Odor during hanging process


Active Member
Hey all. Been on the forum for a few years, mostly just gaining knowledge. I just did my first large outdoor grow, got some really nice results. My problem is, I'm losing almost 100% of my aroma in my buds after 24 hrs. I've never had that problem before and don't know what I'm doing wrong. Once in the jars to cure some odor returns, but nothing like it was when first trimmed. The product looks amazing, and smokes good. Just doesn't have the aroma of good bud anymore. And help or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Plants are blue dream, golden goat, and power Africa. Hang drying in my basement.
Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I'm also trimming up my first outdoor harvest aswell, I have been trying all differnt types of methods myself. Did you do a wet trim then hang or did you clip fan leaves, hang, then dry trimmed?
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Active Member
I trimmed everything wet then hung. Drying room is my basement. Its fairly large, dark, not much air moisture at all. I keep a small fan aimed away from the hanging product to keep air circulating. I was thinking maybe my basement is too dry or too big of an open area, bc the majority of my buds are dry enough to jar after 3-4 days. My large tops are taking 5-6 days. For the first 24 hours my entire house smells amazing! Then the odor is just gone. Smells like drying foliage. After curing in jars for a week a small amount of odor has come back, but its no where near as potent of smell as when I first hung them.


Active Member
I hung about 60 plants in my house and it smells like grass and outdoor. But once I trim it the real smell comes out and when I cure it for a couple days it smells super dank. I'm on day 10 of drying. I've kept Temps about 65 and humidity about 60. They have another day or two before all the branches get thrown in about 10-15 100gal totes to cure for a couple weeks. I do a very slow dry and cure and it always comes out fire. Anyways hope that helps. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
sounds like it's either too dry or too hot in your basement… 7-10 days is typical for hang dry, to get a nice cure out of it, anything faster in my experience loses a lot of it's smell, taste and tends to turn dusty when breaking it up. What's the humidity levels n your basement?


Active Member
I'm waiting on my hydro meters to show up currently so I'm not sure on humidity yet. Temp is 68-70 depending on time of day. And I did the stem break test as well as pinching the buds before I put them in jars. They seem to be curing alright. They lightly moisten up while the jars are sealed, I open the jars for about an hour to 2 to let the moisture dissipate and the buds lightly dry back up. Some smell has come back it's just not as pungent as when I hung it on day one after trimming. My harvests are happening in stages because of the different strains so I've only harvested 3 of my 22 plants. This weekend I'll be harvesting about 2/3 of what's left though so I'm trying to figure out my issue before this weekend.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I guess I need to figure out my humidity in the basement.


Well-Known Member
Have you grown this strain before? Some strains lose a lot of their smell after harvest and some don't from my experience. I don't really see anything you are doing wrong imo.


Active Member
Finally got my hygrometers in. Basement was at 52%. Put a humidifier down there on the opposite side of from where I'm hang drying. Much better! On day 5 hanging now with my 2nd harvest. Doing MUCH better than the first harvest. Thanks everyone for insight!


Well-Known Member
Kidding obvi.
The best way to keep the most smell is to hang the whole plant. Rip off the fans and hang it whole. Then manicure after its dried and the smell is the best, well after at least a couple weeks cure.
If theres too many plants or theyre too big for a dry trim, you can leave a humidifier in there and wet trim if the rh is really low. The humidity adds to the dry time so ive noticed a little better smell with a eight day hang vs a three day but its all


Well-Known Member
Made a world of dofference to me having a 7 day dry vs the previous 3 day. The slower dried buds are smelling waaaay good. But the earlier ones are actually smelling a lot lot better now being in the second week of curing.

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
On one GSC plant I removed one branch with a large cola after about 9 weeks of flower and dried the usual way. 12 days later, I harvested the rest of the plant, then dried and dry trimmed just like the earlier branch. The only difference was 12 extra days growing.

On a scale of 1 - 10, the smell from the first branch is maybe a 2 meaning very little smell and what there is is quite grassy. The rest of the plant has an odor I'd rate a 9 - 10, it's about as smelly and tasty as I could have hoped for. And the buds swelled an additional 30 - 40% during that extra grow time.

Clearly, harvesting at the optimum maturity IS NOT the only factor but don't overlook the result.


Active Member
I'm on day 6 hanging. I'll jar this batch tomorrow and have my last harvest tomorrow as well. 4 golden goat plants. Really excited about those! Thanks again for all the tips and help!