A couple close up flower pics. Remember only 22 days into flower and using every accepted and non accepted technique because of space. (Switched to molasses 2 days ago. Yep molasses). Area temps fall into 30f during dark cycle. Should be some amazing colors in the next 20 days.
I am calling this grow a FAILURE. Not expecting more than 6oz from this grow. Plants stretched too much due to not showing sex before putting into flower, I allowed night temps to go too low too many times. Also forgot i was letting night temps drop so on first signs of yellowing I started to fight nute def not thinking about eos color change n death.
Next grow will be correct height plants and most likely will not be lowering temps at night for colorful flowers.
Anyhow I enjoyed it. Cheers mate! What lamps did you use for flowering? How many watts? Btw respect for doing it with zero emission footprint (solar/wind power)!