Oh Boy, I Need Some Help from a Mastermind. MMA

***First paragraph is just an intro. If your in a rush skip to the second***

Hey everyone its been awhile. I am a care giver, all legit. I am currently growing 24 plants indoors in a hydroponic system. Its similar to a 4 site bubbleponics with a few of my own ideas out into it. I am in my 6th week of veg right now and my girls are looking amazing. They are all between 2.5-3.0 feet tall right now and very very bushy. The root systems are amazing and the plants are very well cared for. They are on a 18/6 with two 1000w MH. Now here is my idea...

I want to flower outside. I am located in michigan. And as i said i am a caregiver that wants to go from indoor hydro to outdoor soil. The advise/help i need is the best way to set up a very legit outdoor grow setup for 24 plants. I have the land, and the money to create the best. I need ideas on the most cost efficent way to go about doing this. Also thoughts on transplanting. Please advise from people who have done this would be a plus, although any dreamer with ideas on how to build the setup would help too. Michigan homies would be much appreciated.

**I looked all over for info on this and couldnt find this in indoor or outdoor so if this is in the wrong spot i apologize**


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, I know you are looking for a NASA hydroponics opinion on your important cash crop but, moving adult plants from Hydro to Soil is a tough shock... they are two completely different environments for the plant's root cycle. Well, Good Luck man. Moving from Soil to hydro is easy, when establishing seed, but I don't know about full grown plants


Well-Known Member
I know you really want to do the transplant sooo... when you doit , have a buddy help you. Hold the plant by her stalk with her roots dangling in mid air, lower the plant down so the root is almost touching the bottom of the pot or hole. Then, carefully have your buddy poor in the dirt while you hold the plant up at the correct height over the hole


Well-Known Member
Triple post FTW! Make sure you put in some wooden sticks to support the now weakened root system after yu get the hole situation figured out ;)
Well how much space should i leave between each plant? Its not so much a cash crop, i just dont have the room indoors anymore. If i through them into flower right now, the will finish at over 6 feet tall and my ceilings are only 8. Its more a space issue than quanity issue.


Well-Known Member
you could leave 3 feet between each plant's root hole, assuming they are 4 or 5 feet tall. Yea you are right they are going to stretch when moving to flower. Tying down the master cola will force the plant to bush out more.


this is a completely unprofessional opinion and is just the mindworks of the first bowl in 2 days. aka stoned noob so don't take this advice unless one of the well seasoned growers gives you similar advice (i would be amazed if that happened). First thing would be that you want to minimize the shock with a gradual transplant. here comes the high idea train. get a large container that will be able to accommodate a few 5 gl smart pots completely submerged. Fill this container with water that resembles the water they are in right as closely as possible except bring the pH up to about 6.3. smoke a bowl. Get some 5 gallon smart pots or some kind of similar pot that allows the root system to grow through it. Get some soil and perlite and pour a 2 inch layer of perlite on the bottom of each 5 gl pot 2 in of soil packed down on top of the perlite and place it in the large filled container so that at least 90% of it is submerged in the water. Take a plant, put the root system into the pot so the roots are now submerged in the 6.3 medium inside the 5 gl pot with the dirt in the first few inches at the bottom. SLOWLY add very fine soil and some kind of aeration components (clay balls? don't know) until the level gets where it needs to git. this may take a while so smoke lots o' pot now as it needs to settle. drain the container and let them hang out (still all inside) move them to where they need to be inside the same conditions for a week or two. mulch up the soil really good outside where you plan on setting these babies and condition the soil(this is where you need one of the seasoned growers). I wouldn't try this with all of them if for some reason you seriously consider this. and smoke a bowl.


Well-Known Member
I think if you had someone hold it up while you packed damp soil around the roots, maybe propped them up, give them a week or two and they would be fine.