Ocean Grown Genetics

Popped 3 lp99 n got 3 males lol. They grew slow as fuck. Ones slowest veggers I've ever had. Nice healthy squat uniform. I moved on. Got some some bomb ass cherry bomb n smurfzilla crushing it. I'll try the Lp again hopefully with better luck lol
Popped 3 lp99 n got 3 males lol. They grew slow as fuck. Ones slowest veggers I've ever had. Nice healthy squat uniform. I moved on. Got some some bomb ass cherry bomb n smurfzilla crushing it. I'll try the Lp again hopefully with better luck lol
Hope you have better luck with the rest of the pack. I have never run any of the stuff PHNerd or NinjaOG bred, which is all the Wizards Potion crosses (PHNerd) and Ninja Fruit and crosses they're working on with him (NinjaOG). I've only ever worked with or really been interested in what VaderOG breeds, which is all of the Alien Rift crosses and everything in their catalog from three years ago and back. I have found nothing but fire so far. Jawa Pie, Obi Wan OG, and Vader OG are all crosses I don't think you can lose with. Cheers and happy hunting!