off and heavy rains coming - helps flush or hurts trichomes?


Well-Known Member
Wanted to harvest in about a week and have been starting to flush plant, (forecast is calling for off and on heavy rains for the next day or so. Will this help with the flush or damage trichomes (what affect does rain have on trichomes in general?) or do both. First timer and I have been pleasently surprised by results, but at this point I'll chalk this one up as research and take my stuff and run if damage or loss of potency is going to be drastic from rain. Thanks All!
yeah im worried about mold myself. it started raining sat night and it was cloudy/raining all day yesterday and some last night. now the sun is finally out but I wont be able to check my lady til tomorrow morn.
Lol wtf.. you're leaving your buds out in the rain? how are they not all rotten? I have to run my plants inside everytime it starts raining and even then there rotten buds all over the place.
I woulkd thing unless it's always rainy and cloudy that the sun would dry the leaves. All summer I hosed off my baby every few days to wash off bugs, it dried really quickly
we've been in drought like conditions basically the entire year. above avg wind also. this is the first rain system to come through in a while. Maybe that has helped stave off any bud rot. Maybe this should of been posted in the newb section but how fast can the buds rot. i have harvested a few sections and they have looked real good, but the humidity has been really bad lately(7-10) days and now this rain. I'm trying to be patient but part of me wants to chop it down and see what I've got (and learned). Trichomes are all milky white but I think I need to flush it a little more and let it go maybe 1-2 weeks. But I'll take a little less niceness to not lose a bunch to rot. Thanks for any help. Much Appreciated.
As long as there is a slight breeze to dry the plants mold shouldnt be an issue. My 3 gals have been outdoors there whole life. Im in northern ohio and its cold and rainy now. The plant has been around thousands of years with out our help lol....
I harvested my last 2 plants today because of this rain. The one was about ready, but the other probably could have went another 5-7 days. I was having some minor mold issues to begin with and didn't want to risk major problems since I'm expecting heavy rain most of the week. Just one of those judgement calls you have to make. Mine was a guerilla grow, so it's not like I can check them every day for mold.
Hey, I'm in the same general area and we just got rain today - should I play it safe and bring them in tomorrow regardless of the weather? Some are ready to harvest, others practically just started budding :(
Thanks for the reply's, I checked her out this morning and everything looks good, hopefully got a good flush out of it. As an added bonus the second wave of rain moved out with some nice winds hanging around, but now I have a harvest question. With the flushing I had been doing along with the rain, should I continue to flush up till harvest day(maybe 7-10 more days) or let it use everything up and dry out a little. Will this help with drying after cutting down? Thanks again
you could always keep flushing cuz that won't really make the buds wetter or anything, so if I were you keep using plain old h2o. I went to check my baby this morning and one of my colas had rot :( only lost about 2-3 g's but still pissed and praying it doesn't spread everywhere.
I just harvested like 15/20 plants acouple days ago because of rain. The only reason being that i have been fighting a mold issue the last week in a half. But if mold isnt an issue on your plants i wouldnt worry about it. It will be good for you because nature is doing your soil flushing for you. As far as the tricomes go; ive never really noticed any damage to mine from rain. Basically mold and your plants being broken over are the only things id worry about.

*Disclaimer* All statements made above are purely fictional and hypothetically what I may do were I in that situation.
I feel everyones pain. Just had to bring in an early harvest myself because of the risk of bud rot. Started getting in the low 40s and 30s at night with constant rain. Mother nature can be a pain in the ass.
Lol i have like 3 weeks to go and i'm battling mold and bud rot.. like.. a shit load of bud rot, i've already lost around 5 tops and a bunch of lower nugs, I got stem rot also.. it's fucking brutal i hate this weather. Outdoor is only good if you flip halfway through through the year and avoid all this bullshit, Or if you have a greenhouse to save them from the rain. Look at browndirt warrior.. he lost so many plants because mother nature fucked him over, I would of been so pissed if i was him.. doing all that work for nothing.