Odd Taste in my Butter


So I just finished up a harvest and have never made butter. I had my trim drying in a carboard box for a few days. It was nice and crispy, however some of the small popcorn buds I put in the mix were not 100% dry, but close.

I took the trim and buds and put it in the oven on 275F for 7 minutes. Let it cool and ran it through my grinder. Turned it into a nice powder consistency.

I placed the butter and trim in a double boiler and simmered for 3 hours.

My questions is around the taste. It is horrible. Has a very burnt flavor to it, but the bud was not burnt over even over dried. The only thing I can think of that might bring that burnt/hint of chlorophyll taste is the fact that it hasn't cured yet.

What do think? Did I need to cure it first?



I know I should always cure...however this was an experiment. I cure my smoke for 30 days before it even comes out of the jars. Does anyone know what would cause that extreme burnt flavor? It even has an odd odor.

I will tell you that it definitely worked. Great long lasting body buzz with an overall good feeling.


Active Member
When I make butter, I don't bake my weed...I just simmer it in butter with a double boiler, strain and cool....I just got bubble bags now so i'll now make butter using hash...


Well-Known Member
Use a double broiler. You can burn both the butter and the pot within the butter on the bottom of the pan when you don't use a double broiler. If you don't have one I would suggest mixing the melted butter and pot with water and boiling it - this will guarantee you don't burn anything and the water to a degree absorbs a bit of the chlorophyll. Afterward just let the butter and water separate and throw it in the freezer. Once the water and bud has frozen on the bottom you can easily scrape the clean butter off the top.


Use a double broiler. You can burn both the butter and the pot within the butter on the bottom of the pan when you don't use a double broiler. If you don't have one I would suggest mixing the melted butter and pot with water and boiling it - this will guarantee you don't burn anything and the water to a degree absorbs a bit of the chlorophyll. Afterward just let the butter and water separate and throw it in the freezer. Once the water and bud has frozen on the bottom you can easily scrape the clean butter off the top.
I did use a double boiler. I used a glass bowl above a pot of boiling water. I kept adding water to ensure it didn't dry out and cause any extreme heat. The only odd ball is that I baked it for 7 minutes at 275F to make sure it was dry.


Well-Known Member
I think you burn't the weed a little in the oven, you don't have to do that btw.
Just put the weed/water (more water is better, makes for cleaner butter) and butter in the D.B. and let her go for 3-6 hours, strain
cool and store.


Well-Known Member
water cure your buds after curing them proper...then carry on...

all the benefits, none of the skunk mouth


Well-Known Member
well sounds like you probably burned your butter from the bottom or you put a lot of weed in and you just not used to the taste as it has an interesting flavor as it is. You can water cure but it is a waste of time and just makes a bigger mess. Use the crock pot method, you wont ned the oven, its simple and retard-proof. Make sure when you make butter to ass at least twice as much water by volume than your pot.


Active Member
After you make the butter it helps to refine it acouple times. After the butter is cooled down and in the form of butter add more water than butter and bring to a simmer. Let it harden in fridge then drain old water and repeat. Each time you do that it helps on the taste and the water will look clearer each time. It doesn't take long and worth the time.


After you make the butter it helps to refine it acouple times. After the butter is cooled down and in the form of butter add more water than butter and bring to a simmer. Let it harden in fridge then drain old water and repeat. Each time you do that it helps on the taste and the water will look clearer each time. It doesn't take long and worth the time.
Thanks for all the tips everyone. So basically just dump my butter in stock pot. Add a little more water than the amount of butter and simmer for how long? Will an hour work? Then do this a few more times to get the burnt/nasty taste out?

I think I will just do the crock pot method next time. My trim and bud is already properly dried at this point so I won't have a need to bake it next time.


Well-Known Member
well sounds like you probably burned your butter from the bottom or you put a lot of weed in and you just not used to the taste as it has an interesting flavor as it is. You can water cure but it is a waste of time and just makes a bigger mess. Use the crock pot method, you wont need the oven, its simple and retard-proof. Make sure when you make butter to ass at least twice as much water by volume than your pot.
That last part is very true! I find the more water is better.
I use 5 cups water to 1 Lb butter and 2 ozs of well ground bud in the Crock pot and its
so good you can't taste hardly any weed in my brownies.

When you use more water to make the butter you give it more room on the bottom of the bowl for the plant matter to seperate down to the water and away from the butter on top.


Well-Known Member
water curing isn't a waste of time when you just plain hate the taste of chlorophyll in the cooked dishes
nor is it messy.

but yes...plenty of water, some butter and herb works plenty well all on it's own


Well-Known Member
I think when you taste chlorophyll in your butter it's because people use shade leaves and stems in the mix. or your rushing the process or missing steps.


Well-Known Member
since i make my own, and tinkered quite a bit...i'm pretty sure it's the chlorophyll

doubly so when it's ripped out, the nasty flavor magically disappears as well.
and it still beats your head in.
it has opened a wider range of recipes for me is all i know
to each their own.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean I make it 1-2 times a month,
How the heck do you break me from making brownies all the time, I bought a case of Brownie mix..
Step away from the Brownies Tim!!
Whats your favorite ChubbySoap munchies recipie????


Well-Known Member
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, cubed
8 tablespoons or more of homemade "I Can't Believe It's Canna Butter!"
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 pinch salt and pepper to taste
2 skinless boneless chicken breast halves, cooked and cubed
2 cups chopped broccoli
2 small zucchini, julienned
1/2 cup julienned sweet red pepper
6 ounces fettuccine, cooked, drained

In a skillet over low heat, melt cream cheese and canna butter; stir smooth.
Add milk, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Cook and stir for 3 minutes or until thickened.
Add chicken, broccoli, zucchini and red pepper.
Cook over medium heat for 3 minutes.
Reduce heat; cover and cook 5 minutes longer or until vegetables are tender.

Serve over homemade Marijuana Fettuccine and some garlic/canna butter toast for an extra kick.

i call it, "Pollo Alfredo Dela Mota".