I like this philly guy, not only does he use big words, but he uses them properly

and yes, I am very lazy. I need to repot, but have been putting it off for about a week now
But despite, or in spite of my lazyness, I called up a friend who owns an environmental company, hopping to get a free ozone generator

but it didn't work

but he said he's going to bring a box of the carbon scrubbers they use, he said its heavy duty shit, used for cleaning gas' and liquid's like gas and oil... why is gas a liquid?
So I'm going to check that shit out... pretty sure I'm going to buy the generator anyways. but I'll put it off for a week or two.,
and to hydrochronic, what is the shopper? are thoes like thoes magazines the mexican guy has a shoping cart full of and drops in puttles in my yard? I think it has a fancy title like the shopper on it.
and also what are the test strips called to test for this stuff? I want to get a box of that!
P.S. I hate timers... but if I must