Your a jokester Dave.... right? ~lol~ You haven't noticed the difference in the guys face between the 'real' OBL and the one admitting responsibility? Not to mention that that guy was writing with the wrong hand and was wearing jewelery that is apparently forbidden in the Islam culture....
No I'm not joking We. I don't buy into the whole 9/11 conspiracy thing because I've have researched extensively US involvement dating back to WWI. Everything OBL says regarding why they attacked us makes perfect sense. Here's a pic from that video...I see no jewelry. It looks like OBL to me and do keep in mind that the tape I've mentioned was released to and aired on Al Jazeera...not released to any US based media outlet...
Bush win no awards w/ me, but I don't buy into anything that places the blame solely on the Bush Administration.
I'd suggest you check out "The Road to 9/11" produced by National Geographic for a more objective video. Did you know that plans for 9/11 were confiscated by Manila (Philippines) authorities back in 1995 and given to the FBI? The FBI chose not to share any of this information as they essentially discounted the information. I implore you to check out the documentary.