# of plants to grow? Experienced opinions needed...


This is more of a philosophical question about how many plants you should grow when dealing with limited space. Would it be worth your time to grow a smaller amount of plants and let them mature longer before flowering so they are larger? Or should you grow a larger amount of plants and limit their pre-flower size? I feel its the latter because wouldn't that result in better light distribution? Or is it simply bigger the roots bigger the fruits?

With all due respect I would like insight from experienced growers, not to be a dick, knowledge=experience... Thanks


Active Member
well are you buying feminized seeds or using bag seeds? because if its bag seeds you want to grow as many as you can to get a larger amount of females. if they are feminized i would grow a hand full and let them grow very tall. you can get more yield with a few bigger plants than a few more smaller ones.


Active Member
I prefer bigger plants myself but it's harder due to more problematic the older they are. But I rock 6 plants per 600.


Active Member
^as above but scrog them and maybe veg them a little longer than usual you don't need great numbers of plants for good results if you manage a gram(dry) per Watt of light you've achieved the best you can and should be happy


right on, I always figured scrog would be too much of a pain in the ass. I like to keep it simple. Thanks for the intel


Active Member
right on, I always figured scrog would be too much of a pain in the ass. I like to keep it simple. Thanks for the intel
it does look like a pain in the ass to set up, but its worth it in future grows especially if you can build a permanent setup.


Active Member
It's a relatively easy system to set-up, took me about 30 mins to assemble a screen. Definitely worth a try.
What you get yield wise out weighs the time you spend on it I spend about 10 minutes max every evening I don't think that's too time consuming?


Well-Known Member
You are the only one that can answer that question on number and size. Do you want a lot of variety or prefer the same everyday? Do you have the time and willingness to spend with multi strain grows and the attention each strain takes? Growing for personal use, you should try several cycles with big and little plants to see what suits you. The more plants, the more work, watering, spraying, inspecting and such. This is not to mention the different level of nutes multiple strain grows can require.
Everyone will have a different like and opinion but the final answer will come down to what suits your time and preferrence in growing.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Most experienced growers would probably prefer a dozen smaller plants to a few monsters. With big plants comes big waste.
Most strains have much of their budding on the main cola. A dozen small plants means a dozen main colas. Plus you don't
have to spend hours trimming the small immature buds that always make up most of a monster plant. Efficiency and yield
suggest many plants over a few.

BigSteve, 25-30 grows.


Most experienced growers would probably prefer a dozen smaller plants to a few monsters. With big plants comes big waste.
Most strains have much of their budding on the main cola. A dozen small plants means a dozen main colas. Plus you don't
have to spend hours trimming the small immature buds that always make up most of a monster plant. Efficiency and yield
suggest many plants over a few.

BigSteve, 25-30 grows.
that makes sense


Well-Known Member
Sog will always out do scrog imo they are ok if growing for pleasure and for peeps that do it for personal use but on larger scale ops more plants as its a faster turnover and less hassle with more plant and needless to say prime bud instead of messing around with popcorn that really is nt worth trimming !!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Bigger roots do = bigger fruits. Grow your ladies in big pots, 5 gallon minimum,top them, veg for at least 5 1/2 weeks under hid lighting with good soil and nutes and your yields will be plentiful...I am currently growing 4 ladies under 1000 watts of hps and looking to harvest close to a lb.


Well-Known Member
Bigger roots do = bigger fruits. Grow your ladies in big pots, 5 gallon minimum,top them, veg for at least 5 1/2 weeks under hid lighting with good soil and nutes and your yields will be plentiful...I am currently growing 4 ladies under 1000 watts of hps and looking to harvest close to a lb.
If grown correctly pal u should b hittin 2lb!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Bro if u dont aim high and get dissapointment your not pushing yourself hard enough lol every grow i do i have goals and if i dont make the cut im back on the case asap until i reach them!!
Oh i feel what your saying man, I almost always surpass my expectations, which is why a keep them (expectations) below average :)