SA, Africa, India all over the world to meet Agenda 21 standerds. Its happening in America too. North Californians are fighting mad. I am well aware that is a world wide thing. Have you ever seen the Georgia Guidestone? It tells us what they have iin store for mankind. They wish to wipe out all but about 500 million people.
I just feel the occupy crowd should focus their energy at washington and the president they elected instead of fatcats. You seem to be focused on people who leave an inheritence to their kids as the Bible instructs them too. Even if you took all the money from the one percent it would not make a dent in the ginourmous debt washington has run up
Why are you mad, bro? I am not the enemy. I just believe the politicians should be changed
You are the OP and you started the thread talking about America. You mention it a few times in your first paragraph. Now you claim I am confused because I am talking about America. It is you who are confused.
Politicians around the world, not just in America have sold everyone down the road. People are being dislocated in SA, Africa, India all over the world to meet Agenda 21 standerds. Its happening in America too. North Californians are fighting mad. I am well aware that is a world wide thing. Have you ever seen the Georgia Guidestone? It tells us what they have iin store for mankind. They wish to wipe out all but about 500 million people.
I just feel the occupy crowd should focus their energy at washington and the president they elected instead of fatcats. You seem to be focused on people who leave an inheritence to their kids as the Bible instructs them too. Even if you took all the money from the one percent it would not make a dent in the ginourmous debt washington has run up's long been my opinion that the middle class doesn't exist.![]()
It's a bunch of people pretending they aren't poor.
Yeah I was being broad.
some people ARE financially fit.
But there are a lot of "Credit card middle class" families.
...patriarchs of the new plastic monuments that are 'the people'. Bobbleheads, really.Life's a grind, we're being recycled.
We're being "herded" into the new age. When we need to swim there in our own consciousness.
We're being "herded" into the new age. When we need to swim there in our own consciousness.
Heres a message from a soldier in occupy Phoenix. This is a message I would believe in.
"Today, our enemy is on U.S. soil. They are the CIA, the Federal Reserve Bankers, the DHS, FEMA and members of the United States government who have pledged their allegiance to a New World Order government and they are determined to destroy my country in favor of this foreign controlled New World Order government. To me that is a declaration of war against the United States and all Americans.”
When you say things like that, you lose people like me, no offense twords you. But if you want others to listen to you please dont say things like that.
We are being destroyed from within. Everything right about what was once the US of A is being destroyed. Just make sure you know who the enemy actually is and stay on point!!