Totally a Red Sox fan. Still pumped off the bruins win. Such a great series, shame that Vancouver had to destroy their own city though. There is MORE sun I can't even believe it, lol. Hopefully the rain stays away for a while.


Well-Known Member
aiight thats good! lol. and yeaa deff happy bout the bruins as well... adn yeaa.. i still dont get the whole destroying your own city cuz you lost thing... u would think they would wanna destroy our city.. not their own...


These are some photos of the clones I have had indoors in a humidity tent under a CFL. It has been about 8 days since cut and put into soil.

One plant seems to have maybe died, but the other is definatley cranking along.

Could someone maybe look at the leaves and tell me why there is yellowing at the tips of my clones leaves?



This is my progress so far with my patch outside. I had on plant snapped at the stem completely and it was like that for a day or two. I trimmed the end of it and through some clone gel on it. hopefully it lives.

The patch has had some awesome sun, and I have been able to give it my nute mix since it hasn't rained much. since the nute mix i noticed a rapid growth increase.

Let me know what you think so far.



Well-Known Member
looks good so far man. maybe get sum steaks to help hold up the stems? if therye bending/snapping.. ive never had a succesfull outdoor grow.. soo im not much help. lol. but IMO they look good. =)


I think the bending and snapping was from an animal or maybe even myself accidentally stepping on or near the plant and cracking the stem, and then it just rot. But I will be staking them soon.


Well-Known Member
When does a plant usually start to flower outdoors in New England?
ive heard late august/early september it should start. =) i gotta check on my ladies soooon. i got 2 full moons adn 1 gorilla grape outside in the woods


ive heard late august/early september it should start. =) i gotta check on my ladies soooon. i got 2 full moons adn 1 gorilla grape outside in the woods
Word, cause I mean my highest plant is about 2 feet tall now, its just not very bushy and I am worried it will be small when it starts to flower. I guess that leaves me all of July to put on height and some bushiness.


Word, cause I mean my highest plant is about 2 feet tall now, its just not very bushy and I am worried it will be small when it starts to flower. I guess that leaves me all of July to put on height and some bushiness.
I was worried about mine being so lanky with no branching as well about two weeks ago when they looked pretty much identical to yours but they just now started branching nicely this week. Hold in there, I think you will be good to go by the time harvest rolls around.


Well-Known Member
yeaa i needa check on mineee... ughh. i put them like 20 mins away.. soo i hasve to get motivated to my my journey... lol. adn its just sooo damn hot out i dont feel like goin into the woods... shits full of fuckin bugs ive never even seen b4! want it 2 cool down b4 i go.. but thats not happenin


Seriously! I get ticks on me every time I go out to mess with mine which is about every day. So much sacrifice for the babies haha


I know exactly what you mean when you say you have to get motivated to go and check on them.

My clones are doing very very well. They are all very lively looking and ones stem is getting super duper fat. The other is coming along as well, Though the leaves still have very yellow points on them. I wll go take a picture now and post it in a few minutes.

vicious canid

Well-Known Member
wow! shes a big one huh!? gonna gert even bigger once they start to flower! niiiiice
already flowered once planted in late march from clone. I.picked about an ounce off it to taste it and let the buds grow out again. had one in the closet but I kinda killed it with no ventilation got 157 grams of immature bud out of it. still gets you pretty high.(disclaimer for medical use only prop 215 compliant.)