Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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My time is short guys... I will get back to all of your replies.

On the woman standing in the hole...

While not the safest place to stand, it would be one of the coolest. That hole was feeding the majority of the 7 story blaze with oxygen. Air would be sucking past there creating a pretty cool vacuum. The fire itself was over 3 stories above. I would expect that she eventually jumped before the building collapsed as the fire engulfed the areas around her. I don't have time to research now... but that would be my guess. I mean... there is molten metal spitting out that one corner on the other side... please stop arguing that the fire wasn't hot.

Heat rises. Fire consumes oxygen. A tunnel feeding a fire above with oxygen will be cooled.

bbl with more.

One other thing about this and your explanation. if the fire is 3 storys above her, then how did the hole she is standing in get there? Isn't that the hole the plane made when it impacted? And if it is such a hole then that MUST be where the fire is, or are you saying the fire skipped a few floors from where the plane hit and magically started the burn 30 feet above the impact? Which is it? Either the plane made that hole she is standing in, or it did not, and if it did then that would be where the fire is, not up 3 floors. Doesn't make alot of sense what you are saying here. And that liquid metal you see is either Iron or Steel, which means the fires must be in excess of 3000. It couldn't be aluminum, when aluminum melts it keeps its silvery color, Iron/steel glows white hot when its melted.
One other thing about this and your explanation. if the fire is 3 storys above her, then how did the hole she is standing in get there? Isn't that the hole the plane made when it impacted? And if it is such a hole then that MUST be where the fire is, or are you saying the fire skipped a few floors from where the plane hit and magically started the burn 30 feet above the impact? Which is it? Either the plane made that hole she is standing in, or it did not, and if it did then that would be where the fire is, not up 3 floors. Doesn't make alot of sense what you are saying here. And that liquid metal you see is either Iron or Steel, which means the fires must be in excess of 3000. It couldn't be aluminum, when aluminum melts it keeps its silvery color, Iron/steel glows white hot when its melted.

lol how the hell didn't i catch that :confused:. his statement made zero since
One other thing about this and your explanation. if the fire is 3 storys above her, then how did the hole she is standing in get there? Isn't that the hole the plane made when it impacted? And if it is such a hole then that MUST be where the fire is, or are you saying the fire skipped a few floors from where the plane hit and magically started the burn 30 feet above the impact? Which is it? Either the plane made that hole she is standing in, or it did not, and if it did then that would be where the fire is, not up 3 floors. Doesn't make alot of sense what you are saying here. And that liquid metal you see is either Iron or Steel, which means the fires must be in excess of 3000. It couldn't be aluminum, when aluminum melts it keeps its silvery color, Iron/steel glows white hot when its melted.

One other thing to add, you can clearly see her hair in the picture. her hair is not windswept like you would see if there was so much air being sucked up into the building. Nuff said about that, I think we can clearly see that there is no large fire behind her, or 3 floors up. not a large enough one to do what you are hypothesizing anyway.

One more thing, Why do you keep quoting" I didn't think it would fall that way"?
If your trying to convey my sentiments on this you should be quoting " I didn't think it would fall" period.
Someone was asking a while back how many people it would take to be on it? I don't know but 130,000 kept the secret of the manhattan project if this helps get a closer idea of what is capable.
Actually they did not and the data and plans were stolen by the russians....

Yeah that happened after the project was finished and we had already used the bombs, so that doesn't really count as keeping a secret when you already let the cat out of the bag.
I guess this is what you guys are advocating eh?
(Taken from another board, but it fits perfectly)

Bush: I`m an idiot who can barely read or write but I have a question. Why do we need to crash planes into the towers at all? Since everyone knows terrorists tried to blow up the buildings once, why don`t we just blow them up and blame it on the terrorists?
Rumsfeld: Mr. President you don`t understand. It`s much better to sneak into the buildings ourselves, plant the bombs, and make it look like exploding planes that brought the buildings down.
That way we involve more people, stand a greater chance of being exposed, and needlessly complicate everything!
Cheney: Of course just toppling the twin towers will never be enough. We will never get a war mandate if we just topple the twin towers, we also need to shoot a missile at the Pentagon, and then obviously we need to fake a plane crash in the middle of fucking nowhere somewhere in rural Pennsylvania.
Rumsfeld: Yeah it goes without saying the public outrage won`t be enough without that crash in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Cheney: And the Pentagon crash--we have to do it in broad daylight and say it was a plane, even though it was a cruise missile..
Bush: Wait, why do we have to use a missile?
Cheney: Because it`s much easier to shoot a missile and say it was a plane.
Bush: But aren't`t we using two planes on the Twin Towers?
Rumsfeld: Mr. President, in Washington, we use a missile and say it was a plane because it`s sneakier that way.
Bush: Duh...O.K.
Rumsfeld: The other good thing about saying it was a passenger jet, is that way we have to invent a few hundred fictional victims and account for a missing crew and plane.

And then apparently to lend weight to the whole hijacking story, they burn a big hole in the ground in Pennsylvania and claim a jet went down there, crashed by a bunch of brave fictional civilians who fictionally storm the fictional plane cabin. The real life wife of one of the fictional heroes, Lisa Beamer, then writes a self-serving paean/memoir to her "dead husband", again lending tremendous verisimilitude to the hijacking story. These guys are good!

These guys are good
One other thing to add, you can clearly see her hair in the picture. her hair is not windswept like you would see if there was so much air being sucked up into the building. Nuff said about that, I think we can clearly see that there is no large fire behind her, or 3 floors up. not a large enough one to do what you are hypothesizing anyway.

One more thing, Why do you keep quoting" I didn't think it would fall that way"?
If your trying to convey my sentiments on this you should be quoting " I didn't think it would fall" period.

LOL... so are you now saying that the building wasn't on fire? Did Bush stop the wind too?
I got it... it was all cgi, projectors, and lsd...

I have a personal question to ask...

How many theories have you been through? Were you among the "no planes" crowd? What about the "all the jews took the day off" thing? How bout "there is no AlQueda"? "Flight 93 was shot down."? "93 landed in Ohio"?

What theories have you abandoned already? I am asking you to be honest.
NO! Actually I just blew your argument out of the water.

It was your argument that it would be some sort of vortex with hurricane force winds. I said that oxygen would be feeding the fire through there, and would likely be the coolest place to be, barring being able to access a stairwell and descend.

Did she end up jumping?
As many different theories as there are and or could be it's not really about the theories it's more the OFFICIAL CONCLUSION. what (your) theory?
http://www.voltairenet.org/article160636.html9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public
It was odd to me that all cameras were so fiercely prohibited within the secured perimeter of Ground Zero, that the entire area was declared a crime scene and yet the “evidence” within that crime scene was so rapidly removed and destroyed. And then it was very odd to me when I learned that FEMA and several other federal agencies had already moved into position at their command center at Pier 92 on September 10th, one day before the attacks!

On September 11, 2001, the area known as “Ground Zero” was sealed from the public eye. Sonnenfeld, however, was given unrestricted access enabling him to document for the investigation (that never took place) and provide some “sanitized” pool video to virtually every news network in the world. The tapes that reveal some of the anomalies which he discovered at Ground Zero are still in his possession.
Accused of a crime that did not occur in a manifest frame-up scenario, especially in light of ensuing events [1], Kurt Sonnenfeld has been persecuted across continents. After several years of fear, injustice and isolation, he has decided to take a public stand against the Government’s official story and is prepared to submit his material to the close scrutiny of reliable experts.

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wtc7.htmlThe Controlled Collapse Of WTC 7
Take a close look at the manner in which WTC 7 collapses straight down.
For a building to collapse into its own footprint, as WTC 7 did, ALL of the load bearing members must fail at the exact same moment. This is achieved in controlled demolitions.
There is also a RealMedia video showing evidence of cutter charges in WTC 7 collapse in the link. Also there is a video showing what happens when a building collapse without explosives. Not to mention several images of other building that collapse without explosives.
It was your argument that it would be some sort of vortex with hurricane force winds. I said that oxygen would be feeding the fire through there, and would likely be the coolest place to be, barring being able to access a stairwell and descend.

Did she end up jumping?

Well good sir just how much wind would have to exist for you to not feel the so called steel melting Fire right behind her? Go stick your ass next to the oven on its highest temp and tell me if it only needs a gentle draft to keep your ass from burning. Simple kindergarten physics, fire is not just fire, it is heat by three methods, Convection, conduction and radiation. Your theory that a small draft will dissipate all the heat that must be right behind her is totally wrong. Its either that or the fire is not behind her, but 3 stories up, and then for that to be the case then the hole she is standing was not created by the plane. So which is it?

And I certainly never said it would be hurricane force winds now did I? you just got caught making shit up YET AGAIN!!! You are a Shill!! Anyone on this forum can go back and read the damned things I have posted, NO WHERE DID I SAY THAT!!!! You ever see a fashion model shoot? You know they get those little fans out to make the girls hair fly back? You think that is hurricane force winds? The woman standing in the hole doesn't even have that. Again your theory is demonstrably wrong and you have been yet again proven to be a liar or at the very least someone who misquotes and embellishes everything anyone else writes. I could see if I was actually talking to you, and you just weren't able to recall the exact thing I said, but its the written word buddy, if you can't read then you shouldn't be here. Now go away before you make another complete ass of yourself.
I got it... it was all cgi, projectors, and lsd...

I have a personal question to ask...

