Official Gaia Green Grow Method


New Member
Loaded question, on initial setup let the dry amendments "cook" for a month before planting/using. mix in about 1/3 of worm castings and/or compost. Need that carbon in there for the "organic" to work. Your fine with just the gaia green, keep it simple. And don't over do it with the wet molasses, stop using it after week 6 of flower. I'd only use it maybe once every two to three weeks. It can fuck up your soils pH if over done. Tablespoon to a gallon. The Mycorrhizae, just use that on initial planting, it will slowly proliferate on it's own. Not the end of the world if you forget to add it but seems to help/speed up growth.
thank you so much, I am truly grateful for the response! is there any environmental conditions I should store the "cooking" mix in i.e. cool and dry?


Well-Known Member
thank you so much, I am truly grateful for the response! is there any environmental conditions I should store the "cooking" mix in i.e. cool and dry?
just keep it room temperature and slightly damp, not wet. Soil is usually good from the bag. I have bags of soil in my garage (that's 108 degrees) and when I grab some of it I'm surprised at the moisture level is still intact! The earthworm castings and/or compost will inoculate the soil with beneficial bacteria. This bacteria will begin to slowly breakdown the dry amendments to a usable nutrient for the plants. That's the cooking process.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Im a relatively new grower, I have maybe 3 small tent grows under my belt, all with nutrients in bottles and foxfarm ocean forest for my soil. I have had relatively good results trying that method but would like to try this organic method to see what kind of difference it makes. I see a lot about premixing soil and amendments, I was just wondering what kind of timeframe id be looking at when preparing it. Would promix hp, gaia amendments, and worm castings be enough for me to do a water only type of grow? or should I also add things like mychrorize, kelp meal, fishbone meal, etc? Also does anyone know if adding wet molasses via watering is any better than or equal to dry molasses being added to the soil initially?
Promix with gaia is a perfect combo.
As stated by week4 let it cook, I let mine sire for 2-4 weeks and it seems good to go. I'm sure the longer the better but a couple of weeks works too.


Well-Known Member
A while ago I bought a big bag of the all purpose 4-4-4 and the power bloom 2-8-4
I also bought a bunch of dry amendments.. Glacial rock dust, insect frass, dolomite lime, Garden Lime, Zeolite, Perlite, langbeinite, Bat guano, Humic acids, and also biochar.
I started a worm bin. I give the worms alot of good stuff, and it made it through the winter outside with a heating pad and insulation.
I feed it lots of good stuff. Avacado, fruits like bananas, strawberries, blueberries. I also give it lots of recycled brown paper bags, coffee grounds, apples, and other stuff like leftover baby food, corn cob's and husks, and so many other things. I also give them powdered aloe extract, malted barley , and powdered coconut extract. I think I am doing it right I am also using Coco Coir as a bedding for the worms. Every bin is about 1/4 coco coir and 1/8 perlite, 1/8-1/4 Paper and the rest foods. I am doing my best to make worm castings and just really trying to keep it going so I can have some high quality castings .

I would like to use what I've bought, and some 5+ year old happy frog soil, and come up with a recipe at some point, and supplement it with the gaia. Could anyone help me come up with a recipe? I'd really appreciate it! beautiful plants over here


Well-Known Member
A while ago I bought a big bag of the all purpose 4-4-4 and the power bloom 2-8-4
I also bought a bunch of dry amendments.. Glacial rock dust, insect frass, dolomite lime, Garden Lime, Zeolite, Perlite, langbeinite, Bat guano, Humic acids, and also biochar.
I started a worm bin. I give the worms alot of good stuff, and it made it through the winter outside with a heating pad and insulation.
I feed it lots of good stuff. Avacado, fruits like bananas, strawberries, blueberries. I also give it lots of recycled brown paper bags, coffee grounds, apples, and other stuff like leftover baby food, corn cob's and husks, and so many other things. I also give them powdered aloe extract, malted barley , and powdered coconut extract. I think I am doing it right I am also using Coco Coir as a bedding for the worms. Every bin is about 1/4 coco coir and 1/8 perlite, 1/8-1/4 Paper and the rest foods. I am doing my best to make worm castings and just really trying to keep it going so I can have some high quality castings .

I would like to use what I've bought, and some 5+ year old happy frog soil, and come up with a recipe at some point, and supplement it with the gaia. Could anyone help me come up with a recipe? I'd really appreciate it! beautiful plants over here
I'd just use a third of your earthworm castings to the happy frog soil (meaning 2/3 soil to 1/3 ewc.) . That's it, maybe top dress every 3 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
Guys will be using Promix HP and Gaia Green line.

Question for the worm castings what's the amount I need to use with Promix HP bag ? for example If I mix "half bag" or "full bag".

Also does anyone add like Epson salts (Mg) or (Calmag) notice any deficiency by just only using worm castings and Gaia Green that you think needs an extra ?



Well-Known Member
Guys will be using Promix HP and Gaia Green line.

Question for the worm castings what's the amount I need to use with Promix HP bag ? for example If I mix "half bag" or "full bag".

Also does anyone add like Epson salts (Mg) or (Calmag) notice any deficiency by just only using worm castings and Gaia Green that you think needs an extra ?

