OD '09 Where dreams come true



I hope so too...If there are any males they are rogue, not typical tall and stringy (I can spot those), the veg everywhere is almost the same height so it makes it harder, but next week should be the last to worry about it..(i think?) longest day is next week...

thanks hodgegrown!


So everything is shakin what her momma gave her, except for 1..ONE! But it doesn't get the same conditions as most others. I'll give it another week before pulling it. Its the one thats the tallest, almost 4 feet now and is pictured in 624-5. Anyway, it was a nice 90*F outside today and they seem to be loving life. I think next time I will spray an ORGANIC insecticide (if anyone has suggestions for OD use) because the bugs want the pistols. Enjoy:



Well-Known Member
Hey man...things are looking very beautiful. Keep up the hard work and the rewards will be splendid, to say the least :)


Active Member
you should use a GPS and put a point where each plant is. when you go back it will lead you back to them to the exact step! cos where your planting em its like finding fuckin waldo hahah
peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
as long as only fureelz knows where they are, that's all that's important. I know I wouldnt forget my way to my grow.


you should use a GPS and put a point where each plant is. when you go back it will lead you back to them to the exact step! cos where your planting em its like finding fuckin waldo hahah
peace :peace:
GPS is not a good idea, if anyone were to find it and look it up, I would be in trouble. I could probably tell you exactly how to get there from your house....but I won't.

I also purchased a motorhome today so I can stay a bit closer to the area, not at it.


overdue update...Thanks for the comments/rep. Most are 4+ feet tall now, the tallest being 5..All clones show little signs of shock and have adapted well. I did find some bug that had what looked like spit all over it (a barrier) and I removed it..weird.. and it looked like something had trampled over one trying to get to the water (?) I propped it back up and it should be fine..A little scare at the sight last time, I think its time to lay low for a while, so I will have some pictures in August. Anyway enjoy til then:


Well-Known Member
Hey really liking the grow man cant wait till i see all th buds you get from this grow :) keep up the hard work


Well-Known Member
great grow man ill be watchin for the end and i was gonna guess CO jus cus i forgot theres other places with mountains too in this country but u gave it up lol


Well-Known Member
GPS is not a good idea, if anyone were to find it and look it up, I would be in trouble. I could probably tell you exactly how to get there from your house....but I won't.

I also purchased a motorhome today so I can stay a bit closer to the area, not at it.
Looking good there fureelz, great spot you chose, plants look a bit streched but they'll fill in. Best wishes and two thumbs up for the harvest..:peace:


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Hey man how's it going, havent logged on and posted in a while now, but was surfing and had a few questions for ya. Your plants dont seem to be like there getting attacked by any animales or anything, but Im having alot of deer attacks. They've killed probly 10 or more of my plants and was curious if you could lead me in a direction to keep these bastards away. I'll be adding steaks and chicken wire tomorrow sometime so that should eliminate the most of ehm. Also I was curious how much you expect to yield per plant, cause mine are about twice as big and was just curious on how muich i could expect. Its my first guerilla so not much experience. Thanks bro. :peace: