Oh Hunter!

Why are People so bent on Hunter, He's not running for Office, Should we go after the nepotism in the White House ? if it were Hillary or any other President it would be taboo to all of you. why is it okay with Trump ?

This Idiot doesn't care about you at all, when are you going to wake up and smell the Fucking Coffee ?

He want one thing from you, You haven't seen him in your town for his whole term, now he's Playing a fucking game with you coming to your town and telling you what you want to hear until he gets what he wants, Then it's back to the Golf Course. Why in Sam Tarnation do you not see that ?

I heard one candidate giving us a Plan and the Other arguing like a freaking 7th grade school bully. I dunno maybe you all loved that Bully that beat the shit out of the Weakest students to show you how tough he is.

The evidence is piling up, more to come. Oh Joe! We always knew you were corrupt but this is really something.

U Must be here to get a rise out of People because you're saying Biden's Corrupt, Trump is the most Corrupt Person to ever dawn the doors of the White House. PERIOD (Sean Spicer)

Why do you like him, Please tell us We have been here for almost 4 years explaining and pleading to try and Help change Your mind, But yet you seem bent on Trump, So please what has he done for you ? Chaos is off limits The Donald already has that award.

How much fossil fuels do you think we have left here ?

Just look at his Rallies he don't care who dies. Wake up don't be a fool !!
U Must be here to get a rise out of People because you're saying Biden's Corrupt, Trump is the most Corrupt Person to ever dawn the doors of the White House. PERIOD (Sean Spicer)

Why do you like him, Please tell us We have been here for almost 4 years explaining and pleading to try and Help change Your mind, But yet you seem bent on Trump, So please what has he done for you ? Chaos is off limits The Donald already has that award.

How much fossil fuels do you think we have left here ?

Just look at his Rallies he don't care who dies. Wake up don't be a fool !!
Wish I had time this morning for a full answer. Just cast my first vote for Trump. Why would I ever vote with people that smear me as racist, nazi, etc. over political differences? Think I’m the only person that feels that way? Lol. Dems are in for a HUUUUGE surprise.
Wish I had time this morning for a full answer. Just cast my first vote for Trump. Why would I ever vote with people that smear me as racist, nazi, etc. over political differences? Think I’m the only person that feels that way? Lol. Dems are in for a HUUUUGE surprise.
Hold on
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Wish I had time this morning for a full answer. Just cast my first vote for Trump. Why would I ever vote with people that smear me as racist, nazi, etc. over political differences? Think I’m the only person that feels that way? Lol. Dems are in for a HUUUUGE surprise.
Revenge of the half-a-brainers. For decades people like you have been called stupid, frowned upon because your lack of morals, lack of integrity, and your inability to meme. Years of discrimination against you by more complete brainers, the mental abuse, the shitty jobs, being pushed out of modern cities, not having your own Obama. It has all fueled your desire for vengeance, fueled your desire to ‘own the libs’. There’s just one major flaw in your strategy: it’s a self-own too.

If you are convinced Trump will win, you should bet all your money at the bookies as the odds are looking really really good for you.
Wish I had time this morning for a full answer. Just cast my first vote for Trump. Why would I ever vote with people that smear me as racist, nazi, etc. over political differences? Think I’m the only person that feels that way? Lol. Dems are in for a HUUUUGE surprise.
Oh well if you let what other people call you get to you, you shouldn't.

The old Saying Sticks and Stones. Who cares what others say, Cuz I am sure if you disagreed with Trump he would call you a lot worse than people on a web site.

Sorry to hear that you trust Trump, But that is your decision, I feel it is the wrong one but it's yours. If you like division then he's your man I guess.

Good luck to all of us if Trump does win because I fear we will lose everything we have. As in our Freedoms and Economy, Trump didn't have the best either he did get handed a great growing economy from our last President.
What would Captain Covid did if he had to stand in line for 8 hours. would he stand or what would he do ?

I am certain he would not think it was so good, But nope he got to cut into a line. The benefits he will have a hard time living without when Biden wins.

Bugeye I think Trump may lose in landslide there's going to be 100 million votes before election day and most
of those are for Biden I am sure, When we the people speak we the People will be heard. How many more on election day that's the question.
