Official 2017 Pinworm Countdown thread.

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nah man... NEVER stop asking questions.
but I like your outlook on it, we are all strangers talking to each other.
It's a whole soap opera here. Too many questions if you beleive people are telling the truth. No questions if everything is a joke. It's the grey area that's confusing.

Actually, I mutate quite often.
And if I read right your trans? Or pretending to be transgender?

You gave away people's real names? That scares me, why would you do that?

No offence meant to anyone I was just asking questions.
And if I read right your trans? Or pretending to be transgender?

Not trans. Female, have been bi in the past. Some people here think they've "discovered" that I'm a male former RIU member named TBoneJack, but I'm not. I get a good laugh every time someone calls me that.

They think they've got me nailed because of some similar pics of my grow room, and TBoneJack's grow room, that were posted here. But they haven't figured it out yet like they think they have.

I do not dispute that my grow room and TBoneJack's grow room look similar. I just state, in complete truthfulness, that I am a female, and I am not TBoneJack, and I am not a sock puppet.
there is not way to prove you are who you say you are?
post a picture, I don't mean a nudie.

I did that back around December of last year. Over in the "Picture of Yourself" thread (face hidden), with me holding a sign with my username and date, and the words "Fuck You". The people here still didn't believe me. And a moderator nicely advised me not to do that again, since people probably wouldn't believe me anyway.
It is a soap opera here! Welcome Xui. Is Xiu an acronym or is it pronounced like shoe? In my head I pronounce it like shoe. As far as I can tell Zarabeth has a dick and will never post a picture and 6oh suffers from ptsd and will never go to another one of dia's awesome birthday parties again.
It is a soap opera here! Welcome Xui. Is Xiu an acronym or is it pronounced like shoe? In my head I pronounce it like shoe. As far as I can tell Zarabeth has a dick and will never post a picture and 6oh suffers from ptsd and will never go to another one of dia's awesome birthday parties again.
What happened at the party?
Yep ... invited him, his wife and kids to my bf's kids bday party. he and the kids showed. 1st one to show, last one to id say he has no social disorders that I seen. He mentioned his kids dont get out much s I thought it would be a nice gesture to invite them. Then when harvest came at my house he helped trim one day, then again the following weekend, and i hooked him up fat(2 zip of flwr, tincture, topicals, seeds and miticides).
He made comments in chatroom that he would kick me in the knees for commenting on his trimming...I mentioned the trim job looked good, just tighten em up a bit is all i orginally said. But he kept on about that comment...then he went on to say he had sex with me while at my house...which is rude as hell to his wife and my bf imho. So I banned him from the room and never spoke to him again. Then yessica and pinworm were fueding and this was a good reason for him to throw me under the bus and make up bs lies about me. I was willing to let it all go and ignore him and carry on with my riu career but Noooooooo. This mf'er has gone to far by threatening me all for the sake of yessica and his bruised fuckin ego.
What happened at the party?
I did that back around December of last year. Over in the "Picture of Yourself" thread (face hidden), with me holding a sign with my username and date, and the words "Fuck You". The people here still didn't believe me. And a moderator nicely advised me not to do that again, since people probably wouldn't believe me anyway.
that's sketchy. obviously, the only way to disprove the accusation is present proof. just one self image is weak.

when you say, you are not a sock, does that include never before having an account here? ;)
that's sketchy. obviously, the only way to disprove the accusation is present proof. just one self image is weak.

when you say, you are not a sock, does that include never before having an account here? ;)

I have never had an account here either before or after I joined as ZaraBeth420.

After I posted my pic, a nice moderator told me I should not post more selfies.
You could have easily squashed this shit in December...but you didn't, because you couldn't. We aren't stupid. The mods need to be 100% sure. I can live with 99.998%.

I'm curious to know how you think I could have squashed it. If posting a pic didn't squash it, what would have?

You haven't figured it out like you think you have.
Dude, there is no way to talk your way out of this. Pinworm and UB proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the you're a sock. Exact same grow room pics, exact same prose style, and growing the exact same arcane strains. That evidence would easily win a civil suit, maybe even a criminal suit. But, it's WAY more than enough for us. C'mon, man...
Dude, there is no way to talk your way out of this. Pinworm and UB proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the you're a sock. Exact same grow room pics, exact same prose style, and growing the exact same arcane strains. That evidence would easily win a civil suit, maybe even a criminal suit. But, it's WAY more than enough for us. C'mon, man...

I'd fondle ur testis.
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