Usually the water source has enough Cal/Mag but if you notice deficiency then teaspoon a gallon of water once a week of the Epsom salts should do (I know some growers that would rather foliar spray the Epsom to not disturb the soil balance). And you just have to eye ball what you think a 1/3 is of whatever your mixing. I'm sure there's soil calculators out there on Google.
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Well-Known Member
I have been using Gaia Green products for a number of years now and have been so happy with the results I will never consider anything else.
I have also compared between the organic and non organic . I prefer the non organic .

I use just the pro mix hp for seedlings and sometimes add some EWC , but usually just the pro mix. I transplant into the pro mix HP with the added Gaia Green products just before , or just as the feeder leaves start to yellow.
I use the same mix for ALL new strains and tweek for individual strains once I get to know them and their needs better.

To each 7 gal of Pro mix HP I add the following.

2 cups of EWC
1/3 cup of Fishbone meal
1/3 cup of power bloom+
1/4 cup of Alfalfa meal
1/3 cup of crushed oyster shells

I water the 7gal with Blackstrap at 1tbs per gallon before planting in it. I also water with the same rate of blackstrap molasses at flipping to flower and again around week 4-5 .

The costs compared to running bottles , especially AN is ridiculously low and the finished product is not even comparable. The key to keeping the costs down is buying in the largest size bags available which are 20KG .

I cannot recommend Gaia Green products enough to people. Really great quality stuff that doesn't break the bank.

Cheers :)
Your mix is very similar to mine. I know you grow some good pot.


Well-Known Member
Your mix is very similar to mine. I know you grow some good pot.
Gaia Green looks to be a great product but have never personally used it - seems a bit pricey for a dry organic mix.

Curious why the inclusion of the additional inputs along side the Gaia Green?

There is another mix on the market (probably for longer) that already has all of those additions in it to begin with. Small business, Great Guy and the first USA Cannabis Cup Winner (2010) that came up with and sells the product.
Call the # on the website and he's always eager to hook growers up with discounts.
I've been using his mix for some time now and wandered on to other products but always come beck. It works the well! :peace:



Well-Known Member
Gaia Green looks to be a great product but have never personally used it - seems a bit pricey for a dry organic mix.

Curious why the inclusion of the additional inputs along side the Gaia Green?

There is another mix on the market (probably for longer) that already has all of those additions in it to begin with. Small business, Great Guy and the first USA Cannabis Cup Winner (2010) that came up with and sells the product.
Call the # on the website and he's always eager to hook growers up with discounts.
I've been using his mix for some time now and wandered on to other products but always come beck. It works the well! :peace:

Interesting flower ratio there, 3-9-1 ?


Well-Known Member
It's just how it developed when I started making my own soil mixes. I think of the initial amendments as starter fertilizer. I used 1 heaping teaspoon when I topdressed with Gaia Green and one ounce of oyster shell flour for calcium two nights ago. Also it takes time for the plant to find the initial dry amendments. I react in real time to my plants needs so there is no set formula for ferts exactly.


Well-Known Member
It's just how it developed when I started making my own soil mixes. I think of the initial amendments as starter fertilizer. I used 1 heaping teaspoon when I topdressed with Gaia Green and one ounce of oyster shell flour for calcium two nights ago. Also it takes time for the plant to find the initial dry amendments. I react in real time to my plants needs so there is no set formula for ferts exactly.
Agree, and not everyone's water supply are exact. That can play a role on the person's needs as well.
To add, Gaia Green isn't the only company to offer supplemental items next to their base amendments. It's there for the taking "if" you need it. Seems to advanced for me, I've done soil tests and still get So I tend to just stick to the base amendments.


Well-Known Member
I started to make my own bloom blend last year. I don't know it well yet, nor do I know very much about Gaia Green. I wanted to try it, and the numbers were right. Using both is kind of a trust issue. For this grow everything went into the soil ready for clones to rock. Using lightly applied GG for a boost at intervals.
My bloom blend will look familiar to some. Base of EW castings, fishbone meal, then in much smaller proportions langbienite, kelp meal,rock phosphate. In the future I might try adding oyster shell flour to it. I have used a pinch of azomite before in it.
I am an advocate of having plenty of phosphorus in the soil for young plants in the form of bone meals and rock phosphate.
Oddly my bloom blend is exactly what is in my starter fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
I have a bail of promix,a ton of ewc,a ton of perlite 2 buckets of gaia green 444,a big bag of power bloom,epsom salts,gaia green kelp meal,gaia green rock dust blend.,gaia green gypsum

Can someone please help me,i need to know how much gaia green to ammend,im good on the kelp,ewc and epsom,as well as perlite and lime.

Ill be vegging for 2 weeks in 1 gallon pots while the soil is cooking.i just cant figure the ratio of bllom to 444 and how much overall to 50ish gallons of someone chime in with gaia green pre ammend experience?
Thank you


Well-Known Member
I have a bail of promix,a ton of ewc,a ton of perlite 2 buckets of gaia green 444,a big bag of power bloom,epsom salts,gaia green kelp meal,gaia green rock dust blend.,gaia green gypsum

Can someone please help me,i need to know how much gaia green to ammend,im good on the kelp,ewc and epsom,as well as perlite and lime.

Ill be vegging for 2 weeks in 1 gallon pots while the soil is cooking.i just cant figure the ratio of bllom to 444 and how much overall to 50ish gallons of someone chime in with gaia green pre ammend experience?
Thank you