Officially out of the indoor game


Well-Known Member
upon many months of research i have decided that an indoor grow is just too expensive and too much of a pain in the ass to do. outdoor is where its at. peace


Active Member
You can probably do an indoor grow the cheap way for less then 200$

But i'm going with a 400 watt universal, all nutrients i need, 2 fans, pots, soil, and it's probably going to be right around 300$


Well-Known Member
I can understand why you might feel this way....the outdoors is so much my case, I tried to do it simple indoors, and found that in order to do it right.....(at least from my perspective).....I needed a turnkey approach.....I settled on one and am pleased....but you're right it is not necessarily cheap....though as you prolly have seen lots of people do it on the cheap and have great results....walk on man! :blsmoke:
upon many months of research i have decided that an indoor grow is just too expensive and too much of a pain in the ass to do. outdoor is where its at. peace


Well-Known Member
outdoor seems way better in my opinion, especially with a guerilla grow off in some remote location that has no ties to myself. electricity, thermal scanning, ups and customs, what a pain in the ass. forget that stuff. im going with an autoflowering breed outdoors. ill vegg them until they show sex and then its outdoors for them. what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I'm with ya, bro. I've come to the conclusion I hate growing indoor...Like you said outdoor guerilla style is where its at...But, keep in mind weed grown outdoors won't be ready until oct-nov. That's a long ass wait. Because of that I will continue to grow indoors in between outdoor harvests.


Well-Known Member
^^ put a bag over its head.... in sommer if u want to flower it :P :P

or put a carbord shed over them.... I did that with a friend ^^ ROFL !!! rain came, got soggy, plants got crush'd by carboard.... <--- that how u spell carboard ? nooo ... thats wrong.. anyway.... maybe if u are smarter u can force it into flower in the summer :D


Well-Known Member
if you have the right spot....soil/light/security....this has been the best from my experience. like blaze said....make it so water isn't a challenge. just makes for greater probability of good results, and then pray for lots and lots and lots of sunshine.....we sometimes caged them with cone flower trellis cages to keep the deer off ... but you can also use game repellents (scents).....good luck man...I can't wait to do outdoor again. Cheers! :blsmoke:
outdoor seems way better in my opinion, especially with a guerilla grow off in some remote location that has no ties to myself. electricity, thermal scanning, ups and customs, what a pain in the ass. forget that stuff. im going with an autoflowering breed outdoors. ill vegg them until they show sex and then its outdoors for them. what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
damn only if i could grow outdoors....its so much better...your actually outside doing something..chylling...catchin wind.


Well-Known Member
what do you guys think about autoflowering strains for outdoor? they got some new shit from lowlife like auto ak47 and auto white russian. this is what im looking at

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
what do you guys think about autoflowering strains for outdoor? they got some new shit from lowlife like auto ak47 and auto white russian. this is what im looking at

Not sure about auto flowering.. BUT something that has a short flowering period... or more important.. something that can be harvested early in the season.. I have witnessed poor growers having to wait until November to harvest.. that shit is stressful, can get rain damage.. or even worse stolen..


so try to pick a strain you like.. but that you don't have to wait for santa claus to help you harvest..



Well-Known Member
what do you guys think about autoflowering strains for outdoor? they got some new shit from lowlife like auto ak47 and auto white russian. this is what im looking at
Yeah, personally I would never grow an auto-flower strain...But, that's just me. I'm sure there's people out there that like them. I agree with GK, I would find an early finishing strain. They have some strains that finish in Septmeber. Make sure it's also a big yielder too, though. You don't want to have to sacrifice yield just for finishing a month or two early.