*****official***** MAGA therad


Well-Known Member
Well someone finally got a hold of tRUmps list of things he spoke about in his private meeting with Putin in Helsinki.


  1. Do you think I’m the greatest president ever? Many people are saying that — I’m just wondering if you agree.
  2. I heard you invaded Georgia. Do you have any plans on invading Alabama? South Carolina?
  3. You’re my friend, right?
  4. That Kim Jong-Un is a bit of a nutcase. Do you think he likes me? I said he was very smart and talented, so he should like me, right?
  5. If I help Russia, can we build a Trump Tower next to the Kremlin? That’s prime real estate. It would do very good business, I’m sure.
  6. Did you hear about my Supreme Court pick? I was very presidential. Everyone says so.I was very impressive. Did an outstanding job.
  7. Europe and Canada are bad — am I right? And Merkel, she’s like maybe a 2, if that. Very poor leader, not camera ready.
  8. Would you like a DVD collection of my years on “The Apprentice”? I was the best. I think you’d like it. I had a catch phrase. I won’t tell you what it was; you’ll have to watch to find out. That’s called a cliffhanger…
  9. Do you think Ivanka’s a hottie? I do. An incredible woman, very beautiful.
  10. Can we go and ride horses with no shirts on? It will make an excellent photo op. I’ve been dieting, looking good.
  11. You didn’t meddle in the 2016 elections, right? I told everyone that you never would do that. I said they were stupid to suspect you, but they wanted me to ask anyway. The investigation is the worst witch hunt in history, believe me.
  12. About that tape of the Russian girls and me, can I get it back and will you destroy all the copies? Please?
  13. How can I help you? I can be very helpful.