official racists cry about Obama thread


Well-Known Member
Do you also support murdering people without a trial?
Obama do...heres the procedure:
Label a person terrorist
Drone strike them
Drone strike their children
If you get killed in a Drone strike it proves your guilt and therefore no trial needed , if however you survive the results of your innocence could be deemed inconclusive and more drone strikes could be required .

To date 4 U.S. Citizens have been mudere..err eradicated and we know they were guilty because the gubment that lists Marijuana as a schedule I drug with absolutely no medical value said so.


Well-Known Member
Obama do...heres the procedure:
Label a person terrorist
Drone strike them
Drone strike their children
If you get killed in a Drone strike it proves your guilt and therefore no trial needed , if however you survive the results of your innocence could be deemed inconclusive and more drone strikes could be required .

To date 4 U.S. Citizens have been mudere..err eradicated and we know they were guilty because the gubment that lists Marijuana as a schedule I drug with absolutely no medical value said so.
I don't support Obama. Drone strikes are bullshit


Well-Known Member
I don't support Obama. Drone strikes are bullshit
If drone strikes were limited to doing things that would only be done with manned assets, would you support them?

I think the main problem as you see it is that the types of missions we do have been expanded.

An example of what I'm saying is if instead of sending the Seals, should we have sent a drone with a few missiles to get Osama?


Well-Known Member
An example of what I'm saying is if instead of sending the Seals, should we have sent a drone with a few missiles to get Osama?
Not if you wanted to get footage of him being taken down.
Drones are an attempt to depersonalize war, like Ender's Game. The ultimate battlefield will consist of flying Arduinos and Teddy Ruxpin mods.


Well-Known Member
Obama do...heres the procedure:
Label a person terrorist
Drone strike them
Drone strike their children
If you get killed in a Drone strike it proves your guilt and therefore no trial needed , if however you survive the results of your innocence could be deemed inconclusive and more drone strikes could be required .

To date 4 U.S. Citizens have been mudere..err eradicated and we know they were guilty because the gubment that lists Marijuana as a schedule I drug with absolutely no medical value said so.


Well-Known Member
Not if you wanted to get footage of him being taken down.
Drones are an attempt to depersonalize war, like Ender's Game. The ultimate battlefield will consist of flying Arduinos and Teddy Ruxpin mods.
That was an example. There are plenty of missions being taken over by drones.

As the drone pilots if it isn't personal.

The reason for drones is it is cheaper and it doesn't risk an American life.


Well-Known Member
As[k] the drone pilots if it isn't personal.

The reason for drones is it is cheaper and it doesn't risk an American life.
How can it be personal to the drone pilots? They are in a room, isolated from the outside world, playing a "video game" with a fantastic graphics card. The only thing less personal is a Lilly Floatation Tank and about 15mg of DMT (although, I think he was researching Ketamine IIRC). How many drone pilots are you counselling per week, Dr. Smokey?


Well-Known Member
How can it be personal to the drone pilots? They are in a room, isolated from the outside world, playing a "video game" with a fantastic graphics card. The only thing less personal is a Lilly Floatation Tank and about 15mg of DMT (although, I think he was researching Ketamine IIRC). How many drone pilots are you counselling per week, Dr. Smokey?
I have watched a lot of interviews with them.

It is a common misconception, but it is nothing like a video game.

Killing someone with a drone isn't as personal as using a knife, I'll give you that. But it isn't impersonal either

These people do sit in a closed environment looking at scenes and pressing buttons.

However, in a video game you sit there and shoot and run your character over other places, secure in the knowledge that no one has been harmed.

The drone pilots know full well that there are real people on the other end of their hell fire missiles, and they have to sit there and look at the aftermath for a long while.

It's not as you described.


Well-Known Member
I have watched a lot of interviews with them.

It is a common misconception, but it is nothing like a video game.

Killing someone with a drone isn't as personal as using a knife, I'll give you that. But it isn't impersonal either

These people do sit in a closed environment looking at scenes and pressing buttons.

So, it's not like a video game, just almost like a video game.
Are you trying to tell me these video warriors are going to suffer the same issues as someone who went through a village and had to deal with sights, scents and palpable, aural horrors of War?

You are not making a very strong argument here.
Can you show me one of these interviews which have you so convinced, please? And not Brandon Bryant's, thanks, whose name is the only one that seems to be associated with the "trauma" of being a drone pilot.
I wonder if he has a book deal, yet? Maybe a movie in the works?
Some veneers are thinner than others...


Well-Known Member
So, it's not like a video game, just almost like a video game.
Are you trying to tell me these video warriors are going to suffer the same issues as someone who went through a village and had to deal with sights, scents and palpable, aural horrors of War?

You are not making a very strong argument here.
Can you show me one of these interviews which have you so convinced, please? And not Brandon Bryant's, thanks, whose name is the only one that seems to be associated with the "trauma" of being a drone pilot.
I wonder if he has a book deal, yet? Maybe a movie in the works?
Some veneers are thinner than others...
The same, not exactly but related and significant. The drones stay up for over a day. These guys work in shifts and operate them for extended hours.

They can and do developed ptsd.

As far as showing you one, it was a french (i think, at least european) documentary I found on YouTube. Didn't save the link.