Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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That site was total bullshit, lol. Reverse psychology failure if I've ever seen one.
You have to clarify ... why is WRH total bullshit? Like I said I have my questions but WRH IMO is an excellent news source.

In fact I found this at their site ...
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is Reviewing 9/11 Thermite Paper
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs received the Thermite paper on August 11, 2009. Contact Mr. Gibbs to find out what he is doing with this information. Here is the 9/11 Thermite document:
http://files.meetup.com/749288/NanoThermite paper.pdf
Download it and share it with any and all people especially government officials.

For an explanation of the paper's findings in language geared to non-scientists, see:

I highly doubt he will review anything and even if he did, he will do nothing about it. But this still puts them on notice that we know and it is making them nervous.:clap:
WCM brings up a good point. Whose going to be doing the investigating? On a matter like this, we'd either have to fully trust a new investigation under some new cabinet of government (I don't know if I would be able to trust an investigation that took place in Obama's administration, to me his is almost identicle to the Bush administration) or some independent team (something I can't remember seeing or hearing about, which probably means is not likely to happen..).

So do the rest of you think you would feel comfortable if say they did have another investigation and the results came up the same? No gov. coverup, no conspiracy, 19 hijackers... 4 planes, the whole thing.

If another investigation ever does take place, that is really the only shot at getting anymore information about 911 out, but I don't see any other entitiy other than the US gov. to fund it. It would be kind of like me funding my own murder trial... I'd have every amount of motivation to NOT get the facts right, wouldn't I?
The folks in this article name names ...

http://factsnotfairies.blogspot.com/search/label/EARLY 9-11 REPORTAGE REVEALS SURPRISESEARLY 9-11 REPORTAGE REVEALS SURPRISES
New York Post, Sept. 13, page 59
"Beyond Pearl Harbor"
by Robert D. Novak

Novak's first sentence:
Security experts and airline officials agree privately that the simultaneous hijacking of four jetliners was an "inside job," probably indicating complicity beyond malfeasance.
In the last paragraph, Novak reports:
Stratfor.com, the private intelligence company, reported Tuesday, "The big winner today, intentionally or not, is the state of Israel."
See also: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

have a good weekend everybody ... :clap::weed:
WCM brings up a good point. Whose going to be doing the investigating?
Some how we have got to have an non partisan investigation ... perhaps civil? It's obvious the elite in government has no intentions of doing anything. It would be like putting a noose around their own necks.

On a matter like this, we'd either have to fully trust a new investigation under some new cabinet of government (I don't know if I would be able to trust an investigation that took place in Obama's administration, to me his is almost identicle to the Bush administration) or some independent team (something I can't remember seeing or hearing about, which probably means is not likely to happen..).
I completely agree.

So do the rest of you think you would feel comfortable if say they did have another investigation and the results came up the same? No gov. coverup, no conspiracy, 19 hijackers... 4 planes, the whole thing.
Not if they do the same as the last bogus investigation were there was no testifying under oath and both parties blocking evidence. It would be obvious as before of a cover-up.

If another investigation ever does take place, that is really the only shot at getting anymore information about 911 out, but I don't see any other entitiy other than the US gov. to fund it. It would be kind of like me funding my own murder trial... I'd have every amount of motivation to NOT get the facts right, wouldn't I?
We the people will have to find a way of doing it without the elites in government blocking our attempt to find the truth. We will have to see what happens in NY in November.

My bad, they were showing the footage the "shills" were using.
I had a feeling that what happen ... no problem:clap:
http://www.ae911truth.org/Letter to NIST from AE911truth.org requesting meeting regarding NIST Reports
Dr. Shyam Sunder
National Institute of Standards & Technology
100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070
July 20, 2009

Re: Request for meeting regarding NIST Reports - WTC7 and Twin Towers
Dear Dr. Sunder,
We have heard you state publicly after the WTC 7 press conference that it “would not be productive” for you to meet with the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. This is quite
disappointing – as we now have over 700 architects and engineers at AE911Truth calling for a real investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. At what point will you take us seriously? Perhaps when our rapidly growing numbers reach 1,000 A/E’s?

Here are our talking points:

South Tower Smoking Guns
This view of the destruction of the South Tower of the World Trade Center displays a remarkable number of features that support the interpretation that it was destroyed by explosives.

This was put up at another political pot forum. I'm trying to get a link from the OP pretty good info so I thought I'd put it up ... check it out ...
The WTC were designed to withstand a full-on impact from a Boeing 707. The Boeing 707 weighed between 103,145 lb (46,785 kg) (the lightest model out of three) and 146,400 lb (66,406 kg) (the heaviest of the three). Those figures are just the plane itself, not the maximum operating weight. The Boeing 707 could hold between 16,060 US gal (60,900 l) (the lightest of the three models) and 23,820 US gal (90,160 l) (the heaviest of the three).

That means that the WTC was constructed to take an impact of a Boeing 707 weighing more than 146,400 lb (66,406 kg) (maximum flight capacity being 333,600 lb (151,320 kg)), with a fuel capacity of 23,820 US gal (90,160 l). Most of the fuel would vaporize/burn off on impact, but a significant amount would still make it into the towers. However, this amount, would not make the towers unstable.

Now let's look at the plane that hit the towers: the Boeing 767.

