OD 2015 socal


Getting ready for the season, been OD for a few yrs now, last yr had an issue with reveg for plant set out in april, and the ones in late may did fine but didnt grow very big.

I just germed 2 colombian gold, 2 brazil amazonias (freebies from tude), also gonna germ OG18, chernobyl and tangie and a couple afghans soon.

My question is when are you putting your plants out to not revegg, I cant supp any light, I just planned on vegging indoor for a month or so then planting in ground.

Im really tryna get some big girls, any help is appreciated
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i wanna grow them like the one in my sig pic which i grew in 07 but havent been able to duplicate, in 07 i had about 8 of these monsters,
you could of just put your seeds in the ground in April and they would of grown into the full season. Now you have to wait til mid may so you don't revegg but sometimes it even happens then. You'll figer something out. Im curious to see your OG18 go. I have a bunch I was thinking about to plant seed in april outside.
the piccy in my sig was vegged indoor for like 3 weeks than in a GH like maybe march or april then all plants overgrew the gh and i just left the frame to hold em up