Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

Wow all the ordinances are pretty much the same. Currently operating dispensaries with license can keep operating but only under a formal review by a panel of city members. If they find that the business and the entrepreneur would be negatively affected by the ordinance then they can stay in business. The city of Ferndale has designated one primary dispenser for all the patients within the city. They are able to have there medicine sent to them through the mail. Some cities have been more strict with their ordinance, Grand Rapids and Huntington Woods both wrote in more strict terms.

Take time to read it if you can. Sorry rzza, maybe they can send you a copy.
Although not all cities did vote for an ordinance I didn't see Rochester, Saginaw, Flint or Troy. They could follow suit shortly we gotta keep up.
your two pennies are pretty much irrelevant concidering your experience was back when it first took affect. you dont understand all the bellyaching and complaining yet your reading the posts and you see that it currently (and for a long while now) takes four months to recieve your card. obviously nobody would complain if they recieved their card in two weeks.

Thanks for telling me that my opinion is irrelevant. The renewal process is the same as the first time application and I think I mentioned that my renewal also took only two weeks. I applied around the beginning of July and got my new card in two weeks. Maybe the difference is that my recommendation came from my family physician as opposed to a clinic physician that writes nothing but MJ recommendations.
Thanks for telling me that my opinion is irrelevant. The renewal process is the same as the first time application and I think I mentioned that my renewal also took only two weeks. I applied around the beginning of July and got my new card in two weeks. Maybe the difference is that my recommendation came from my family physician as opposed to a clinic physician that writes nothing but MJ recommendations.

well you are giving people shit for complaining when your situation is nothing like ours. the state of michigan is about 4 months behind on issuing cards, it has nothing to do with what doctor you went to see, mr. high and mighty. the doctor i went to see doesnt only do MJ reco's and im in the same boat as everyone else so that doesnt have anything to do with it.
Thanks for telling me that my opinion is irrelevant. The renewal process is the same as the first time application and I think I mentioned that my renewal also took only two weeks. I applied around the beginning of July and got my new card in two weeks. Maybe the difference is that my recommendation came from my family physician as opposed to a clinic physician that writes nothing but MJ recommendations.

im sorry im not trying to offend anyone or make enemies (especially from michigan) but you sound like a complete tool. use your brain and go back to read what your saying little tommy.

i think you coulda found a better way to brag about having gone through the renewal process already. just sayin.
well you are giving people shit for complaining when your situation is nothing like ours. the state of michigan is about 4 months behind on issuing cards, it has nothing to do with what doctor you went to see, mr. high and mighty. the doctor i went to see doesnt only do MJ reco's and im in the same boat as everyone else so that doesnt have anything to do with it.

How is my situation nothing like yours? I went through the same process you did.
im sorry im not trying to offend anyone or make enemies (especially from michigan) but you sound like a complete tool. use your brain and go back to read what your saying little tommy.

i think you coulda found a better way to brag about having gone through the renewal process already. just sayin.

I am not trying to be a tool. I just can't understand why everybody else is waiting 4 months and I got mine in two weeks. It doesn't make sense. I am not trying to offend anyone either. We are all part of the same community.
I am not trying to be a tool. I just can't understand why everybody else is waiting 4 months and I got mine in two weeks. It doesn't make sense. I am not trying to offend anyone either. We are all part of the same community.

well i have talked to patients who got it back in december and it took them four months (some took longer) and i have met a shit load of patients and caregivers in the past year and your the first person i have talked to that said anything different. shit the website even updates weekly and heres what it says now...Currently staff is issuing registry identification cards for valid applications received at the end of April.

whatever though i truely couldnt care any less now cause ive recieved my card and all my patient cards already.
lol yea really ... i mean have you talked to anyone else who got theirs in roughly 2 weeks? its unheard of in michigan.

btw you can literally count the date to exactly 12 weeks and your card should be in the mail that saturday. i have guessed right on four or five now they think im amazing lol till i tell them how i figured it out:)
I don't talk to many folks in the community as I am staying below the radar. I have pondered attending a meeting at the local compassion club but I am still pretty nervous about it. I don't want to get on any surveillance video. I guess I am too old and suspicious to believe it is really going to be okay.
lol itll be okay man, get out and enjoy the freedom
Thanks for telling me that my opinion is irrelevant. The renewal process is the same as the first time application and I think I mentioned that my renewal also took only two weeks. I applied around the beginning of July and got my new card in two weeks. Maybe the difference is that my recommendation came from my family physician as opposed to a clinic physician that writes nothing but MJ recommendations.

I will say this and not trying to be an ass but if you are trying to say that people should not have a problem with mdch not get cards out fast enough and if you are saying that they are doing a good job. Then you are out of your mind. If you got your original card in 2 weeks then you are a rare instance and I challenge you to find more than a couple people that have gotten it that fast not counting renewals cause those do come out faster.
You can tell the people that have been arrested that mdch is doing a good job and see where that gets you. Cause the cops do not accept the paperwork in place of your card.

And yea you should buy a lottery ticket... wanna go in on one together lol. cause you must be very lucky.
Most people on this board have probably broken a law or two during their lifetime, myself included. I do not envy the people at the state level that had to put together such a large program in a short amount of time. Today we live in a world of instant gratification and people take everything for granted. I am so glad to not have to sneak around and buy medicine from some shit heel looking to take advantage of me. Add to that not having to worry about getting busted on my way to and from the rip off zone. I guess I am overwhelmed with gratitude for something I thought would never happen in my lifetime and don't want people making waves. I guess a little patience on the part of the community is too much to ask. Not so long ago, needing this medication made me feel a bit like a criminal. I am feeling inspired to get involved in the movement in my community, and perhaps I shall. Change comes about when we work together towards a positive goal. I feel better already.
Most people on this board have probably broken a law or two during their lifetime, myself included. I do not envy the people at the state level that had to put together such a large program in a short amount of time. Today we live in a world of instant gratification and people take everything for granted. I am so glad to not have to sneak around and buy medicine from some shit heel looking to take advantage of me. Add to that not having to worry about getting busted on my way to and from the rip off zone. I guess I am overwhelmed with gratitude for something I thought would never happen in my lifetime and don't want people making waves. I guess a little patience on the part of the community is too much to ask. Not so long ago, needing this medication made me feel a bit like a criminal. I am feeling inspired to get involved in the movement in my community, and perhaps I shall. Change comes about when we work together towards a positive goal. I feel better already.

I can agree with that unfortunatly the mdch does not seem interested in makeing sure leo knows how the law is supposed to work.