Odor control

newbie grower

Active Member
Well I know this has been posted many times, but here goes. I live in a mobile home home and it is kinda hard to duct anything outside, from where my grow room is, and even if it wasnt I wouldnt have a clue how to run it all outside. What can I do to get rid of the smell, what works best for you guys? I just use a 15x29x31 cabinet from walmart. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
i duct to my attic. u theoretically could duct to another room. if you have a cabinet just vent the air out of the box and into the room. like downunder said get/make a carbon scrubber. i made one for 35 dollars from parts at local hardware stores. if thats not an option i heard that kitty litter and pine sol works good.


Well-Known Member
Lowes now has a very thin carbon filter to be placed next to a furnace filter, or in front of a box fan. It is something like 25X25 and can easily be cut down in size. $10. I have not tried it yet, but it looks good.

newbie grower

Active Member
Cool thanks guys, if someone has some pictures of there fan and ducting coming from the cabinet, It would give me some good ideas of what you are talking about. Are your cabinets all air tight? I have holes in mine for venting and stuff like that. Will a carbon srcubber hooked to one fan blowing through it, clear the smell?

newbie grower

Active Member
Yes I do. I have a window fan blowing in on the lights, and an exhaust fan blowing out the back of the box. Depending on how warm its gettin in the box I sometimes keep the doors open. The exhaust fan is 105cfm dayton. I found that I can cut a hole in my wall and run the exhaust into a closet i dont use, in my hallway. So do I put the fan in the box, run like dryer venting into a carbonscrubber through the whole in the wall? Sorry for sounding so dumb about all this.