Terrible grammar aside, do you consider "trying to control him" as granting him freedom? I know you were military and voluntarily gave over control of your body/mind, that doesn't mean the rest of us want to too. It worked for you because you are built that way, others may not be but deserve to live the life they choose too. Not everyone is built to just shut off the mind and follow orders and fall in line, if you try to force your way of living on them, then yes, it is a form of slavery. Sorry that's not PC to admit.
In other words, if you want to work in that massage parlor that's your choice, if you force me to work there, it's slavery.
The saddest part of your line of thought is you think Robroy is the one in the wrong for not wanting to be controlled. That's just sad as fuck.
Side note: In my utopia the Lions win the Superbowl this year and the election comes down to Biden/Trump just so a third party candidate can become viable again.
Lions are gonna shock the world!