***Official Nutrients Thread***

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I use sucanat and have never had a problem with it dissolving as long as you have your water flowing with either an airstone or water pump. I prefer the NOW brand because it is a very fine powder, some sucanat brands have much larger crystals, though I have used the crystal forms without problem as well, just makes things mix up a bit quicker with the NOW brand.
I have been making simple syrup with the sucanat a gallon at a time and use it when i'm ready to make teas or straight feed.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
so dank u just mix th sucanat with yr solution and shake it up? and it dissolves fine?? no need to dissolve it in warm water?
Warm water helps but hot water is even better----I take 60 tablespoons and mix it into a gallon of water then I slowly mix and raise the temp till I hit boil then I slowly let the mixture cool down to room temperature-----you now have simple syrup that is easy to use and will treat 30 gallons.

master yoda

Active Member
dude stay away from mg it has slow release no good to flush and very hard to controll fert levels it will work but it alo can be disaster... good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks doc. Any input on organic flowering ferts? I've read good things about earthjuice, foxfarm, etc. I hear more about their hype and high prices as well. I was kinda wanting to go for guano, so to speak. I just don't really know the best type/method for application or what all I need to use with it. I will be visiting my local hydroponics store on Thursday, so I will be able to purchase pretty much anything needed. As previously stated, ALL help is greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the quick and thorough answer.


Well-Known Member
-Hi ive been growing for some time now.using the full foxfarm line for mu nute base.. I also until recently have been using a 0-50-30 (Grotek-monster bloom) which is comparable to beastiez..and i use another product with is comparable to open sesame. I dont think my finished product is tasting as good as it should.
-With that said,,i flush in soil for at least 2 weeks before harvest,dry and cure for a month in jars.
-My hypothesis is that the 0-50-30 dry powder might be leaving a residue?? I also use advanced nutrients overdrive,the 2nd half of flowering,which is supposed to be organic as well..
-in flowering i also use sucanat sugar as my carb boost
so any suggestions on how to improve taste,or a reason why u think its not tasting up to par,, i don't beleive tiger bloom is organic btw

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
1. Did all your leaves flush and turn yellow? 2. Are you running just one strain or have you experienced the taste problem with others?. 3. What is your drying method and curing tec. 4. What is your flush method?--(plain water? how much in each pot. ---------------------None of those nutes should be causing a problem or hindering the flavor unless you are using them at any point during the last 2 weeks of flush. The leaves need to yellow and the tric's should be at the least----1/2 clear---1/2 amber---I wouldn't harvest until they are 1/2 milky--1/2 clear. One of the nice things is that if you are at the end of your 2 week flush and they don't seem ready you can just flush for another week---I shoot for 2 week flush but sometimes the plants will hold on to nutes and they have to be flushed for 3 to 3-1/2 weeks--this will give your buds a smmoooth ripe taste. Don't rush the drying time either.......one last thing---have your ever used sweet leaf/sweet/floralicious plus?.


Well-Known Member
i have not used those products do they really work? a lot of my leaves do not turn yellow with a 2 week flush,,im in 2 gallon pots,,and i use 6 gallons of water per a pot,and feed it water the followig 2 weeks,sometimes il do a 2nd full flush during that period also,im scared of leaving it too long,because a plant can hermify,,and have extreme couch lock,i ususally start flushing when i see a hint of amber,and go to 50% amber or so

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Sounds like your doing the right things but you really need to get those leaves to yellow up---your soil is holding nutes and that is why your plants are staying green---if your worried about the hermie deal(really not a problem since your going to be cutting and trimming all your buds anyway)----start your flush a week sooner--your plants will still finish out nice---then you will not have to worry about hermies or any of that and can still flush three weeks if needed---most important thing is to get those plants nice and yellow(ripe) and get all those nutes used up in the plant-----can you describe your dry/cure in detail?


Well-Known Member
well dr,,i have used many of yr suggestions in my growing,i now preach the goodness of sucanat to many. I dry the budds in a budd dryer ,its just a big rubbermaid tub with 1 intake and outtake pc fan....of course i know this is not ideal.but i do not have a spare closet or room to use to dry in so i have no choice,,,once the budds are dry in about 2-3 days i wait until they get kinda crispy and stem snaps,and i stick them in glass mason jars for at least 4 weeks,, burping them usually once a day maybe twice if im bored,,thats about it,,,i know how to dry budd properly..but i have to use the budd dryer no place to hang it in the dark
---do u think florakleen will help?my hydro store carries it,,since i do heavy feedings,it might aide in the removal of salts and nutes in the soil
--one last thing or possibility-i heard if u dont trimm yr budd really well,that the chloryphyl from the fan leaves can go back into the budd and give it a not so great taste...i just want my pot to taste as good as the shit i buy,,which is very good,,the budd is potent,and awesome,,just want improved taste


Well-Known Member
drdank where art though,,,,out of all the sweetners on the market which do u think work best,,and do u have to start it in veg for the full effect,or starting in flowering would be enough

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
well dr,,i have used many of yr suggestions in my growing,i now preach the goodness of sucanat to many. I dry the budds in a budd dryer ,its just a big rubbermaid tub with 1 intake and outtake pc fan....of course i know this is not ideal.but i do not have a spare closet or room to use to dry in so i have no choice,,,once the budds are dry in about 2-3 days i wait until they get kinda crispy and stem snaps,and i stick them in glass mason jars for at least 4 weeks,, burping them usually once a day maybe twice if im bored,,thats about it,,,i know how to dry budd properly..but i have to use the budd dryer no place to hang it in the dark
---do u think florakleen will help?my hydro store carries it,,since i do heavy feedings,it might aide in the removal of salts and nutes in the soil
--one last thing or possibility-i heard if u dont trimm yr budd really well,that the chloryphyl from the fan leaves can go back into the budd and give it a not so great taste...i just want my pot to taste as good as the shit i buy,,which is very good,,the budd is potent,and awesome,,just want improved taste
-----ok, Al B. Fuct uses a bud dryer and it works great for him-he definitely knows his stuff but that style of drying has never worked well for me. When your talking about flavor the slower the drying the better--if your just hanging the buds in a dark container you are fine but when you add air moving across the buds or heat your are speeding up the drying process. I like a environment that will allow the buds to dry over 5 to 7 days---you have to also keep in mind that the size and density of the buds will make a difference as well-----with that said you could turn off the fan in your bud dryer and slow the process down just make sure to check your buds dailey and allow a little fresh air in---After 2 days in your dryer I would put them in a paper bag for 24 hours then move into your jars for burping and curing---Yes you want to trim back your leaves as close as possible but with proper drying and curing even a little extra leave will burn smooth and sweet. Have you had the same problems with other strains?---I really love sucanat and floralicious plus(the FP is very expensive but a little goes a long way----1ml/5gal.


Well-Known Member
do u suggest i use a product like florakleen,,i can get that at my hydro store,i did do heavy feedings so maybne its a good idea,,im going there today,,im making a list anything else i should get? ;)


Well-Known Member
lol,ty so much doc,im thkning of stopping using the 0-50-30,i dont know im scared it leaves a little residue in my budds, il try to convince my girlfreind to let me using our last closet to dry in normally,,,itl be hard though