I wish it was doing something cool. I was out front teaching my brother in laws 5 year old boy how tonride without training wheels. He asked me to show him on my bike. Apparently the rear quick release failed while I was leaning in a turn and I was dropped right on the pavement at full force with no warning.

I have fucked up and let bikes go flying to save myself many times. Something was obviously wrong. A bike shop set up the bike a week earlier. First I rode since it felt great out of the shop.

I have a lawyer investigating.

Cause I’m a grower not a lawyer. Dammit Jim!
Fucked up!
I was a victim of a little violent crime somewhat recently, a teenage girl broke both my elbows.

(With a VW Beetle)

So I can relate to bodily injury pretty easily, stay strong.
I have a camera in my box that takes stills so yeah I look, oh, 5 times during lights on everyday mostly to check on how my light is working/do I need to water. I love checking on them. I take two pics a day. Probably to much.,.. Do I have a problem?? Lol
Yeah I'm in my rooms constantly. Hell, I'll be in the middle of doing something not plant related, and I put everything down just to check on them or pretend I'm doing something productive with them even if it's just bending a branch or 30 lol. Like the above post said, it Def has something to do with passion. Just watching them grow gives me a satisfied feeling that not many other things ever have. And in all honesty, I couldn't picture myself doing anything different with my life/time. It's fun. Plain and simple.