The Boeing 767 weighs between 176,650 lb (80,130 kg) (the lightest model) and
229,000 lb (103,870 kg) (the heaviest model). It can carry 23,980 U.S. gal (90,770 L) of fuel. That is roughly the same amount of fuel as the 707. Already here we can rule out, that the amounts of fuel dumped into the WTC couldn't have been greater than anticipated, since the 767 doesn't carry more fuel than the 707.

We can, however, see that the 767 weighs quite alot more than the 707. But if impact would have been an issue, the problems would have shown immediately: cracking columns and a severely weakened structure would force the building into the ground in a matter of minutes - not hours. And since the plane doesn't carry these "massive amounts" of fuel you talk of, it becomes clear, that fuel fires from a 767 would not be worse than fuel fires from a 707, at least in amounts.

A hit from 767 would not pose a significantly greater risk to the WTC than a hit from a 707.
Thats VERY true GR. Been lookin at that for along time now. I just dont understand why/how this is SO hard to believe ?? ITS ALL SCIENCE. well i guess now we know just how much THE MEDIA controls peoples thoughts....bongsmilie
Thats VERY true GR. Been lookin at that for along time now. I just dont understand why/how this is SO hard to believe ?? ITS ALL SCIENCE. well i guess now we know just how much THE MEDIA controls peoples thoughts....bongsmilie
Wyteboi ... some people simply can't handle the truth. So they disregard the facts and create a fantasy in their head. The don't want to believe that the elite thinks of them as cattle ... to be used in what ever manner they see fit. We keep the pressure on by continuing to present the evidence ... and work to make it generally known. Because we talk about it and spread the word, it will make it more difficult for them to stage another false flag attack.:clap:
http://www.blip.tv/file/2505789Video - Sister of fallen 9/11 firefighter speaks about her brother and 9/11
Michele Little, the sister of fallen firefighter David M. Weiss, speaks about her brother and her feelings regarding 9/11.

http://www.911blogger.com/node/20950Finally, an apology from the National Geographic Channel
Six days after September 11th, National Geographic Today (NGT) published one of the very first descriptions of the official myth for what happened to the World Trade Center (WTC) towers.[1] This article exaggerated the little known facts about the fires in the towers, equated gas temperatures with steel temperatures, and detailed the long-surviving but incorrect Pancake Theory of “collapse.” Since that time, millions of people have been killed or injured in the 9/11 Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that originated from the official myth about 9/11.[2,3] Fortunately, this week it was announced that the NGT’s parent, the National Geographic Channel (NG Channel), is scheduled to broadcast a new television special covering the science behind the events of 9/11. We can only assume that this new show is meant to correct the record and apologize for the company’s false statements that contributed to the ongoing wars.
I have my doubts since NGC is owned by the neocon Murdoch.:fire:

http://americansjourney.blogspot.com/2009/08/fox-news-5-reports-wtc-7-collapse.htmlFox news 5 reports WTC 7 collapse before it happens
Another news outlet reporting the collapse before it happen.:o
that post brought back some memories ............bad ones. There is so much proof it is a joke to even argue the official story :spew:
WACLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players DAY THREE

These guys are the greatest. They got Shoemer, Dean, Specter, and the senator from Hawaii. There was another one they gave a copy to, don't know his name, but he almost had a baby when they mention treason.:clap:Great work WACLA:weed:

nice job grow, i saw this earlier this morning and figured you had it covered

ill post the letter that goes along with it

Dear Honorable Congress Person,

We the People, in order to restore rule of law and accountability to our Republic, respectfully insist that you, as an elected representative, squarely face the facts concerning the events of September 11, 2001 and the implications thereof.
It is our moral and civic duty to entrust to you facts and scientific analyses in the form of peer-reviewed, published scientific papers that clearly and conclusively prove thousands of our fellow human beings and citizens were murdered in controlled and criminal demolitions on September 11, 2001.

Plausible deniability of these facts and evidence is no longer possible. If you fail to acknowledge and act immediately and decisively on this evidence, then your inaction will constitute misprision of treason in the least, outright treason at worst. The time is now to fulfill your oath to the Constitution and stand tall in the face of the corruption of our Republic. We the People stand with you.
Pursuant to U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115

§ 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


§ 2382. Misprision of Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

A new 911 web site is under construction ... it will show all the scientific evidence to support that the towers were brought down by demo ...
http://www.scienceof911.com.au/Anouncing a new web site: The Science of 9/11
There is much controversy over what happened that day, not only between those who support and those who dispute the official explanation but also among various groups within the “9/11 truth movement”. The basic purpose of this website is to examine and present soundly based scientific evidence that the buildings were brought down by “controlled demolition” using explosives. It is hoped that this will provide a clear picture by collecting together the most compelling evidence for demolition, while avoiding those aspects of 9/11 which are still in dispute.

This is an au site ... I'm really impressed by how many foreign countries are interested in uncovering the truth of what happen that day.
Here's a new video of the WTC 7 collapsing.

New collapse footage of WTC7 and North Tower - Nov 2008
just got done watching it

and it slants pretty heavily to the conventional story, i wish they had gone more non partison and given both sides an even chance to debate the facts

i think while the 9/11 truthers were marching at ground zero you can see alex jones for 1/2 a second

but they didnt even put on what he had to say, because you know he wont just stand there
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