Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2011! White Picket Fence Garden!


Well-Known Member
What's up everybody, how was your winter?!

Just now getting my garden started, been taking an organic/sustainable gardening class at my local community college and got a whole shitload of free organic veggie starts!

My mom (who owns the house I garden at) doesn't want me blowing it up last year so not gonna have as many herb plants in it this time, in fact I haven't got any clones yet, not gonna do my lavender-satori because apparently no body around here wants sativa's they just want kush's and strains that are in the rap songs so I'm still sitting on 4 LBs from last season.

Today I was finally was able to borrow a roto-tiller from my homie that plays conga's in our band. So I went and got a couple bags of compost/amendments and composted manure to till in. Will post the pics of it after the tilling in a bit. Gonna get about 8-16 cu feet of good potting soil to layer on the top and till in tomorrow before planting.

All and all pretty psyched about this year and looking forward to a happy and healthy grow season!

Ready for Fun

Organic Starts


Guard Dawgs!

Rough Life ;)
Yo my brother!! Good to see ya in here and goin again my man. I'll be talkin' to ya soon!
Hey dude, that's a nice looking private spot. I 'm also growing some veggies along with my mj. with a few marigolds to help control bugs.Good luck, jethead
So how was the gardening class. They had to mention no-till gardening not disturbing the soil food web. Well anyway cant wait to see what you do this year. Keepem green dirrtyd
So how was the gardening class. They had to mention no-till gardening not disturbing the soil food web. Well anyway cant wait to see what you do this year. Keepem green dirrtyd

There's hardly any life in my soil anyways after drying out and turning back into clay. I just re-innoculate the soil with bacteria and mycorriza, plus all the AACT(actively airated compost tea). I'm not rich enough to just dump 20 new bags of soil on top of hardpan clay, and digging holes is fucked. I'm gonna roto-till ever year I have a chance, as long as people are down to let me borrow their tiller's, shit's the bomb.

And the gardening class was insanely easy, the old man who teaches it used to buy pallets of soil from me when I worked at humboldt hydroponics and is a really cool guy. we are going on a feild trip to his organic farm today for our last day of class, turning in our finals. gonna try to get him to smoke with me when I'm out on his farm. He was the first certified organic farmer in Redding and has been selling the or. veggies at our farmers market for about 20 years. cool stuff.
Got all the Veggie's planted 2 days ago and left about a 6'x8' space that I'm gonna just put 4 plants in. dunno what strains yet, still havent picked up the clones. gonna plant a few more in pots, all and all a lot less than last year :/


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Just read through your grow from last year. That was fucking crazy! I'm so jealous of your lifestyle. hahaha sick grow man I'll keep up
Nice start brudda mon. Sucks momz gots to be likr tht but I kno how you feel my mom acts the same way...She was trying to convince me to get rid of my plants 5 weeks into flower...lol no waayy is wut I had to say! Still gonna plant in my backyard just gonna plant a lot of small clones later in the year so Ill have some 11/2 ft budded out ganja plants. Im also gonna experiment with trellis growing I plan to weave a couple indicas thru my garden fence...pretty low key huh? Also some plots out in the neighborhood.
whats up man!! good to see odie is doin well!... i look at those pics and its hard to believe that last year that same picket fence housed some of my favorite plants grown on this site.... I as well have some banana peppers, kung pao peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers and arugula growing at my house.. my other garden from last year is going to be strictly cannabis, and im going to exploit some LST.... no more xmas trees with 1 main cola... i should at least double my yield.

i have only SLH and church going so far. the one seed i had of master kush didnt make it... :(

just sell your lavendar and say its "that piff" that would work around here... hahaha fools.

happy growing, you know im subbed!
Hey brother, everything ok? How bout some updates! I,Ve got a pretty lush vegetable garden at my house right now as well. I'll post pictures when i stoo being lazy and start my 2011 journal.

Hope all is well, peace.
Ended up moving to southern humboldt to grow for a collective the rest of the season, been out here about a month. got about 5-6 plants in pots in redding being watched by a friend since I couldn't grow at my madre's this year. sucks cause one of them (my biggest one) got ripped down by a drunk asshole so I lost about a pound or more for no reason and it was a strain I have never grown, "ice". super bummed cause there is a beautiful ice plant im growing right now for the collective but there shit is all chemy bud and I'm not down with that. I'll grow chem bud for other people that pay me too but I never would for myself or friends/family because I personally think chemical nutrients are worthless and evil. but whatevs, got a place to live and a paycheck. going to college of the redwoods right now and doing pretty good. my veggie garden in redding is kicking ass I guess and my mom's been getting lots of good organic veggies for free cause if it. all and all not too bad a year but not nearly as nice as last years. hopefully 2012 treats me good. need a big end of the world harvest.... hahaha...
Been thinking about you, glad your doing something you enjoy and earning a paycheck. Agree with regards to chemical grows, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Hows ODB, hope his injury healed and he's enjoying life?
Take care of yourself and post up more so we'll know your doing well...
Yom my brotha, glad to hear from ya! Cool sounding job, too bad they grow with chems and feed to sick people just to make a buck though. Hope all stays going good for ya man...PEACE!!