Odd leaf coloration


Well-Known Member
Hello all! I'm having this yellowing problem with some (not all) of my plants, here's a some background info:

All plants are flowering
My P.H. for soil and water is 6
Im feeding them every other three days 7-10-8
A regular water in between
Highest Temp 80 lowest 68

The problem is this bright yellow starts a the tips in new growth, sometimes the green grows back and other times the leafs die.

any help?



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are overwatering them. Try less water and see what happens.

I only water once or twice at the most per week. My plants are happy.


Well-Known Member
Yellowing of leaves during flower is normal as nutes are pulled from leaves..but I'd say your PH is low and may hinder the N thats being feed in nutes..IMO