This is incorrect, an alternator is called that because the magnetic field alternates, a generator is called that because the windings move. Either machine can output A.C. or pulse DC depending upon whether a slip ring or commutator is used. A bridge rectifier could also be used, but seldom are.
heh, welllll alright then.... it does appear to be splitting hairs isn't it?
when I am wrong I am typically eager to point it out and learn on my mistakes, but in this case I disagree.
furthermore there isn't an actual difference between the two,
I mean it's the same thing, it
is creating AC current. I mean we could go a step further and start talking about electrons and their relation to it as well.
if you look up the definition of "alternator" it repeatedly specifies that it creates AC voltage
besides the magnetic field alternating is what causes the AC current, so they are essentially the same, but in my field the definition is exactly what I said.
specifically in fact. Generators produce dc, and alternators produce AC.
in multiple books as well, and also in automotive engineering classes too
sure, you are correct in that that's how the magnetic field operates, but that is the very definition of alternating current
my panties won't get bunched too badly, but it's sorta a teensy bit irritating to quote me, and to categorically consider what I said to be "incorrect", when it's not only the same thing but the actual definition of it.
here's the definition of an alternator. From multiple sources.
alternators (plural noun)
- a generator that produces an alternating current.
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Noun 1.
alternator - an old term for an electric generator that produces
alternating current (especially in automobiles)
annnnnd here is another dictionary definition.
(ˈɔl tərˌneɪ tər, ˈæl-)
a generator of
alternating current.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
and in case anyone is curious, here is the official definition via
"The Standard Electrical Dictionary"
The Standard Electrical Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:
A dynamo electric generator supplying an alternating current. (See Dynamo, Alternating Current.) Synonym--Alternating current generator or dynamo.