OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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I think the sun is peaking over the top of the pot and hitting the top. But that's just my opinion :) :) You're right no matter what, you're a judge ;)

Edit: the bottom leaves ARE yellow lol so Mr. Judge Sir, you are the winner. :)
You are correct - I did volunteer my services to AK as a judge, but the fert comment was just a personal observation.
I have exactly zero knowledge of growing autos - Imma-gonna reserve the judgeship stuff for the end of the contest.
And I'm learning from you guys.
Thanks :lol:


Well-Known Member
still in 18 oz cups will transplant tomorrow night to some 16oz's
and put one in a 9cm wick i built
can really see a difference in the pheno's
View attachment 2768714
all the same age
Bad link bro, but I don't think there is too much of a diff., in cups, and much reason to t-plant just for 2 oz., really, unless you had your soil crammed to the top, but that's just my thinking.;-)


Well-Known Member
was transplanting the plant to new medium
soiless blend didnt want to start them in a way i wasnt used too
i always use the soil from my last grow to start my plants in
low nutes been flushed and still has some sugar left for the micro's
works really well


Global Moderator
Staff member
was transplanting the plant to new medium
soiless blend didnt want to start them in a way i wasnt used too
i always use the soil from my last grow to start my plants in
low nutes been flushed and still has some sugar left for the micro's
works really well
Now that's a great idea I'd never considered.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
was transplanting the plant to new medium
soiless blend didnt want to start them in a way i wasnt used too
i always use the soil from my last grow to start my plants in
low nutes been flushed and still has some sugar left for the micro's
works really well
Sweet idea! I normally start mine in a real small pot for the first 2 weeks then up pot a couple more times before flower. This time with the comp. I went straight to the cup with my final soil. Mistake, they started to burn withen 36 hours so I dug them up and put them in rapid rooters and kept them up a ways in the cup so I could water them with out the soil effecting them hopefully for a week or so. Then I can just fill the cup back up with soil. Fingers crossed.

Here's a Liberty Haze about 6 weeks into flower. Just a little pron while we wait on our auto's.006.jpg008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet idea! I normally start mine in a real small pot for the first 2 weeks then up pot a couple more times before flower. This time with the comp. I went straight to the cup with my final soil. Mistake, they started to burn withen 36 hours so I dug them up and put them in rapid rooters and kept them up a ways in the cup so I could water them with out the soil effecting them hopefully for a week or so. Then I can just fill the cup back up with soil. Fingers crossed.

Here's a Liberty Haze about 6 weeks into flower. Just a little pron while we wait on our auto's.View attachment 2769135View attachment 2769136
ive thought abt runnin this strain...I figured shed b more resinous tho...maybe its just the pic...shes got some big ass buds tho.


hey everyone!! how are you guys? i am finally home from vacation! sorry for being away for awhile. while i was down in S.C. my god damn computer got a nasty virus and i wasnt able to log on to do ANYTHING, not even get on the damn internet or restore my computer, right now im on thru safe-mode with networking so im able to type this. i have a buddy who is pretty good with computers who is coming over soon to hopefully help me get my computer back up and running guys, very sorry for disapearing like that!...i will be on ASAP and will be msg'ing all of the entrants just to make sure everyone who said they wanted to play is still in

i will hopefully be back later tonight or tomorrow sometime with an update. im not the most computer savvy mother fucker so this has really been a burden on me, hopefully as soon as my laptop is up and running again i will be able to kick shit into high gear! I hope everyone has at LEAST started germing and have little baby autos for this contest! if you dont you better get your ass in gear it started a week ago!! :)

i will be back ASAP guys to let yall know some more info and update with my situation, but for now just keep on truckin and take care of them little guys. i will talk to you all very soon

ps. im very sorry i havent been able to answer any PMs or questions on here directed at me. on august 3rdish i somehow got a virus on my laptop while on vacation and couldnt even log onto my desktop let alone connect to the internet and get on here, as i stated before, even now i am in safe mode to type this to you guys. but rest assured that AS SOON AS POSSIBLE i will go back to where i last posted and read EACH AND EVERY POST AND QUESTION directed toward me or about the contest in general and I WILL answer them. give me 24 hrs and hopefully this silly little problem will be taken care of. please be patient with me and i will answer you guys and post some updates as soon as humanly possible. thanks again for understanding guys i hope everyone is doing well, i cant go back and read any posts but im sure you are all doing fine without me :)

PPS. GWN i HAVE received your special gift, i want to personally thank you for the speedy delivery, you are the man!

and pablo, im unsure if what you have is an auto and im sorry to hear your having troubles with old seeds germing, i have had the same problems with older seeds in the past, i think it just depends on how they were grown and stored and also some things that are just out of our control, either way i hope your able to still be in somehow!

talk to you all VERY soon!



Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Stupid seed hasn't cracked yet. I just started germinating a Big Devil.

I guess I'm out. Big Devil hasn't cracked either. Strange, I've never had issues germinating a seed before. These are several years old, but I didn't think that mattered.

I've got an old freebie Kannabia La Blanca seed. Seems like nobody can decide whether it's an auto or not. Anyone know for sure?


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm out. Big Devil hasn't cracked either. Strange, I've never had issues germinating a seed before. These are several years old, but I didn't think that mattered.

I've got an old freebie Kannabia La Blanca seed. Seems like nobody can decide whether it's an auto or not. Anyone know for sure?
There are no other options for you??? La Blanca "Max" is auto but I dunno If you got the LaBlanca Max auto or not.


Well-Known Member
And even that isn't a true auto....

Kannabia La Blanca Max(auto)
Photoperiod: 12 -14 hours Harvest time:
65 - 70 days from seeds

Medium height:
+ 60 cm

15 - 25 gr./plant


Well-Known Member

There are no other options for you??? La Blanca "Max" is auto but I dunno If you got the LaBlanca Max auto or not.
No other options. I only had those 2 old auto seeds. I looked at several seedbanks that sell the Kannabia La Blanca: Some say it's an auto, others say it's a photoperiod.

I don't think it's an auto. Just for the hell of it, I'm gonna see if it germinates and put it in a 3 gallon pot. I usually do 1 photoperiod plant a season, but didn't bother this year. Well, until now.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2769278

No other options. I only had those 2 old auto seeds. I looked at several seedbanks that sell the Kannabia La Blanca: Some say it's an auto, others say it's a photoperiod.

I don't think it's an auto. Just for the hell of it, I'm gonna see if it germinates and put it in a 3 gallon pot. I usually do 1 photoperiod plant a season, but didn't bother this year. Well, until now.
La Blanc and La Blanc MAX are separate strains.
Here's the info from Kannabia on their La Blanc:
Ciclo vegetativo: 12-15 days Flowering cycle:
60 days

Medium height:
from 70 cm

450 gr/m2

that's the photoperiod strain. MAX is the auto strain. Really sorry to hear you lost both beans..... Stock up now for the next contest :) aknight3 has already had talk going about another one after the outdoor "harvest season".. :)
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