There isnt anything wrong with my cf. There was a while ago I guess it got wet because of too much humidity and at the peak of flower I could smell it outside clear as a bell. I had to pull the ducting going outside and just let it run inside till I got the cf dry again. That works fine now.
I dont know if I can explain my set up but as you know it always changes and you try to get it just right and what works at the time. Right now I have two exhaust going on both sides of the house one is ground floor where the meter man can walk by and the other is a second floor window which is that bathroom. Right now I am considering pumping the ground floor upstairs through the house ducting (straight shot no probs with that) and from there it gets scrubbed again through that room and out the bathroom window which smells like fabric softener (if I use that). I may do that just so I know I am not exhausting where somebody can see, smell and feel the air coming out. Well actually you cant see or feel that as I have something in front of it but anyways.... You wont be able to tell from the second story window. I am starting to think that is the best way - have it scrubbed again.
Its warmer here have to be proactive right now windows are open. People are hanging out since its warmer dont need smells flying around. Need to think about heat control, airflow and odor and get that dialed in so I dont have any issues about it like last year.
A little bit of extra effort to help control odor goes a long way. Im going to try dryer sheets to and put like three on a string and then stick it in my ducting to see how long that lasts at the least it will make the house smell good or it will smell going outside if I leave it the way it is. Trying it isnt going to hurt a thing and I wont know till I do.
Right Fellas. One thing I have learned its better to address problems before it happens then that way it doesnt happen.
Is your fan on backwards?
no lol good one though.
The fabric softener is a good idea.