odd textured leaves, help please!


New Member
So its been sort of a bumpy road for this first grow. Originally they were planted in MG and I had all sorts of issues, mostly pH but it was also too nutrient heavy and caused some burn to occur.

I transplanted them into FFOF and within three days they exploded in growth and vigor, absolutely stunning changes.

However there seems to be a persistent problem with the texture on one of the plants, it has a light green and patchy surface on most of the leaves. This particular plant tried to flower due to stress and I pulled it back into veg with 18-4 light.

Water has been pHed to about 6.5 and I havent fed any nutes yet. Temps range from 72-79 for the most part with humidity 36-50.

The other plant is doing super well though I'm happy to say :-)
Have you gave any thought to giving it a balanced fertilizer?

Yeah, ill definitely be fertilizing as soon as my next payday comes in but I figured the fox farm ( plus some MG in the root ball) had enough nutrients to hold them over for a week. What would you recommend as far as a balanced fert? I have fish fert but its 5-1-1
The 5-1-1 is probably Alaska fish right? It should give you a nice kick, but use it at 1/4 strength and move up from there over your next few waterings.
You might also look into an earth worm casting (EWC) tea that will help supplement any other under available nutrients. But fish emulsion will boost the soil, just have to watch out as it will attract other wildlife that will want to dig it up.
The 5-1-1 is probably Alaska fish right? It should give you a nice kick, but use it at 1/4 strength and move up from there over your next few waterings.
Yep thats exactly what it is! Nice! Haha. Will do, thanks for the tip!
Ive heard good things about earth worm casting ferts, ill definitely look into that as well. What do you think of foliar feeding with epsom or calcium?
This is my routine and is done in connection with my nutrient regiment. Please exercise caution if attempting to mimic.

I foliar daily with Epsom salt/calCarb, 5-0-0 natures nectar, and then a wash at the end of the day. I do not use surfactants, instead I rely on an atomizer head on my pump spray nozzle that turns it into a fog/mist. My reasoning for this is to not burn the plant during foliar "fogging" in the early-late afternoon. I apply misting to the shaded sides of the plant up to 4 times a day depending on the temperatures.
Remember that every time you water the soil till it leeches out below, it leeches nutrients outside of the root-balls active area. This is both a good and a bad thing as it will not only remove excessive amounts of nutrients, but also causes a leeching of the mainly under available nutrient Nitrogen.

Also keep in mind that the fish fert is high acidic and will make your nutrient solution drop in ph drastically with minor input.