OGS Bash - Third attempt at my first grow


Hey Y'all,

I've been lurking on these forums for years, and have 2 failed attempts at doing a grow.

Now that things are legal in Oregon, I'm giving it another shot. This forum has been a great source of information, so I'd like to document my journey to help out other new growers.

I'd also appreciate any advice or feedback the fine folks on rollitup are willing to give.

So far I have my strain picked out and ordered: Oregon Green Seed Bash (http://oregongreenseed.com/shop/bash/). Currently waiting for seeds to arrive.

Haven't fully decided how I am going to do the grow, I can only have 4 plants and I'll likely just take 1 to flower. I don't smoke nearly as much as I used to so maxing out potency and weight aren't a huge issue for me.

I'm doing this for the experience, so mostly I am looking for ease of setup, and low cost. Though LEDs look pretty cool, so I am debating if I want to try those out, or maybe just finish outside in the Oregon summer sun.

Right now I have a 4 24" bulb T5 light that I am hoping will get me through the seeding and early veg stage.


WOO! Seeds are shipping from OGS. Have to say, I was super nervous sending cash but OGS was great to work with. Very responsive to my emails. And way less stress than ordering from over sees and worrying about customs.

They should show up Monday, and the germination process will begin.

I have some small Jiffy pots and Jiffy organic seedling starting mix I'm going to use. No fancy germination tricks, just into the pots with lots of water, nurturing and attention.


Seeds arrived on Monday, got a couple bonus ones (thanks OGS!).

Planted them in some soilless mix about a centimeter down, and watered heavily with a spray bottle.

Now we just play the waiting game.

The seeds are chilling in my spare room, the temperatures might be a little low. It gets up to 68 in the day and drops to 65 during the night.

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I moved the seeds to a closet and turned on the T5 florescent lab yesterday. Ambient temperature is now up to 74*F.

This morning, the first seed has spouted and is poking though!


Seedling number two has poked through the soil. Seeds 3 and 4 have small little mounds now and likely aren't far behind.


Seed 3 has poked up through the soil, but seed 4 has not. A couple days ago I carefully moved away some of the dirt and the root has started to poke out from the shell, as of today there is no change.

Seed 1, err.. "plant" 1 now is a bit of a mutant. The seedlings cotyledons are fused together into one leaf and hasn't grown much since it sprouted.

Seed 2 and 3 are growing strong and healthy.

Since I had 12 seeds and can only grow 4 plants I'll probably cull the mutant and give up on the seed that hasn't spouted and start again.


Well-Known Member
Seed 3 has poked up through the soil, but seed 4 has not. A couple days ago I carefully moved away some of the dirt and the root has started to poke out from the shell, as of today there is no change.

Seed 1, err.. "plant" 1 now is a bit of a mutant. The seedlings cotyledons are fused together into one leaf and hasn't grown much since it sprouted.

Seed 2 and 3 are growing strong and healthy.

Since I had 12 seeds and can only grow 4 plants I'll probably cull the mutant and give up on the seed that hasn't spouted and start again.
The stuck together seedling at the tip of the cotyledon is probably where it is stuck together I use a very sharp small pair of scissors & snip the very tip off I've also separated with my fingers but found a slight snip is less risky