Official MMA Thread.


Well-Known Member
Forrest was def stunned, shocked, hurt or something when he went to the ground, he wasnt even working which is very unusual for him. You could tell the rampage/wandy fight was going to end in the first. They were both swinging with no regard, wandy a little more than rampage


Well-Known Member
Anderson is a giant 13 year old...dude pulls a prank a day, is always smiling, and eats too fucking much...that mother fucker snatched THE LAST piece of pumpkin pie OFF MY FUCKING PLATE on thanksgiving...i was sooooo butt hurt...bastard winked at me while he ate the last bite...

my picks for Ultimate 2008 - (winners are in bold)

Dan Evensen vs. Pat Barry

Ryo Chonan vs. Brad Blackburn

Matt Hamill vs. Reece Andy

Antoni Hardonk vs. Mike Wessel

UPSET ALERT - Yushin Okami vs. Dean Lister

Cheick Kongo vs. Mustapha Al Turk

UPSET ALERT - Wanderlei Silva vs. Rampage Jackson

UPSET ALERT - CB Dollaway vs. Mike Massenzio

Big Nog vs. Frank Mir

UPSET ALERT - Forrest Griffin vs. Rashad Evans
soooooo...i went .500 on the card...probably my worst outing ever...still made a little gwop

and please stop with the comparisons to the WWE...yes, there's drama, yes there's hype but NEVER is it set up and scripted by us at Zuffa...if guys decide to pump up their fight with hollywood drama and story lines thats up to them and is usually talked out between the fighters...most guys get along great (Clementi & Guillard are the two that ive seen that really hate each other)

i can tell you that probably every Anderson Silva rumor youve heard has been started by Anderson & Co. to keep his name fresh (him fighting RJJ, him retiring early, him training Chuck for Wand...all started by us)

its promotion, its marketing, its big business...


Well-Known Member
no one is saying its exactly like wwe, im saying the drama seems so fake to me, it looks like im watching some improv sometimes, its just so obvious.


Well-Known Member
i hear you...but without promotion theres no money...sure, the long time MMA fan may get annoyed with the antics, but we/fighters arent concerned with the long time MMA fan...theyll be watching regardless because the depth of the talent pool in UFC & WEC is unmatched anywhere else in the world...our attention as a company is to attract NEW fans

its about attracting the people that have never seen the sport...and im sorry but, hype draws in new audiences (think about what the 24/7 series on HBO did for the ever dying sport of boxing....housewives & others who have never cared for the sport were tuning in just because they liked or disliked the personalities of Mayweather & De La Hoya...& more recently Pacquio & De La Hoya)...its all about marketing your product advice, get used to it because its never going away & cover your eyes and plug your ears during the promo if its to unbearable for you


Active Member
GSP killed BJ...i havnt seen anyone get so dominated! wtf happened, did BJ go on another coke binge er something? whats his excuse? he looked ready at the weigh ins.


Well-Known Member
BJ's excuse is that GSP was greasing his back so he was unable to control him with his ground game. I think that's just another BS BJ excuse, but I've gotten use to him over the years of watching. He is like that with BJJ competitions. I don't that he lost cause he was out of shape or anything like that, he just isn't strong enough to control someone like GSP. When a guy is out weighing you by 20-30lbs on fight night and you have to put on weight to get to that weight class, unless you got some crazy, mad skillz, you're going down.

I do find it funny that people are trying to compare the drama to wwe. Are you kidding me!? During the post interviews they talk some smack about each others skills and predict how the fight is going to go. Even at the press conferences there is no yelling or shit talking. Boxing, on the other hand, is another story. Where ever the two boxers meet up they're in each others faces, bumping chests, and even throwing punches and biting each other. MMA is so mild compared to wwe and boxing for fight drama.


Well-Known Member
BJ's excuse is that GSP was greasing his back so he was unable to control him with his ground game. I think that's just another BS BJ excuse, but I've gotten use to him over the years of watching. He is like that with BJJ competitions. I don't that he lost cause he was out of shape or anything like that, he just isn't strong enough to control someone like GSP. When a guy is out weighing you by 20-30lbs on fight night and you have to put on weight to get to that weight class, unless you got some crazy, mad skillz, you're going down.

I do find it funny that people are trying to compare the drama to wwe. Are you kidding me!? During the post interviews they talk some smack about each others skills and predict how the fight is going to go. Even at the press conferences there is no yelling or shit talking. Boxing, on the other hand, is another story. Where ever the two boxers meet up they're in each others faces, bumping chests, and even throwing punches and biting each other. MMA is so mild compared to wwe and boxing for fight drama.

what are you talking about?
you obviously dont know what IM
talking about....

examples like i said

frank mir called out lesnar after he beat that old man noguiera....

ken shamrock...callin out tito after fight

all the bs talkin between BJP and the steroid sherk...

alot of it is to hype the fights
to bring in the audience....

not literally fake, the fights are real obviously..

i have alot of friends who are a part of hostility....and they tell me all kinds of shit about how the ufc is corrupt..

same reason fedor isnt in the ufc...
dana white is a bitch

though he did bring ufc out of the dumps his ego has just got to big now.


Well-Known Member
I think that is real drama and there isnt anything wronf with that. You have to remember unlike wrestling these guys are actually fighting each other, trying to hurt the other one as bad as possible, so you have to think you are a badass, you arent going to win a fight if you dont think you are the toughest person out there. The first drama i remember is when Tito gave the bird to ken and the entire lions den after beating guy mezger, nothing fake about that beef