official party cup growoff

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
On another note, when I checked this morning all the lst'd branches are already pointed up and reaching for the light.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Here is an update on my party cup, topped & LST'd FEM WW from Dutch Passion. It has been on 12/12 for 1 week now. I count 10 bud sites at the top of the canopy that should have nice even light.

Party Cup 11-7-10  6.jpgParty Cup 11-7-10  2.jpgParty Cup 11-7-10  3.jpgParty Cup 11-7-10  5.jpgParty Cup 11-7-10  4.jpgParty Cup 11-7-10  1.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm still in! I'm about a week and a half from harvest, autoflower you know. I'll throw up some pics later. Tommy-that plant should be pretty beast, nice job. How are everyone's roots doing?


Well-Known Member
Looking good guys, I'm still following along. Its funny, this time all 3 of my party cups are girls lol.. They all showed at 20 days exactly! Shit I actually might still make the deadline but it will probably be a little to close.. I'll throw some pics up soon just for the hell of it..


Well-Known Member
I don't know. I don't even have a scale and i'm terrible at eying weights so. I just want it to be good.


New Member
Update- her leaves are starting to yellow, then curl from the bottom up. Must be close to finishing :razz:. I took these pics under the light above my oven. This is the best you can see of her real colors. Beautiful and smelly :weed:.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I so look forward to Monday. It seems like everybody posts updates over the weekend. All the plants look great. I am afraid to look at my root ball and see how bound it is getting. This has been a fun journey. My WW is starting the stretch here at week 2 of flowering. I went in to check on my grow this morning and I had to lower the party cup as it was getting too close to the light. I have it raised up on some stacked 3 gal containers as I have some full sized plants in there that are on week 7. Can't wait to see how everybody finishes. I am hoping that growing hempy style will allow my beast to continue to grow regardless of the root situation. On another note, I had taken 2 clones from my Party Cup entry as it was an outstanding example. I was trying to clean up the bottom of the plant anyway. Neither clone made it as they were just too small. I guess I will have to re-veg her when she is harvested. I have never done that before and welcome a new growing experience.


Well-Known Member
Simply an AWSOME job here guys! :clap:
Been watching and learned quite a bit from this grow.
Maybe enough to watch for the next one. ;-)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Not sure if you've seen this little tommy but your at the perfect age with you pc girl to try it..
I am going to try this, but not with my party cup clone. I cannot afford to take anything away from it now as we are pushing hard for the contest. I will try it at day 21 of flowering my next batch of Red Baron clones. I wanted to learn how to do a reveg anyway so I will try it both ways just to get the experience under my belt.


Well-Known Member
wheres the pics at guys? im trying to see what a party cup grow looks like late into flower and find out what you guys are yeilding per party cup hahah

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The rules are that they have to be harvested by Dec 24, 2010 so you are not going to see some of them finish until pretty close to the deadline..


Well-Known Member
I am going to try this, but not with my party cup clone. I cannot afford to take anything away from it now as we are pushing hard for the contest. I will try it at day 21 of flowering my next batch of Red Baron clones. I wanted to learn how to do a reveg anyway so I will try it both ways just to get the experience under my belt.
I'm gonna try it too :) I'm thinking of trying it with my kk but shes already in her 5th week of flowering so I'm not sure..

If you do try it lmk how it works!