How many theories have you been through? Were you among the "no planes" crowd? What about the "all the jews took the day off" thing? How bout "there is no AlQueda"? "Flight 93 was shot down."? "93 landed in Ohio"?

What theories have you abandoned already? I am asking you to be honest.

How many theories have I expounded on here? Just the same one, you are just trying to make a comeback by trying so very hard to discredit me by coming up with lies , lies and more lies. Anyone who is following this thread has already thrown anything you say out the window, as seen by the lack of any support on your end of things. If anyone has tried to come up with multiple harebrained theories to try and prove impossibilities is you.

You still haven't addressed the "Molten Aluminum" theory of yours I already disproved, got no snappy comebacks for that one eh? I will take your silence on all the other things as your admission of defeat.

Thanks for Playing!



NoDrama...GrowRebel... i've tried to rep you guys a lot during this thread. however, it appears i can only rep you guys so many times. you guys know A LOT about this subject. i applaud you 2 :clap:. keep up the fight for truth
Thanks JF .... I will do all I can to keep folks informed about 911 ... knowledge is power and the elite fears a well informed public.

Check this one out folks ...
http://revolutionarypolitics.com/?p=1409A BURIED 60 Minutes INTERVIEW / INDICTMENT
The video employs clips from a 2004 “60 Minutes” Interview with 2001-2003 Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O’Neil. O’Neil,a Permanent Member of the then formed NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (NSC), was eventually FIRED in 2003, for what he OPPOSED and witnessed in the Early days of the JUST elected 2001 Bush Whitehouse. He was appalled at the Secrecy and Contradictions in the George Bush he thought he knew. It was apparent a new agenda was rolling…and he wanted NO part in it. War plans were in the works, long BEFORE the 911 World Trade Center attack. Far from a tragedy, 911 was an OPPORTUNITY for the Bush/Cheney White House to proceed with Plans.
That last sentence is what brought it all together for me when looking into everything. The events just seemed to work in the previous administrations favor too well, too many people made too much money off the tragedy for it to all just be a huge coincidence...
Thanks JF .... I will do all I can to keep folks informed about 911 ... knowledge is power and the elite fears a well informed public.

Check this one out folks ...
The video employs clips from a 2004 “60 Minutes” Interview with 2001-2003 Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O’Neil. O’Neil,a Permanent Member of the then formed NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (NSC), was eventually FIRED in 2003, for what he OPPOSED and witnessed in the Early days of the JUST elected 2001 Bush Whitehouse. He was appalled at the Secrecy and Contradictions in the George Bush he thought he knew. It was apparent a new agenda was rolling…and he wanted NO part in it. War plans were in the works, long BEFORE the 911 World Trade Center attack. Far from a tragedy, 911 was an OPPORTUNITY for the Bush/Cheney White House to proceed with Plans.

So which is it?

9/11 was an inside job


9/11 was not an inside job but it was used as a reason to go to war in Iraq

Again I offer this:

Bush: I`m an idiot who can barely read or write but I have a question. Why do we need to crash planes into the towers at all? Since everyone knows terrorists tried to blow up the buildings once, why don`t we just blow them up and blame it on the terrorists?
Rumsfeld: Mr. President you don`t understand. It`s much better to sneak into the buildings ourselves, plant the bombs, and make it look like exploding planes that brought the buildings down.
That way we involve more people, stand a greater chance of being exposed, and needlessly complicate everything!
Cheney: Of course just toppling the twin towers will never be enough. We will never get a war mandate if we just topple the twin towers, we also need to shoot a missile at the Pentagon, and then obviously we need to fake a plane crash in the middle of fucking nowhere somewhere in rural Pennsylvania.
Rumsfeld: Yeah it goes without saying the public outrage won`t be enough without that crash in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Cheney: And the Pentagon crash--we have to do it in broad daylight and say it was a plane, even though it was a cruise missile..
Bush: Wait, why do we have to use a missile?
Cheney: Because it`s much easier to shoot a missile and say it was a plane.
Bush: But aren't`t we using two planes on the Twin Towers?
Rumsfeld: Mr. President, in Washington, we use a missile and say it was a plane because it`s sneakier that way.
Bush: Duh...O.K.
Rumsfeld: The other good thing about saying it was a passenger jet, is that way we have to invent a few hundred fictional victims and account for a missing crew and plane.

And then apparently to lend weight to the whole hijacking story, they burn a big hole in the ground in Pennsylvania and claim a jet went down there, crashed by a bunch of brave fictional civilians who fictionally storm the fictional plane cabin. The real life wife of one of the fictional heroes, Lisa Beamer, then writes a self-serving paean/memoir to her "dead husband", again lending tremendous verisimilitude to the hijacking story. These guys are good!

The government cannot even keep a memo from the EPA secret for very long, how in the hell do you think they could keep this a secret for 8 years?
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