Them Thar,,,,, "FACTS"..... are rather Stubborn, Inconvenient and Pesky little fucks, Aint They?

Of course its all a conspiracy. Right??

It also isn't the 1st time, nor the 2nd, or 3rd time Pukin has used some kind of crazy shit to either kill, or attempt to kill people with. And these are only the 1s we know about. Pukin is pure evil. He ha 0 redeeming qualities, and I'm bettin if he had the opportunity, he'd love to be the Anti-Christ, of which I don't believe in, but there is pure evil, wrapped up in mental illness out there, and Pukin is the poster child.
Pukin uses these exotic methods to send a message, and everyone in the world knows hes guilty of everything, and more that he's been accused of, hes just to isolated to find it out easily, and if anyone gets loose lips, they get them cut off, their families tortured, sent to Siberia for 25 years, and then killed. He wishes the KGB was still as powerful as it 1nce was, and is doing everything possible to bring back the old Soviet Union, and everyone in the world, also knows that.
Only those that are either ignorant, conspiracy theorists, sympathizers can come to any other conclusion when the "FACTS" are looked at objectively.
And t Rump has congratulated every Dictator that won an election since hes been in office, against the advice of National Security, and just for the sake of good taste in general.

Damn Man!
An yet he trashes the FBI... whom I also despise, and told FBI, and E Ky District Federal Prosecutor ( Kevin Dicken ) FUCK YOU, to their faces, when they tried to get me to rat, and be a cheese eater, but I also have sense enough to know there's plenty of them, and others that put their asses on the line for all of us everyday to keep the Pukins away.
Just to be fair. Theyre like anyone, and anything else. Theres good, and bad, and just because theres jerks, doesn't mean there aren't dedicated people that will put their asses on the line for all of us regardless if we're an R/D/I/ Nothing.
But to congratulate dictators that kill, and torture people, journalists ect is disgraceful, and makes it an embarrassment to say I'm an American, because for now, IMHO were associated with UncleBucks Cartoon.
I may not believe in UBs W/B thing, but I love the t Rump cartoon, and it is right on time.